# If I have any of this wrong, please PM me so we're all on the same page.
<< Welcome adventurers! Read the description of the area and narrate how you come to the area.
If you want to start immediately, I suggest you find your way to Secomber, but the action won't really start until you reach teh High Moors, proper - so if theres some reason you'd rather do that, know that the party will be headed there almost immediately.
Seems like most everyone has a reason to be on the look out for some ancient magic lost to time or for some wizards, specifically. In your travels, you hear the following bit of advice:>>
"Start in the village of Secomber. Someone there might remember rumors of wizards roaming the moors."
The village of Secomber sits with its back against a riverside cliff made of pink granite (The Red Cliffs). The village center is mostly modest cottages and shops, with himes and farms lining the roads out of town and the top pf the cliffs overlooking Hark River. The townsfolk mine granite from these cliffs, but occassionally dig into The Undermoor, a network of caves and tunnels that is distinct from the Underdark proper, but does connect to it. Denizens of The Undermoor (especially hobgoblins and rarely troglodytes) have, on occassion, been a problem for the inhabitants of Secomber. Digging in the town can be both dangerous and fruitful for another reason. It is built on the ruins of ancient Hastarl - seat of the ancient wizard kingdom, Athalantar. Arcane oddities recovered from the old ruins are found in nearly equal number to dangerous creatures including gargoyles and various undead.
Across the water, green hills rise to become the High Moors. Highstar Lake feeds the Hark River, whivh splashes down the Red Cliffs before curving westward and eventually becoming a tributary of the Delembiyr.
Traveling here from Waterdeep, one would take the Deimbyr route, most likely, following the river into the Western Heartlands. The journey is roughly 200 miles headed southeast. About halfway there, you'd find the town of Daggerford.
Coming from the South, you'd have to travel 100 miles north from Boareskyr Bridge, Hark river being on the far side of the triangular-shaped, (southward-pointing) Moors. The Misty Forest, below the western slopes of the Moors, is home to wild elves and druids, among others. To the East lay the Forest of Wyrms and the Serpent Hills. The high moor is a few hunderd feet above sea level, windswept and barren aside from the occasional peat bog and swamp marsh and a rare lone twisted tree jutting from the heath, grass and brush. Rocky outcroppings of pink granite and limestone protrude through the thin layer of soil frequently throughout the moors. The range is home to several tribes who subsist here despite the harsh conditions among the many ruins of civilizations past efforts to overcome this land.}
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Angus Killburneypats the neck of his warhorse as they both pause in their journey to drink from a cool spring. They have been on this northward journey for some time, since leaving Baldur's Gate a fortnight ago. Of course, Angus could have taken passage on a ship from the Gate to Waterdeep, but going by land gave him a chance to get more of a feel for the country, the people, and to make contacts in the various towns and villages along his route. Tristan (his mount) and he had followed a merchant caravan eastward along the road to Scornubel, and spent a day and some coin there perusing the vast markets and bazaars, seeking to understand the power structure of the city. Then they headed north along the Dragonspear road, making brief stops in the villages of Triel and Soubar. The road north of Soubar skirted the Troll Hills, and so they hastened through that portion until reaching Dragonspear Castle. That famed fortress stood empty but Angus knew better than to tempt the gods by venturing there alone, he had heard too many stories. So the next morning he continued his journey towards Waterdeep, arriving in time in the town of Daggerford. That was yesterday. Then during the night, Angus was plagued by dreams of his old master, Dove Falconhand. She was trying to tell him something, but he couldn't quite understand her. She urgently pointed eastward, or what he thought was eastward, and he could see in the distance a village, beside a river, perched atop red or pink cliffs. He awoke, disturbed. Dove has been dead a dozen years now. During the years he had spent with her in the Knights of Myth Drannor, he had come to rely on her insight, both in battle and in life. She had never given him bad advice that he could recall. Of course, she was gone now... but Angus couldn't help but think that perhaps, somewhere, her spirit was reaching out to guide him into an important quest. So today, he and Tristan turned their faces away from Waterdeep and headed east along the road to Secomber, not sure what they were seeking.
After quenching their thirst, the paladin and his steed ascend the road to the Red Cliffs, and the village atop. Angus is alert for anything out of the ordinary, especially anything that might have some connection to his old master or her comrades of the Knights. He is fairly certain that this was no ordinary dream, and that some magical influence is drawing him in, still he remains cautious. He enters the village on horseback, and slowly rides to the center of town.
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
After leaving Lantan, Safeguard traveled the vast lands of Faerun in order to experience his newfound freedom while indulging his unending curiosity. Going from place to place he had acquired an abundance of knowledge while making many valuable experiences. Through these experiences it sparked an invention idea he wanted to make a reality. So ever since he would search for raw materials or ancient magic in hope to fulfill this coveted dream.
However on his adventures he might have traveled... not so deliberately. Being used as a test subject for the many of experiments performed in Lantan he inevitably has a few "screws loose". Between having an insatiable curiosity and potential permanent damage, he has always found it hard to focus on any one task and quickly deviated course.
So while in Waterdeep he heard rumors that there might be some Ancient Magic that he could discover in the town of Secomber. So he made his way to this little town traveling south along the Sword Coast. One moment he's staring at the vast sea that laid in front of him, the next moment he's running through the Ardeep Forest while being chased by an angry owlbear. In this case he happened to see the trees in the distance and became quickly interested in the potential fauna and flora that existed there. This diversion brought him deep into the forest before he realized he was lost. Then he saw what looked like an owlbear den and being so knowledgeable on different creatures and their habits, he thought he would be able to talk to the beast to show him directions... this was not the case.
Encounters such as these would plague his travels so while he may have started in Waterdeep, he ended up further south past Daggerford getting lost in the Misty Forest only to finally get out to be lost again in the Trollbark Forest. He made his way to the Boareskyr Bridge where he was able to ask for directions from some passing travelers. After a night of rest however, he went in the opposite direction they pointed him to and somehow he ended up in the Serpent Hills and then further north to the Graypeak Mountains all the while getting distracted by all the new sights for him to see. Eventually he ended up in the city of Loudwater which he was able to hitch a ride with a trade caravan making its way to Daggerford through Secomber.
As this caravan arrives in Secomber he peers out to look upon this little town and lets out a modest sigh, "I'm finally here."
Marlyth adjusts theTotem so that it is tightly tangled around her leather belt and within her reach whenever she needs it for casting spells. The ornate totem is made of dark feathers from Giant Eagle which has been attached to the surface of an antelope's broken antler with a twig of mistletoe planted inside. Her violet set of orbs frequently move from one target to another while she inspects the crocodile roosting under the sunlight with a gaping mouth near the riverbank of Delembiyr and the black bear attempting to reclaim it's territory near the Misty Forest. She casts Thaumaturgy to mock the call of Eagle to avert the attention of the bear, while she smiles at the amusing scenery.
Earlier in the morning, she had bid farewell to her tribe 'Hybsils'who took a temporary shelter in the Trollbark Forest. The protectors of the Old Faith had initiated her into their inner circle, then her mentors offered to escort her to the Daggerford and delegated the responsibility to survey the area. She has been lurking around the Misty Forest to detect the presence of exotic breeds of wild animals, when a rumor caught her interest.
"Start in the village of Secomber...... someone there might remember rumors of wizards roaming the moors."
"Wizards? Let's try to get more information about these roaming wizards"- she had decided while attempting to blend into the crowd for finding the best person to talk to for more juicy gossips and trying to pick up the key topics of local conversations.
Jobs have been a little sparse lately for Tabaqui the Jackal. Not that there aren't plenty of corrupt bureaucrats, dirty cops, and sleazy aristocrats to take out in Waterdeep. But the people that pay for such clean-up jobs have faded into the woodwork. Might have something to do with the new Captain of the City Guard, who has vowed to discover the identity of the persons responsible for the recent assassination of a well-connected pillar of the community, who turned out to be running a humanoid-trafficking ring, stealing poor children from their families and selling them to his lecherous friends. Seems when this baron was found hanging upside down in his own slave pen, sans certain body parts, that made other lords of the city nervous, and a crackdown ensued. Not that Tabaqui had anything to do with that, mind you, absolutely nothing, no way, and yet it seemed prudent to vacate the city for a time. Plus, you know.... no money.
So the elven assassin found himself taking a guard duty job on a merchant caravan headed southeast out of the city, toward some podunk place called "Daggerwood" or "Diggerford" or something like that. It paid a pittance, but it got him out of the city with three meals a day, for just about zero effort. I mean sure, there were three separate bandit attacks along the road, but those yokels didn't know what they were doing, and Tabaqui had disposed of them almost before they unsheathed their swords. Amateurs.
After arriving in the quaint hamlet of Daggerford (it turns out) Tabaqui found himself out of a job, and once again in need of a few coins to clink together. While sitting in the back of a tavern, hood drawn up, he overheard a few of the locals gossiping about the magic treasure worth "gazillions of gold pieces" in the High Moors. Magic treasure, he mused, could certainly fix his current cash-flow problem. And, really, how hard could it be to recover? Nothing out here in the boondocks was nearly as complicated as the mean streets of Waterdeep, with their violence and intrigue lurking in every shadow, and around every corner. Out here, it's just point and shoot, easy-peasy, right? What could go wrong? Tabaqui silently approached the gossipers, giving them quite a shock when he suddenly appeared, threw some silver on the table, and demanded to know more about the treasure. "Se-Se-comber....", they stuttered. "That's where we heard it.... tales of wizards in the Moors, with their ancient treasures and magiks."
"Hmm," thought Tabaqui as he walked away and vanished into the night, "next stop: Secomber." The next morning he spent his last remaining coins on enough rations to last him the journey, and set out on foot for the village on the Red Cliffs. The journey was mostly uneventful, and took him about 5 days. Several times he spotted a "knight-in-shining-armor" type riding eastward along the road, but Tabaqui easily avoided detection, traveling through the shadowy woods alongside.
He arrived before dawn, climbing a rooftop near the center of town to observe the locals and get the lay of the land.
You find the town of Secomber in a state of banal small town conversations among the market stalls of the main main street. "Fish were biting pretty good this morning, not as good as this time last year.." prattles the fish monger. "That Lene Nask has found herself another one..." says a woman to her friend. "Really? That's the third one this year. That poor thing still hasn't learned these travelers are never going to settle down in a little town like ours. She's had her heart broken so many times, but she just can't see it..." they banter.
From within the cantina, you hear the gruff voice of a middle-aged man. "Me an' a boys is lucky we made it back with our hides after nearly bein' killed by 'em Red Wizards" the man boasts, loud enough for anyone to hear, even those passing by on the street. "Ain't 'at right, Gordo?" He enquires, rhetorically of the bearded man sitting across from him at the table. When he gets no reply from Gordo, his mood sours, "Ain't it so, Gordo?" he demands. Eventually, Gordo capitulates, "Yeah, it's true. They didn't seem like they was lookin' for comp'ny, once we's Gordo up 'dare," he affirms.
At this, Lothar smiles, revealing a mouth full of gold teeth. "Ha! They was happy enough to pay us ten gold a piece to guide 'em up through de moors, though, wasn't dey, Vic?" He continues, slapping his neighbors back in a jovial congratulatory fashion, but it's in no way reciprocated. Vic merely grumbles something unintelligible. These men are clearly well in their cups, and the other patron at their table is resting their head on the wooden planks at this very moment. It's still several hours before the sun will set.
Shaking his head to clear it of the cobwebs from travel, Vrah looks down upon the town of Secomber. After weeks of travel by boat and then multiple caravans as a guard he has finally arrived. The caravan masters were quite impressed with the combat abilities of Vrah and welcomed his sword in battle. Though the occasional magic that occurred when he fought were generally feared. The last caravan master warned of a nearby hobgoblin tribe in the are of Secomber and how vicious they were preying on the surrounding area. Vrah crept close one night and decided he wanted nothing to do with the tribe as they were just a group of thugs rallying behind some creature. As impressive as the creature was to many, Vrah was not impressed.
He finally made his way into town welcoming the buffer most people gave his 6'7" bulk, not to mention his race, and was drawn to the loud noises of the boisterous townsfolk. Especially the ones who seemed to be talking about some red wizards as employers, which was exactly the reason why he came to this town. He did not know what the Thayans were doing in this region but the last group he slaughtered had some notes about a group of Thayans on some important mission in the area and Vrah took it upon himself to come and investigate and interrupt their plans as much as possible.
Vrah used his bulk, not to menion his demeanor to make his way to the table, towering over those that are seated and signals to the nearest wench for more ale. Staring intently at the loud mouth one he asks, "What this I hear about red wizards? Want to hear more."
"Oi! Ain't this a sight?! We got a fancy talkin' bug-a-boo in our midst. Well, I suppose any patron wit' coin is welcome 'even, 'eh, Sal?" He enquires loudly, speaking at rather than to the woman sitting at a desk set far behind the bar, who ignores him and continues her bookkeeping.
"Well, as I was just sayin' 'em Red Wizards... lady name o' Morwena and a bloke called Malivar - 'em, what 'ired us, wuz about done wif us once dey got up in de moors. We made good time, crossing the hills. I know good trails; for I am Lothar, o' the Hill People!" He shouts triumphantly, evidently proud if this epitaph. Seeing no discernible reaction, he continues, "But one night, Morwena told Malivar she didn’t think they needed guides anymore. So we left in the night, real quiet like, before they could kill us."
<ooc: this Lothar guy will talk to anyone and he's not really secretive, so he's a really solid information pump if anyone wants to ask him stuff. He's also a guide and as such is very knowledgeable about the moors. The rest of the village is honestly just a village. In person, I wouldn't tell you all this, but in pbp, things can move kinda slow. Still, if you want to talk to villagers or interact with things, go right ahead and do so.>
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
After riding all the way through the town and back without noticing anything immediately out of place, Angus Killburney stops and dismounts outside what appears to be the local tavern. He loosely ties Tristan's reigns to a post near a water trough, and telepathically requests, "Keep an eye out for anything suspicious, Tris." He then enters the cantina.
Looking around and seeing mostly locals, he requests a meal from the barkeep, and settles into a table against the far wall, instinctively choosing a position where no one can approach from behind, and he has full view of the patrons of the establishment.
Angus notes the entry of Lothar and Gordo, and listens with amusement to their banter, but the talk of red wizards draws his attention more sharply. He has heard something about this group before:
History: 18
As their boasting continues, he notes the sudden entrance of a large bugbear, who makes a beeline for the vociferous duo. Angus' hand rests on his sword pommel, but he decides to see how this plays out before interfering, as the bugbear has done nothing overtly hostile thus far. He eavesdrops on the remainder of the conversation, making note of the names of the wizards. He decides to stand and approach the table cautiously, eyes on the bugbear, and introduce himself.
"Greetings, I am Angus Killburney, of the Knights of Myth Drannor. I could not help but overhear your story of the wizards. Lothar of the renowned Hill People, do you think you could lead me back to the place you left the wizards?"
Then, turning to Vrah, he says, "Greetings to you as well, master bugbear. Might I inquire as to your interest in this tale of wizardry?"
"What in the nine hells?" Tabaqui murmurs to himself from his rooftop perch. He has been quietly observing the waking villagers all morning, listening to their inane gossip. But first, some goody-two-shoes paladin shows up on a big horse (no, seriously) and enters the town cantina. Then, a creature that the Jackal had never seen before climbs out of a caravan wagon, and stands in the middle of the street, gawking all around. Is it... a golem? a homunculus? It is clearly humanoid in shape, but not flesh-and-blood. To top that, a tiefling wearing feathers (feathers!) around its neck is wandering through town.
"Something is definitely going on here... they must be looking for the treasure I heard about!"
Just then, the loud voice of Lothar comes blaring across the street, with his boasting of red wizards. Tabaqui notes the large amount they paid their guides, and figures there must be more where that comes from, right? "This has to be it," he thinks. "The magic treasure, wizards, it must all be connected. And I'm not about to let some paladin find it first and give it all to starving orphans or whatever!"
As he climbs down from the rooftop to head into the cantina, a bugbear (I kid you not) appears out of nowhere and walks in ahead of him. "Dammit," Tabaqui thinks, "It is definitely getting too crowded in this town."
He heads inside to witness the remainder of the conversation with the bugbear, the locals, and the paladin. Tabaqui steps to the table, startling Gordo so much he spills his drink, and says quietly but firmly, "I was here first. The treasure is mine."
At this moment Safeguard comes barging through the cantina entrance and exclaims, "Gooooooooooooooood Morning fine people of Secomber! I sure hope you are all having a rather nice day. Who am I kidding. Of course you are!!! So I've got a few questions for everybody. Now I've traveled very far because I hear there might be ancient magic that could be discovered around here. Anybody know of any or perhaps can point me to someone that does?"
Then he spots the odd group with the bugbear and beelines toward them, "My my, well isn't this an interesting group. It is so a rare to see a Bugbear. Might I inquire about your particular eating habits, sleeping patterns, mannerisms, mating rituals or just whatever is on the top of your mind??? And you Sir Knight. At least I think you are a Knight. Are you a Knight? It would be very interesting if you were a Knight. If you are which order are you from and what brings you to this wonderfully pleasant town? Oooo, there's an elf here too! My, my do you look upset. Might I offer you a drink? I hear it is very soothing to the mind. I wouldn't know, I don't drink!!!"
He turns around and erratically waves a gold coin in the air in an attempt to signal to the barkeep for a drink.
The tiefling druid woman has been obnoxiously curious about the third 'paramour' of a Lene Nask when her natural instinct has attempted to deviate her from the task at hand. But she somehow managed to concentrate on the ongoing conversation among a group of men, when she has been trying to overhear part of the story of a heroic retreat from the murderous intent of the Red Wizards.
Marlyth puts her Quarterstaff on the table, then she attempts to join the conversation by saying:
"Did one of you mention the word 'Red Wizards'? I wonder if they have scarlet skin similar to my own purple skin... don't they?"
She lifts both of her hands upwards to examine the condition of her palms, then she finds herself blushing before the strangers because of her withdrawal from the reality.
"How do we distinguish them from a crowd of local people who would never try to murder a helpful guide? Ah.. that's a treacherous act, malevolent to the existence of humanity!"
She turns pale when she worries about the well-being of her tribe as well as the safety of the common folks of Secomber.
Lothar is enamored with all the attention, readily chatting with the gathering crowd if patrons.
The portly barkeep takes Angus' order with a nod. "Right away, sir." and busies himself in its preparation.
Another barmaid with braided hair, hearing Safeguard's talk of a drink produces a frothy mug of ale immediately, handing it to Lothar. "Another round?" She asks the crew, but looks at the newcomers, whom she expects will be ordering g something.
"Whu- !? Is 'ere a convention in town?" Lothar chuckles. "Well, thank you, kindly stranger." He says, raising his glass to the mechanical man. "I'd ask you to join me, but as you've said you do not partake. Ah, well, 'ere's looking at ya." He says before throwing back the full glass in a great drought.
Ah, now let's see here. The wizards, you know they wear nasty a hair upon their heads, nor don a hat, despite the blustery winds up on the moors, they refuse. Some sort of a status symbol, I suppose.
“Morwena, she said the barrow they were looking for might contain great treasure. She seemed to doubt it was a barrow at all, though. She called it a ‘sanctum.’”
"I only led them up into the highlands. They were vague about just what they meant to do out there. She maybe meant the Wizard’s Barrow, which was used for strange rites for decades—thunder, lightning—but apparently never opened.”
A bit startled by all the new entrants, Angus unconsciously strokes the stubble on his unshaven chin. Then, unexpectedly, he throws his head back and roars with laughter, loud enough that everyone in the cantina stops and looks. He laughs until he has tears in his eyes. Finally, controlling himself, he explains, "I just asked my horse why he didn't warn me when any of you entered this establishment, and he replied 'none of them looked suspicious'.So," his eyes brimming with mirthful tears, he continues, "In my Tristan's esteemed judgment, this motley crew of adventurers is a rather non-threatening bunch." He smiles as he looks around.
"So, fate has brought us together. I can sense a divine purpose in our meeting. It is not by chance that each of us has been drawn to this place. The gods have decreed that we investigate further this matter of Red Wizards on the Moors, and further, that we do it together. Can you not feel it? Destiny demands we move forward!"
He adds, "And, master elf, fear not, I have no need of treasure, you are welcome to my share of whatever bounty we find."
Vrah looks around at all the other "adventurers" that have come out of the wood work, thinking Great just what I need more help. Then he looks the newcomers up and down, Well at least it appears they might know what they are doing and having some meat shields is always nice. Idiotic red wizards always due tend to ignore one of my kind which is usually the last thing they ever do.
"I am Vrah and I have come here to kill Red Wizards, you may all join me in that." he states flatly. Then turns his attention back to Lothar, "As one of them said, you lead us back to where you left them?"
"'Tis a mere 6-hour hike into the High Moors, about 18 miles southeast o' 'ere. Course, I'd not recommend traipsing about de moors in darkness, lest ya should happen upon one o' de fire marshes." Lothar dutifully informs his would be patron. "Course, I'd imagine you'll be trying to reach the barrow 'afore Morwena gets dere and grabs whatever it is you lit are looking to find. Anyway, 'em Red Wizards, they’re chasing some- one. Another wizard, from a rival group, maybe? Sounded like they wanted him alive.”
<ooc: this irks me a bit, because I do have a map of the moor, but the module never says where the barrow is exactly, so the map seems of little value to your cause in this on-the-rails adventure.>
The elf looks around the table at this ridiculous gaggle of oddball creatures. He rolls his eyes. Clearing his throat, he says ”One of my mentors used to say to me, 'Tab, No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.' Let's not let these buggers get too far ahead of us. Darkness don't bother me none. I'm sure Sir Righteous here can conjure up some sort of light to keep us from falling in a pit. I say let's get on the trail while it's hot."
"Fire marshes are a bit trickier than a hole in the ground. Stepping in the wrong spot may unleash some of the arcane energy Daeros Dragonspear set loose, trying to clear the moor o' trolls. Set a foot on that peat an' flames'll spurt up from the ground. Only quick reflexes'll save ya from being scorched. The peat'll keep burnin' for some time after the flames first shoot upward, and little fires and scorched patches of ground are usually your only warning sign."
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Current party composition (the following character notes are public to players, but PCs should learn them through RP before they know them):
1.Vrah::Bugbear::Barbarian - target dummy from red wizards
2.Angus::Human::Paladin - seves Knights of Myth Dranor - talks to the late Dove Falconhand
3.Tabaqui::Elf::Assassin - Waterdeep you know, a rogue.
4.Marlyth::Tiefling::Druid/ranger - tribal community joined a druid circle headed to sword coast
5.Calner::M.S.Gnome::Sorcerer, Aberrant Mind
6. Safeguard::warforged::Lantan test-dummy, savant. OJT
7. Rylentar::kender::monk/rogue
# If I have any of this wrong, please PM me so we're all on the same page.
<< Welcome adventurers! Read the description of the area and narrate how you come to the area.
If you want to start immediately, I suggest you find your way to Secomber, but the action won't really start until you reach teh High Moors, proper - so if theres some reason you'd rather do that, know that the party will be headed there almost immediately.
Seems like most everyone has a reason to be on the look out for some ancient magic lost to time or for some wizards, specifically. In your travels, you hear the following bit of advice:>>
"Start in the village of Secomber. Someone there might remember rumors of wizards roaming the moors."
The village of Secomber sits with its back against a riverside cliff made of pink granite (The Red Cliffs). The village center is mostly modest cottages and shops, with himes and farms lining the roads out of town and the top pf the cliffs overlooking Hark River. The townsfolk mine granite from these cliffs, but occassionally dig into The Undermoor, a network of caves and tunnels that is distinct from the Underdark proper, but does connect to it. Denizens of The Undermoor (especially hobgoblins and rarely troglodytes) have, on occassion, been a problem for the inhabitants of Secomber. Digging in the town can be both dangerous and fruitful for another reason. It is built on the ruins of ancient Hastarl - seat of the ancient wizard kingdom, Athalantar. Arcane oddities recovered from the old ruins are found in nearly equal number to dangerous creatures including gargoyles and various undead.
Across the water, green hills rise to become the High Moors. Highstar Lake feeds the Hark River, whivh splashes down the Red Cliffs before curving westward and eventually becoming a tributary of the Delembiyr.
Traveling here from Waterdeep, one would take the Deimbyr route, most likely, following the river into the Western Heartlands. The journey is roughly 200 miles headed southeast. About halfway there, you'd find the town of Daggerford.
Coming from the South, you'd have to travel 100 miles north from Boareskyr Bridge, Hark river being on the far side of the triangular-shaped, (southward-pointing) Moors. The Misty Forest, below the western slopes of the Moors, is home to wild elves and druids, among others. To the East lay the Forest of Wyrms and the Serpent Hills. The high moor is a few hunderd feet above sea level, windswept and barren aside from the occasional peat bog and swamp marsh and a rare lone twisted tree jutting from the heath, grass and brush. Rocky outcroppings of pink granite and limestone protrude through the thin layer of soil frequently throughout the moors. The range is home to several tribes who subsist here despite the harsh conditions among the many ruins of civilizations past efforts to overcome this land.}
<ooc: TL/DR: post your intro using as much background from above as you like>
Angus Killburney pats the neck of his warhorse as they both pause in their journey to drink from a cool spring. They have been on this northward journey for some time, since leaving Baldur's Gate a fortnight ago. Of course, Angus could have taken passage on a ship from the Gate to Waterdeep, but going by land gave him a chance to get more of a feel for the country, the people, and to make contacts in the various towns and villages along his route. Tristan (his mount) and he had followed a merchant caravan eastward along the road to Scornubel, and spent a day and some coin there perusing the vast markets and bazaars, seeking to understand the power structure of the city. Then they headed north along the Dragonspear road, making brief stops in the villages of Triel and Soubar. The road north of Soubar skirted the Troll Hills, and so they hastened through that portion until reaching Dragonspear Castle. That famed fortress stood empty but Angus knew better than to tempt the gods by venturing there alone, he had heard too many stories. So the next morning he continued his journey towards Waterdeep, arriving in time in the town of Daggerford. That was yesterday. Then during the night, Angus was plagued by dreams of his old master, Dove Falconhand. She was trying to tell him something, but he couldn't quite understand her. She urgently pointed eastward, or what he thought was eastward, and he could see in the distance a village, beside a river, perched atop red or pink cliffs. He awoke, disturbed.
Dove has been dead a dozen years now. During the years he had spent with her in the Knights of Myth Drannor, he had come to rely on her insight, both in battle and in life. She had never given him bad advice that he could recall. Of course, she was gone now... but Angus couldn't help but think that perhaps, somewhere, her spirit was reaching out to guide him into an important quest. So today, he and Tristan turned their faces away from Waterdeep and headed east along the road to Secomber, not sure what they were seeking.
After quenching their thirst, the paladin and his steed ascend the road to the Red Cliffs, and the village atop. Angus is alert for anything out of the ordinary, especially anything that might have some connection to his old master or her comrades of the Knights. He is fairly certain that this was no ordinary dream, and that some magical influence is drawing him in, still he remains cautious. He enters the village on horseback, and slowly rides to the center of town.
Perception: 14
After leaving Lantan, Safeguard traveled the vast lands of Faerun in order to experience his newfound freedom while indulging his unending curiosity. Going from place to place he had acquired an abundance of knowledge while making many valuable experiences. Through these experiences it sparked an invention idea he wanted to make a reality. So ever since he would search for raw materials or ancient magic in hope to fulfill this coveted dream.
However on his adventures he might have traveled... not so deliberately. Being used as a test subject for the many of experiments performed in Lantan he inevitably has a few "screws loose". Between having an insatiable curiosity and potential permanent damage, he has always found it hard to focus on any one task and quickly deviated course.
So while in Waterdeep he heard rumors that there might be some Ancient Magic that he could discover in the town of Secomber. So he made his way to this little town traveling south along the Sword Coast. One moment he's staring at the vast sea that laid in front of him, the next moment he's running through the Ardeep Forest while being chased by an angry owlbear. In this case he happened to see the trees in the distance and became quickly interested in the potential fauna and flora that existed there. This diversion brought him deep into the forest before he realized he was lost. Then he saw what looked like an owlbear den and being so knowledgeable on different creatures and their habits, he thought he would be able to talk to the beast to show him directions... this was not the case.
Encounters such as these would plague his travels so while he may have started in Waterdeep, he ended up further south past Daggerford getting lost in the Misty Forest only to finally get out to be lost again in the Trollbark Forest. He made his way to the Boareskyr Bridge where he was able to ask for directions from some passing travelers. After a night of rest however, he went in the opposite direction they pointed him to and somehow he ended up in the Serpent Hills and then further north to the Graypeak Mountains all the while getting distracted by all the new sights for him to see. Eventually he ended up in the city of Loudwater which he was able to hitch a ride with a trade caravan making its way to Daggerford through Secomber.
As this caravan arrives in Secomber he peers out to look upon this little town and lets out a modest sigh, "I'm finally here."
Perception: 15
Investigation: 26
Marlyth adjusts the Totem so that it is tightly tangled around her leather belt and within her reach whenever she needs it for casting spells. The ornate totem is made of dark feathers from Giant Eagle which has been attached to the surface of an antelope's broken antler with a twig of mistletoe planted inside. Her violet set of orbs frequently move from one target to another while she inspects the crocodile roosting under the sunlight with a gaping mouth near the riverbank of Delembiyr and the black bear attempting to reclaim it's territory near the Misty Forest. She casts Thaumaturgy to mock the call of Eagle to avert the attention of the bear, while she smiles at the amusing scenery.
Earlier in the morning, she had bid farewell to her tribe 'Hybsils' who took a temporary shelter in the Trollbark Forest. The protectors of the Old Faith had initiated her into their inner circle, then her mentors offered to escort her to the Daggerford and delegated the responsibility to survey the area. She has been lurking around the Misty Forest to detect the presence of exotic breeds of wild animals, when a rumor caught her interest.
"Start in the village of Secomber...... someone there might remember rumors of wizards roaming the moors."
"Wizards? Let's try to get more information about these roaming wizards"- she had decided while attempting to blend into the crowd for finding the best person to talk to for more juicy gossips and trying to pick up the key topics of local conversations.
Charisma: 18
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Jobs have been a little sparse lately for Tabaqui the Jackal. Not that there aren't plenty of corrupt bureaucrats, dirty cops, and sleazy aristocrats to take out in Waterdeep. But the people that pay for such clean-up jobs have faded into the woodwork. Might have something to do with the new Captain of the City Guard, who has vowed to discover the identity of the persons responsible for the recent assassination of a well-connected pillar of the community, who turned out to be running a humanoid-trafficking ring, stealing poor children from their families and selling them to his lecherous friends. Seems when this baron was found hanging upside down in his own slave pen, sans certain body parts, that made other lords of the city nervous, and a crackdown ensued. Not that Tabaqui had anything to do with that, mind you, absolutely nothing, no way, and yet it seemed prudent to vacate the city for a time. Plus, you know.... no money.
So the elven assassin found himself taking a guard duty job on a merchant caravan headed southeast out of the city, toward some podunk place called "Daggerwood" or "Diggerford" or something like that. It paid a pittance, but it got him out of the city with three meals a day, for just about zero effort. I mean sure, there were three separate bandit attacks along the road, but those yokels didn't know what they were doing, and Tabaqui had disposed of them almost before they unsheathed their swords. Amateurs.
After arriving in the quaint hamlet of Daggerford (it turns out) Tabaqui found himself out of a job, and once again in need of a few coins to clink together. While sitting in the back of a tavern, hood drawn up, he overheard a few of the locals gossiping about the magic treasure worth "gazillions of gold pieces" in the High Moors. Magic treasure, he mused, could certainly fix his current cash-flow problem. And, really, how hard could it be to recover? Nothing out here in the boondocks was nearly as complicated as the mean streets of Waterdeep, with their violence and intrigue lurking in every shadow, and around every corner. Out here, it's just point and shoot, easy-peasy, right? What could go wrong?
Tabaqui silently approached the gossipers, giving them quite a shock when he suddenly appeared, threw some silver on the table, and demanded to know more about the treasure. "Se-Se-comber....", they stuttered. "That's where we heard it.... tales of wizards in the Moors, with their ancient treasures and magiks."
"Hmm," thought Tabaqui as he walked away and vanished into the night, "next stop: Secomber." The next morning he spent his last remaining coins on enough rations to last him the journey, and set out on foot for the village on the Red Cliffs. The journey was mostly uneventful, and took him about 5 days. Several times he spotted a "knight-in-shining-armor" type riding eastward along the road, but Tabaqui easily avoided detection, traveling through the shadowy woods alongside.
He arrived before dawn, climbing a rooftop near the center of town to observe the locals and get the lay of the land.
Perception: 12
Investigation: 16
You find the town of Secomber in a state of banal small town conversations among the market stalls of the main main street. "Fish were biting pretty good this morning, not as good as this time last year.." prattles the fish monger. "That Lene Nask has found herself another one..." says a woman to her friend. "Really? That's the third one this year. That poor thing still hasn't learned these travelers are never going to settle down in a little town like ours. She's had her heart broken so many times, but she just can't see it..." they banter.
From within the cantina, you hear the gruff voice of a middle-aged man. "Me an' a boys is lucky we made it back with our hides after nearly bein' killed by 'em Red Wizards" the man boasts, loud enough for anyone to hear, even those passing by on the street. "Ain't 'at right, Gordo?" He enquires, rhetorically of the bearded man sitting across from him at the table. When he gets no reply from Gordo, his mood sours, "Ain't it so, Gordo?" he demands. Eventually, Gordo capitulates, "Yeah, it's true. They didn't seem like they was lookin' for comp'ny, once we's Gordo up 'dare," he affirms.
At this, Lothar smiles, revealing a mouth full of gold teeth. "Ha! They was happy enough to pay us ten gold a piece to guide 'em up through de moors, though, wasn't dey, Vic?" He continues, slapping his neighbors back in a jovial congratulatory fashion, but it's in no way reciprocated. Vic merely grumbles something unintelligible. These men are clearly well in their cups, and the other patron at their table is resting their head on the wooden planks at this very moment. It's still several hours before the sun will set.
Shaking his head to clear it of the cobwebs from travel, Vrah looks down upon the town of Secomber. After weeks of travel by boat and then multiple caravans as a guard he has finally arrived. The caravan masters were quite impressed with the combat abilities of Vrah and welcomed his sword in battle. Though the occasional magic that occurred when he fought were generally feared. The last caravan master warned of a nearby hobgoblin tribe in the are of Secomber and how vicious they were preying on the surrounding area. Vrah crept close one night and decided he wanted nothing to do with the tribe as they were just a group of thugs rallying behind some creature. As impressive as the creature was to many, Vrah was not impressed.
He finally made his way into town welcoming the buffer most people gave his 6'7" bulk, not to mention his race, and was drawn to the loud noises of the boisterous townsfolk. Especially the ones who seemed to be talking about some red wizards as employers, which was exactly the reason why he came to this town. He did not know what the Thayans were doing in this region but the last group he slaughtered had some notes about a group of Thayans on some important mission in the area and Vrah took it upon himself to come and investigate and interrupt their plans as much as possible.
Vrah used his bulk, not to menion his demeanor to make his way to the table, towering over those that are seated and signals to the nearest wench for more ale. Staring intently at the loud mouth one he asks, "What this I hear about red wizards? Want to hear more."
"Oi! Ain't this a sight?! We got a fancy talkin' bug-a-boo in our midst. Well, I suppose any patron wit' coin is welcome 'even, 'eh, Sal?" He enquires loudly, speaking at rather than to the woman sitting at a desk set far behind the bar, who ignores him and continues her bookkeeping.
"Well, as I was just sayin' 'em Red Wizards... lady name o' Morwena and a bloke called Malivar - 'em, what 'ired us, wuz about done wif us once dey got up in de moors. We made good time, crossing the hills. I know good trails; for I am Lothar, o' the Hill People!" He shouts triumphantly, evidently proud if this epitaph. Seeing no discernible reaction, he continues, "But one night, Morwena told Malivar she didn’t think they needed guides anymore. So we left in the night, real quiet like, before they could kill us."
<ooc: this Lothar guy will talk to anyone and he's not really secretive, so he's a really solid information pump if anyone wants to ask him stuff. He's also a guide and as such is very knowledgeable about the moors. The rest of the village is honestly just a village. In person, I wouldn't tell you all this, but in pbp, things can move kinda slow. Still, if you want to talk to villagers or interact with things, go right ahead and do so.>
After riding all the way through the town and back without noticing anything immediately out of place, Angus Killburney stops and dismounts outside what appears to be the local tavern. He loosely ties Tristan's reigns to a post near a water trough, and telepathically requests, "Keep an eye out for anything suspicious, Tris." He then enters the cantina.
Looking around and seeing mostly locals, he requests a meal from the barkeep, and settles into a table against the far wall, instinctively choosing a position where no one can approach from behind, and he has full view of the patrons of the establishment.
Angus notes the entry of Lothar and Gordo, and listens with amusement to their banter, but the talk of red wizards draws his attention more sharply. He has heard something about this group before:
History: 18
As their boasting continues, he notes the sudden entrance of a large bugbear, who makes a beeline for the vociferous duo. Angus' hand rests on his sword pommel, but he decides to see how this plays out before interfering, as the bugbear has done nothing overtly hostile thus far. He eavesdrops on the remainder of the conversation, making note of the names of the wizards. He decides to stand and approach the table cautiously, eyes on the bugbear, and introduce himself.
"Greetings, I am Angus Killburney, of the Knights of Myth Drannor. I could not help but overhear your story of the wizards. Lothar of the renowned Hill People, do you think you could lead me back to the place you left the wizards?"
Then, turning to Vrah, he says, "Greetings to you as well, master bugbear. Might I inquire as to your interest in this tale of wizardry?"
"What in the nine hells?" Tabaqui murmurs to himself from his rooftop perch. He has been quietly observing the waking villagers all morning, listening to their inane gossip. But first, some goody-two-shoes paladin shows up on a big horse (no, seriously) and enters the town cantina. Then, a creature that the Jackal had never seen before climbs out of a caravan wagon, and stands in the middle of the street, gawking all around. Is it... a golem? a homunculus? It is clearly humanoid in shape, but not flesh-and-blood. To top that, a tiefling wearing feathers (feathers!) around its neck is wandering through town.
"Something is definitely going on here... they must be looking for the treasure I heard about!"
Just then, the loud voice of Lothar comes blaring across the street, with his boasting of red wizards. Tabaqui notes the large amount they paid their guides, and figures there must be more where that comes from, right? "This has to be it," he thinks. "The magic treasure, wizards, it must all be connected. And I'm not about to let some paladin find it first and give it all to starving orphans or whatever!"
As he climbs down from the rooftop to head into the cantina, a bugbear (I kid you not) appears out of nowhere and walks in ahead of him. "Dammit," Tabaqui thinks, "It is definitely getting too crowded in this town."
He heads inside to witness the remainder of the conversation with the bugbear, the locals, and the paladin. Tabaqui steps to the table, startling Gordo so much he spills his drink, and says quietly but firmly, "I was here first. The treasure is mine."
At this moment Safeguard comes barging through the cantina entrance and exclaims, "Gooooooooooooooood Morning fine people of Secomber! I sure hope you are all having a rather nice day. Who am I kidding. Of course you are!!! So I've got a few questions for everybody. Now I've traveled very far because I hear there might be ancient magic that could be discovered around here. Anybody know of any or perhaps can point me to someone that does?"
Then he spots the odd group with the bugbear and beelines toward them, "My my, well isn't this an interesting group. It is so a rare to see a Bugbear. Might I inquire about your particular eating habits, sleeping patterns, mannerisms, mating rituals or just whatever is on the top of your mind??? And you Sir Knight. At least I think you are a Knight. Are you a Knight? It would be very interesting if you were a Knight. If you are which order are you from and what brings you to this wonderfully pleasant town? Oooo, there's an elf here too! My, my do you look upset. Might I offer you a drink? I hear it is very soothing to the mind. I wouldn't know, I don't drink!!!"
He turns around and erratically waves a gold coin in the air in an attempt to signal to the barkeep for a drink.
The tiefling druid woman has been obnoxiously curious about the third 'paramour' of a Lene Nask when her natural instinct has attempted to deviate her from the task at hand. But she somehow managed to concentrate on the ongoing conversation among a group of men, when she has been trying to overhear part of the story of a heroic retreat from the murderous intent of the Red Wizards.
Marlyth puts her Quarterstaff on the table, then she attempts to join the conversation by saying:
"Did one of you mention the word 'Red Wizards'? I wonder if they have scarlet skin similar to my own purple skin... don't they?"
She lifts both of her hands upwards to examine the condition of her palms, then she finds herself blushing before the strangers because of her withdrawal from the reality.
"How do we distinguish them from a crowd of local people who would never try to murder a helpful guide? Ah.. that's a treacherous act, malevolent to the existence of humanity!"
She turns pale when she worries about the well-being of her tribe as well as the safety of the common folks of Secomber.
InkedBee (Undead_Analyst)
Covetous, Dragonish Thoughts - Jenviel Tsumara: Fallen Aasimar- Monk|Crimson Sands of Time - Navarra Iltazyara: Human- Druid/Warlock| Bleak Prospect - Ermasnietsz: Reborn- Clockwork Soul Sorcerer
Lothar is enamored with all the attention, readily chatting with the gathering crowd if patrons.
The portly barkeep takes Angus' order with a nod. "Right away, sir." and busies himself in its preparation.
Another barmaid with braided hair, hearing Safeguard's talk of a drink produces a frothy mug of ale immediately, handing it to Lothar. "Another round?" She asks the crew, but looks at the newcomers, whom she expects will be ordering g something.
"Whu- !? Is 'ere a convention in town?" Lothar chuckles. "Well, thank you, kindly stranger." He says, raising his glass to the mechanical man. "I'd ask you to join me, but as you've said you do not partake. Ah, well, 'ere's looking at ya." He says before throwing back the full glass in a great drought.
Ah, now let's see here. The wizards, you know they wear nasty a hair upon their heads, nor don a hat, despite the blustery winds up on the moors, they refuse. Some sort of a status symbol, I suppose.
“Morwena, she said the barrow they were looking for might contain great treasure. She seemed to doubt it was a barrow at all, though. She called it a ‘sanctum.’”
"I only led them up into the highlands. They were vague about just what they meant to do out there. She maybe meant the Wizard’s Barrow, which was used for strange rites for decades—thunder, lightning—but apparently never opened.”
A bit startled by all the new entrants, Angus unconsciously strokes the stubble on his unshaven chin. Then, unexpectedly, he throws his head back and roars with laughter, loud enough that everyone in the cantina stops and looks. He laughs until he has tears in his eyes. Finally, controlling himself, he explains, "I just asked my horse why he didn't warn me when any of you entered this establishment, and he replied 'none of them looked suspicious'. So," his eyes brimming with mirthful tears, he continues, "In my Tristan's esteemed judgment, this motley crew of adventurers is a rather non-threatening bunch." He smiles as he looks around.
"So, fate has brought us together. I can sense a divine purpose in our meeting. It is not by chance that each of us has been drawn to this place. The gods have decreed that we investigate further this matter of Red Wizards on the Moors, and further, that we do it together. Can you not feel it? Destiny demands we move forward!"
He adds, "And, master elf, fear not, I have no need of treasure, you are welcome to my share of whatever bounty we find."
Vrah looks around at all the other "adventurers" that have come out of the wood work, thinking Great just what I need more help. Then he looks the newcomers up and down, Well at least it appears they might know what they are doing and having some meat shields is always nice. Idiotic red wizards always due tend to ignore one of my kind which is usually the last thing they ever do.
"I am Vrah and I have come here to kill Red Wizards, you may all join me in that." he states flatly. Then turns his attention back to Lothar, "As one of them said, you lead us back to where you left them?"
"'Tis a mere 6-hour hike into the High Moors, about 18 miles southeast o' 'ere. Course, I'd not recommend traipsing about de moors in darkness, lest ya should happen upon one o' de fire marshes." Lothar dutifully informs his would be patron. "Course, I'd imagine you'll be trying to reach the barrow 'afore Morwena gets dere and grabs whatever it is you lit are looking to find. Anyway, 'em Red Wizards, they’re chasing some-
one. Another wizard, from a rival group, maybe?
Sounded like they wanted him alive.”
<ooc: this irks me a bit, because I do have a map of the moor, but the module never says where the barrow is exactly, so the map seems of little value to your cause in this on-the-rails adventure.>
The elf looks around the table at this ridiculous gaggle of oddball creatures. He rolls his eyes. Clearing his throat, he says ”One of my mentors used to say to me, 'Tab, No matter how subtle the wizard, a knife between the shoulder blades will seriously cramp his style.' Let's not let these buggers get too far ahead of us. Darkness don't bother me none. I'm sure Sir Righteous here can conjure up some sort of light to keep us from falling in a pit. I say let's get on the trail while it's hot."
"Fire marshes are a bit trickier than a hole in the ground. Stepping in the wrong spot may unleash some of the arcane energy Daeros Dragonspear set loose, trying to clear the moor o' trolls. Set a foot on that peat an' flames'll spurt up from the ground. Only quick reflexes'll save ya from being scorched. The peat'll keep burnin' for some time after the flames first shoot upward, and little fires and scorched patches of ground are usually your only warning sign."