You were happy yesterday before this was announced, and now you're annoyed. Yesterday your subscription was worth it, and suddenly it's not? Come on. If they do what you say, what happens for someone who's already bought ALL the content? Now they lose out every month! Boo hoo! It's a small perk. It's cosmetic. You got it free as an add-on when you bought something else. You're not losing out on anything. Don't complain.
I’m getting really tired of perks from pre-ordering and buying books being applied to subscriptions. It just prevents me from pre-ordering in the future, as I know I’ll likely be gifted them anyway. It also makes them feel less unique, so I won’t bother to buy digital dice. It’s nice to have rare items, but they become less rare when just tossed out nilly-willy.
It seems this is in the spirit of a “customer rewards program” yet it awards minimum participation. Seems a great idea, but please reevaluate how to reward long time preorder subscribers.
Thanks, I have been a subscriber since the beginning and I own all the content except the digital dice skins, cause, come on really... Anyway just wanted to say thanks.
Can you add a profile marker for length of subscription, you know to ID those of us who've been Master Subscribers since the beginning? Supporting D&D Beyond and all it is becoming.
Sorry for the complaint but I still can't access them 24 hours after my subscription purchase on any of my characters. I am using a desktop web browser so it shouldn't be due to using the app. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry for the complaint but I still can't access them 24 hours after my subscription purchase on any of my characters. I am using a desktop web browser so it shouldn't be due to using the app. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
From the OP:
For new subscribers, if you don't see your perks right away we update access to them every Friday and Monday--they'll be there soon!
So, you'll probably get them tomorrow.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Fatti non foste a viver come bruti ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza
Fun coincidence, I subscribed over the weekend. What fun! Thanks for the perks. ☺️
I’m rediscovering D&D after 25 years away and getting my kids into it. DDB is making the whole process much easier, smoother, and SO worth the investment. Thanks again!!
So we are getting subscriber perks....which hey that's neat. And its Free, which is a solid choice. But one place that you lost me was that they will occasionally be new cosmetics or recycled preorder perks. I have preordered almost everything on beyond, so I have a fairly large library of the cosmetics unlocked. will there always be something new? or will it be a mix? if we already have the preorder perk will we get a different one unlocked at random? or is it just a "sorry buddy, thanks for being a longtime subscriber but you didn't get any bonus stuff this month" on occasion.
But one place that you lost me was that they will occasionally be new cosmetics or recycled preorder perks.
Not just occasionally; it will always be just new cosmetics:
Subscriber perks are ways of customizing your character sheet and playing experience.
Which is fair; they're probably quite easy for them to create and add, and probably doesn't require any (further) license fees.
...unfortunately I've found the majority of portrait frames unusable as they cover out way too much of the portrait; and I can't really see the backdrops anyway without a bit of browser magic to view just that image, and I'll never use the on screen dice as they noticably slow me down; but at least I won't have the FOMO pressure to preorder any of the books now.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
--[ Natural 20 - that's how I roll! ]-- We've stopped this OGL madness, but stay vigilant, they tried it once, they can try it again.
You were happy yesterday before this was announced, and now you're annoyed. Yesterday your subscription was worth it, and suddenly it's not? Come on. If they do what you say, what happens for someone who's already bought ALL the content? Now they lose out every month! Boo hoo! It's a small perk. It's cosmetic. You got it free as an add-on when you bought something else. You're not losing out on anything. Don't complain.
I’m getting really tired of perks from pre-ordering and buying books being applied to subscriptions. It just prevents me from pre-ordering in the future, as I know I’ll likely be gifted them anyway. It also makes them feel less unique, so I won’t bother to buy digital dice. It’s nice to have rare items, but they become less rare when just tossed out nilly-willy.
It seems this is in the spirit of a “customer rewards program” yet it awards minimum participation. Seems a great idea, but please reevaluate how to reward long time preorder subscribers.
Since I'm the DM, I've changed the frame on a few of my players' sheets and they stick. The players see it. Didn't have to unclaim or anything.
Nice, so it is even easier than I thought it would be.
Check Licenses and Resync Entitlements: < >
Running the Game by Matt Colville; Introduction: < >
D&D with High School Students by Bill Allen; Season 1 Episode 1: < >
Thanks, I have been a subscriber since the beginning and I own all the content except the digital dice skins, cause, come on really... Anyway just wanted to say thanks.
Can you add a profile marker for length of subscription, you know to ID those of us who've been Master Subscribers since the beginning? Supporting D&D Beyond and all it is becoming.
Also how about API access to our content?
Yes! lol - that's exactly what my wife said when I told her that DDB was implementing a subscriber perks system.
💜 Spes Æternum Oritur 💜
I was able to change the background and portrait frames for my players. I had to do it on my end.
Strange I don't see any new dice sets from what I've had. Where do you find the new monthly set?
There is not a new set of dice this month.
Erean Cabenrith a Variant Human Cleric (Light Domain)
Eliem Lightblossom a High Elf Blood Hunter
Check out my Extended Signature Here
:O very pog, also were do i change my background layout for my character??
Give me some time I am new at this.
Same. Entitlements are in-sync as well. Not sure if bug? Long time subscriber here.
Got Goblin?
Sorry for the complaint but I still can't access them 24 hours after my subscription purchase on any of my characters. I am using a desktop web browser so it shouldn't be due to using the app. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
From the OP:
So, you'll probably get them tomorrow.
Fatti non foste a viver come bruti ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza
Cool, been a master tier sub since I joined.
Fun coincidence, I subscribed over the weekend. What fun! Thanks for the perks. ☺️
I’m rediscovering D&D after 25 years away and getting my kids into it. DDB is making the whole process much easier, smoother, and SO worth the investment. Thanks again!!
So we are getting subscriber perks....which hey that's neat. And its Free, which is a solid choice. But one place that you lost me was that they will occasionally be new cosmetics or recycled preorder perks. I have preordered almost everything on beyond, so I have a fairly large library of the cosmetics unlocked. will there always be something new? or will it be a mix? if we already have the preorder perk will we get a different one unlocked at random? or is it just a "sorry buddy, thanks for being a longtime subscriber but you didn't get any bonus stuff this month" on occasion.
Not just occasionally; it will always be just new cosmetics:
Which is fair; they're probably quite easy for them to create and add, and probably doesn't require any (further) license fees.
...unfortunately I've found the majority of portrait frames unusable as they cover out way too much of the portrait; and I can't really see the backdrops anyway without a bit of browser magic to view just that image, and I'll never use the on screen dice as they noticably slow me down; but at least I won't have the FOMO pressure to preorder any of the books now.
--[ Natural 20 - that's how I roll! ]--
We've stopped this OGL madness, but stay vigilant, they tried it once, they can try it again.
I think it would be nice, if those sub perks were giftable. So if you already got them, you could at least share them with your friends.
Is this just me or is it the new app? I don’t see a change for the background or frame on the App but it works if I view through the website?