The team went to PAX Unplugged and had a great time. Adam enjoyed meeting the community!
Mobile App Character Sheets are currently in development
Encounter Tracker is currently in development. Adam shared a video demonstrating what the tracker will be able to do. DM's will be able to add in their PC's, add in the PC initiatives, auto-roll for monster initiative, track status conditions, add NPC's/allies. The button to ask PC's to roll for initiative will not be available at release, but the DM will be able to auto-roll for PC initiatives.
Digital Dice Roller is currently in development. Adam announced there will be dice customization. Subscribers will receive skins and animations.
Unearthed Arcana Class Features are In Progress
"Easy Button" Book Release - will make book releases easier and faster for the Development team
Holiday Break - December 21 - January 1 - D&D Beyond Staff will be on holiday break. The website will not be updated, but we will continue to monitor everything.
Latest Updates
You can view the Dev Update on the D&D Beyond YouTube Channel.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?