(UA) Class Feature Variants Built on top of Framework Updates
(WIP) Character Sheet Framework So far so good! Phased rollout - Internal, 5% (Done), Subscribers WIP
(Incoming) Player Mobile App/Digital Dice Alphas coming once Subscribers stable
(Incoming) Quarantine Resources Free Adventures to play at home while you stay at home
Digital Dice - Post Alpha Coming Soon!
"General Features" System To commence in Q2
Mythic Odysseys of Theros June 2nd
Tech Tok - Dev Update Next week With guest DDB Architect Dave Hartless!
New stream shows on Twitch
Builds Character - Thursdays @ Noon - Todd and guests talk about character creation
Silver & Steel - Tuesdays 6pm on Twitch.TV/DNDBeyond Dungeon Master Jasmine "THATBRONZEGIRL" Bhullar B. Dave Walters Meagan Kenreck Todd Kenreck Lauren "Oboe" Urban
Roll in the Family - The Slumbering Forest (Six Episode Limited Series) - Partnering with Direct Relief Gaming - Starting Thursday, April 16 @ 3 pm PT DM Brennan Mulligan Kahlan, B. Dave, and Lexi Walters Kelly and Maddy Knox Luke and Adam Bradford
Honestly irritated that D&D Beyond is having anything to do with Jasmine "THATBRONZEGIRL" Bhullar. I've visited her community stream and I absolutely hate her. She's a terrible person and I want nothing to do with her, she's one of the least friendly and welcoming streamers I've met. It speaks very badly of Beyonds Team to have anything to do with a person like that. I honestly don't care how unpopular that opinion is [Redacted]
Notes: Site Rules & Guidelines Rule 2C: (...) Directing messages not deemed as courteous or respectful.
Every streamer has their own style, and everyone is entitled to their opinions and preferences regarding streaming styles. [REDACTED]
Also, being a streamer is a very different proposition from being a dungeon master, so maybe let's not make any assumptions or judgements before the show has even begun?
Is there a date for when the digital dice will be released to subscription members yet. Considering our current quarantine situation, having a date for my players would be awesome.
Also, will the digital dice I have be available to characters in my campaigns being a Master Tier subscription member, or will they have to have subscription to access
Is there a date for when the digital dice will be released to subscription members yet. Considering our current quarantine situation, having a date for my players would be awesome.
Also, will the digital dice I have be available to characters in my campaigns being a Master Tier subscription member, or will they have to have subscription to access
DDB doesn't announce release dates. Though your other question is a valid one - I dunno their plans in that regard.
Does the above mean that the Class Feature variants are done?
I haven't watched the dev update video, but I'm guessing not. That'd be huge news. I'm guessing what Adam's actually saying is that the Class Feature Variants UA is being built on top of the new framework for character sheets, so once they're done with the latter, they'll be in a good position to implement the former (or perhaps they're essentially being done side by side, so the former will be ready once the latter is).
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Latest Updates
Built on top of Framework Updates
So far so good!
Phased rollout - Internal, 5% (Done), Subscribers WIP
Alphas coming once Subscribers stable
Free Adventures to play at home while you stay at home
Coming Soon!
To commence in Q2
June 2nd
With guest DDB Architect Dave Hartless!
Builds Character - Thursdays @ Noon - Todd and guests talk about character creation
Silver & Steel - Tuesdays 6pm on Twitch.TV/DNDBeyond
Dungeon Master Jasmine "THATBRONZEGIRL" Bhullar
B. Dave Walters
Meagan Kenreck
Todd Kenreck
Lauren "Oboe" Urban
Roll in the Family - The Slumbering Forest (Six Episode Limited Series) - Partnering with Direct Relief Gaming - Starting Thursday, April 16 @ 3 pm PT
DM Brennan Mulligan
Kahlan, B. Dave, and Lexi Walters
Kelly and Maddy Knox
Luke and Adam Bradford
You can view the Dev Update on the D&D Beyond YouTube channel.
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
I both love and hate that name for the segment... :P
Also, Roll in the Family sounds like a must-watch!
Honestly irritated that D&D Beyond is having anything to do with Jasmine "THATBRONZEGIRL" Bhullar. I've visited her community stream and I absolutely hate her. She's a terrible person and I want nothing to do with her, she's one of the least friendly and welcoming streamers I've met. It speaks very badly of Beyonds Team to have anything to do with a person like that. I honestly don't care how unpopular that opinion is [Redacted]
Every streamer has their own style, and everyone is entitled to their opinions and preferences regarding streaming styles. [REDACTED]
Also, being a streamer is a very different proposition from being a dungeon master, so maybe let's not make any assumptions or judgements before the show has even begun?
Is there a date for when the digital dice will be released to subscription members yet. Considering our current quarantine situation, having a date for my players would be awesome.
Also, will the digital dice I have be available to characters in my campaigns being a Master Tier subscription member, or will they have to have subscription to access
DDB doesn't announce release dates. Though your other question is a valid one - I dunno their plans in that regard.
Does the above mean that the Class Feature variants are done?
I haven't watched the dev update video, but I'm guessing not. That'd be huge news. I'm guessing what Adam's actually saying is that the Class Feature Variants UA is being built on top of the new framework for character sheets, so once they're done with the latter, they'll be in a good position to implement the former (or perhaps they're essentially being done side by side, so the former will be ready once the latter is).