Snow gently falls from the sky and wind bites your cheeks as you stand in the graveyard of Palebank Village, a fishing outpost of Uthodurn that is home to several hundred dwarves and elves. The sun is low in the sky, sinking behind the fresh grave of Urgon Wenth, an old dwarf who caught a curse or disease that turned him into an ice statue. The folk of the village have gathered to pay their final respects to Urgon’s frozen remains.
OOC: As part of your characters’ backstories, you can decide whether any of you knew Urgon or whether you’ve come to the funeral simply to show respect to the folk of the community. Onward:
A gruff voice speaks softly from behind you. “Thank you for attending Urgon’s service.” You turn and meet the gaze of Elro Aldataur, a weathered elf, retired ranger, and the leader of the village. “I’m sorry to speak of dark tidings under such circumstances, but I believe that Palebank Village might be in danger, and I’m hoping you can help us.”
“Two months ago, Urgon Wenth returned home after exploring Eiselcross for a year. He had been back for only for a few days when he came down with a strange affliction, which made him move slowly and caused blue veins to appear all over his body. The village’s priests of Moradin and Corellon used every spell they could muster to attempt to heal Urgon, but nothing they tried could stop the bizarre malady. Urgon battled the affliction for weeks, until his ever-slowing body eventually turned to ice. Until yesterday, the community and I believed that Urgon’s sad fate was an isolated incident, most likely caused by something the dwarf came into contact with while exploring Eiselcross. Then I noticed Tulgi Lutan, a dwarf trapper, showing signs of the same illness. Alarmed, I tried to talk to Tulgi about it, but she pushed me away, asking that he let her die in peace.”
“If you are willing, I want you to find out what caused Urgon and Tulgi’s affliction. I’m worried that it could spread, but Tulgi refuses to talk to me, and the Glassblades (law enforcers) in the village are better known for their combat skills than their ability to glean the truth in a complicated situation. Moreover, Tulgi is extremely distrustful of the authorities. I think a group of adventurers might have better luck convincing Tulgi to talk. If you agree to help find the cause of Urgon and Tulgi’s affliction, I will pay you 100 gp. I suggest that you start by searching Urgon’s home or talking to Tulgi at her cabin.”
Ulysse, a green and yellowish toned lizardfolk with a wide face and on the shorter sized jaw, waddle towards the old elf. His legs are considerably short and seem a bit bow leg-ed but his extra long torso still makes him about average size. "Yesss very sssussspicious. I for one can't think of a much worssse fate then turning into sssomething like ice." He always is playing with a ball of fire on his hand, as a habit it apwars more then warmth, bit clearly Ulysse wasn't made for the cold. He wears a thick fur coat that hangs down almost to his knees. He carries a pack over one shoulder with a wooden shield attached to it and a bedroll. Atop his head he has a bright yellow fading to a vibrant red fleshy narrow Mohawk that goes down to the base of his skull. "I am sssorry for your friendsss untimely death. Perhaps we can lend a hand to try and prevent it ssspreading more then it already hasss."
A 5'11 human bowed their head toward the frozen remains in a prayer, muttering to themselves, "May the Dawnfather forever keep you warm within their grasp" Finishing the prayer, John approached Elro.
Jahn looked to be an adrononys looking human with long dark blonde hair that covered part of their face. The one eye visible was a very piercing green. They were chain mail armor and a shield which held the Sun symbol of Pelor. They also had upon them the symbol of the Empire around their waist along with their carpenter tools.
"Apologies for your loss. Urgon was kind and within the very short time I've known him, helped like i was family. I'll make sure this sickness does not plague any more of his loved ones."
And with a salute, Jahn will scan around the area for those who look to be capable of adventure. Jahn themselves seems to look they are capable in a fight or on the road.
Standing a short distance away, always one to keep to myself, I pulled my hood further over my head to block the icy wind from my face. My short black hair whipped back and forth, stinging my cheeks, and I pushed the straight locks behind my pointed ears. Looking around, I could just barely overhear a conversation being had by an older Elven man--luckily no one I recognized--and a lizardfolk. Something about Urgon's illness? Someone else had it too?
I looked back to the freshly filled grave but I couldn't bring myself to take a step closer to it. I had only met him once. Urgon had shown me kindness when I ran from home despite the risk to himself for harboring me and I made sure to stay no longer than I needed to at the time.
I gazed around the graveyard again, to the people milling about. There was a clear tension in the air. They were worried, as they should be. What happened here? Where did this come from? And how much worse is it going to get? I let out a gentle sigh. A kindness for a kindness. He had protected me and given aid when I needed it. I owed it to him to protect his people.
"Excuse me," I started as I slowly walked over to the two men. "I'm sorry to eavesdrop, but I heard you talking about this.. illness.. spreading? And maybe trying to stop it?" I paused as I reached them, looking at them both. "If you don't mind, I'd like to help however I can."
Elro: “Of course! Any help will be much appreciated. I can pay you 100 gold pieces now if you agree to help find the cause of Urgon and Tulgi’s affliction, and I’ll give you another 200 gp if you find the cure. If you accept, I give you permission to search Urgon’s home, and I suggest you also go talk to Tulgi at her cabin.”
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Chicken Licken
Started playing the game in 2020; already a forever DM somehow.
"I accept," I state with a slight bow of my head. "My name is Ariakara, or Aria for short." I smile softly before turning to look briefly to the lizardkin and human man lingering nearby, my golden eyes flashing in the light reflecting off the snow. For a moment I consider saying something to them, but instead I give a short nod, turn, and begin trudging through the snow towards Urgon's house, knowing that if they're interested in helping too then they'll be right behind me.
"Ulyssse is what I am called, before we trek off towardsss the deceased home, I ssshall inform my colleague of this task. We shall meet you there if you insssissst on leaving now." Ulysse will turn and seek out Doter doing his wiggley wobbly walking style.
You come to a one-story, one-room log cabin at the edge of town. A female wood elf Glassblade stands guard, with a shortsword in its scabbard at her hip, and a longbow and a quiver of arrows sling over her back.
What would you like to do?
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Chicken Licken
Started playing the game in 2020; already a forever DM somehow.
"I accept. And if you do not mind I will join you lot!" Jahn would pound their chest in greeting. "My name is Jahn Ashspire." As they head off with the group and approach the cabin with the elf standing guard, Jahn would call-out, "Hello! Elro, gave us permission to investigate the premises for clues to solve this plague."
Upon approach to the house, I dip my head to the guard, yet again relieved I don't recognize the face. When I speak to her my voice is steady but soft.
"Excuse me. As my colleague mentioned, we were given permission by Erlo to search Urgon's home. I'm sure you've heard that there's another case of this affliction in town and we're working to put an end to it before anyone else is lost. Do you mind if we step inside and look around?" I look into her eyes and offer her my arm, an Elven gesture of good faith and honesty, hoping that she will return it by grasping my forearm back, signaling that she trusts our intentions and that we are allowed inside.
Camille rolls her shoulders back, adjusting the spear that rests in a sling across her back. Most of her black hair is pulled into a high braid ponytail - a necessity to keep so much length in check. Over a light blue tunic she wears a simple leather armor chest piece, something that was originally made for an aunt of hers and then resized to fit her. She appears mostly human, but there's a slight elven touch to her looks. High cheekbones, an angular jaw, and her ears seem more pointed than any human, but rounder than even a half-elf's. A strange red tattoo decorates her hand: two concentric circles, one only a half circle, with an arrow drawn straight through the center of both.
She is quiet as the funeral proceeds, listening intently as Elro makes their request. In truth she hadn't known Urgon...Something else had driven her here. It had taken her so much time to find the right settlement from her visions, but it seems she'd found Palebank at just the right moment. She bows slightly to the elven ranger as the group takes their leave, heading back into the village proper for this poor soul's home.
As they walk through the village she keeps an eye on the other villagers, looking for signs of sickness among any others. Arriving at Urgon's house she remains quiet once more, content to let the other two speak for now. Her social skillset lay more in deceiving and intimidating, things ill-suited for the current situation.
As the group approaches Tulgi's home, they are followed by the hurried trudging of one incredibly winded tortle. He shouts towards them, in a thick accent that immediately betrays a fondness for kilts and bagpipes, "Oi!,Ulyssse!!"
Doter slows down as he approaches. His green skin and yellow fishlike eyes are somehow warm despite the blistering cold. His robes are a simple off white with some red stripes and wraps thrown in to signify his status as a monk. A similarly red banana flows down over the back of his shell.
"That old elf in town told me that you'd be here with some others. He said I just missed you!" He exclaimed followed by a hearty laugh.
As he finished, he wiped a tear and said, "I guess that'll teach me to stay up all night. Anyway, have we made any discoveries?"
Boil walks into this village and sees a group of people standing around with sad faces and Boil thinks to himself, "Me not wanting to be sad right now, me find somewhere else to go." After wondering around the village for a bit he seems to be caught up in a small group of people walking toward a part of town he hasn't been to yet, and with out a second thought continues with them, he thinks to himself, "maybe they know where to find a ale house."
As they make their way to a house he is starting to realize that they aren't getting ale but maybe they can be friends.
"Well me guess me joining on helping, Hi me Boil! What do you need me to do?"
"Yesss doddling Doter!" Ulysse says with a grin. "No worriesss my friend, you haven't misssed anything yet. Group, thiss iss my friend I spoke of earlier. Doter." Ulysse jesters to the tortle catching its breath, "We sstopped by the deceased home, but it was guarded sso now we are our way to interrogate the one sshowing sstrange yet ssimilar ssymptomss." Still not sure why they gave up so easily at the last destination, "perhapss the guard will here about uss investigatorss by the time we return."
Ariakara turns to the group that has gathered before speaking. "I was going to see if the guard would let us in to Urgon's house since Elro said to start here, but if you all think it's better to try and talk to Tulgi first then we can do that instead." She looks around at them, making note of the few new faces she doesn't have names for yet.
Jahn looks around to the strangers, happy to see there are others that wish to help. "Jahn Ashspire. And in all honesty I'm looking to wait until the guard notices us because there is most likely a clue in that home."
OOC: Silvercoins I think you misunderstood, the group went to Urgon’s cabin first, not Tulgi’s cabin.
The elven guard returns Ariakara’s gesture grasping my forearm back, saying: “Well, if Elro sent you to investigate the outbreak, I wouldn’t be one to argue. Please, be my guest.” *gestures towards Urgon’s cabin*
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Chicken Licken
Started playing the game in 2020; already a forever DM somehow.
Jahn would give the elf a nod and look around to the gang before walking inside.
While inside, Jahn would do a general investigation of Urgon's bed and desk.
Investigation: 22
This cramped, dark cabin might have been a cozy place when its owner was alive. Now an unmade bed stands near a cold fireplace, its mantle hung with the head of some snarling white beast with gray horns. On the other side of the room, a small table strewn with dirty dishes and set with a dwarf-sized chair stands before two empty shelves whose contents are scattered across the floor: kitchen utensils, dried foodstuffs, adventuring gear, and a few books.
As you examine the mess in the cabin, you realise that someone recently trashed the place while searching it. With that investigation check, you footprints leading outside, and as you look out the door, you see that they continue down the street.
On the floor you see a silvered maul; a suit of splint armor sized for a dwarf; bulky, fur-lined clothing sized for a dwarf; a grappling hook; and a hooded lantern.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Chicken Licken
Started playing the game in 2020; already a forever DM somehow.
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Snow gently falls from the sky and wind bites your cheeks as you stand in the graveyard of Palebank Village, a fishing outpost of Uthodurn that is home to several hundred dwarves and elves. The sun is low in the sky, sinking behind the fresh grave of Urgon Wenth, an old dwarf who caught a curse or disease that turned him into an ice statue. The folk of the village have gathered to pay their final respects to Urgon’s frozen remains.
OOC: As part of your characters’ backstories, you can decide whether any of you knew Urgon or whether you’ve come to the funeral simply to show respect to the folk of the community. Onward:
A gruff voice speaks softly from behind you. “Thank you for attending Urgon’s service.” You turn and meet the gaze of Elro Aldataur, a weathered elf, retired ranger, and the leader of the village. “I’m sorry to speak of dark tidings under such circumstances, but I believe that Palebank Village might be in danger, and I’m hoping you can help us.”
“Two months ago, Urgon Wenth returned home after exploring Eiselcross for a year. He had been back for only for a few days when he came down with a strange affliction, which made him move slowly and caused blue veins to appear all over his body. The village’s priests of Moradin and Corellon used every spell they could muster to attempt to heal Urgon, but nothing they tried could stop the bizarre malady. Urgon battled the affliction for weeks, until his ever-slowing body eventually turned to ice. Until yesterday, the community and I believed that Urgon’s sad fate was an isolated incident, most likely caused by something the dwarf came into contact with while exploring Eiselcross. Then I noticed Tulgi Lutan, a dwarf trapper, showing signs of the same illness. Alarmed, I tried to talk to Tulgi about it, but she pushed me away, asking that he let her die in peace.”
“If you are willing, I want you to find out what caused Urgon and Tulgi’s affliction. I’m worried that it could spread, but Tulgi refuses to talk to me, and the Glassblades (law enforcers) in the village are better known for their combat skills than their ability to glean the truth in a complicated situation. Moreover, Tulgi is extremely distrustful of the authorities. I think a group of adventurers might have better luck convincing Tulgi to talk. If you agree to help find the cause of Urgon and Tulgi’s affliction, I will pay you 100 gp. I suggest that you start by searching Urgon’s home or talking to Tulgi at her cabin.”
Chicken Licken
Started playing the game in 2020; already a forever DM somehow.
Ulysse, a green and yellowish toned lizardfolk with a wide face and on the shorter sized jaw, waddle towards the old elf. His legs are considerably short and seem a bit bow leg-ed but his extra long torso still makes him about average size. "Yesss very sssussspicious. I for one can't think of a much worssse fate then turning into sssomething like ice." He always is playing with a ball of fire on his hand, as a habit it apwars more then warmth, bit clearly Ulysse wasn't made for the cold. He wears a thick fur coat that hangs down almost to his knees. He carries a pack over one shoulder with a wooden shield attached to it and a bedroll. Atop his head he has a bright yellow fading to a vibrant red fleshy narrow Mohawk that goes down to the base of his skull. "I am sssorry for your friendsss untimely death. Perhaps we can lend a hand to try and prevent it ssspreading more then it already hasss."
A 5'11 human bowed their head toward the frozen remains in a prayer, muttering to themselves, "May the Dawnfather forever keep you warm within their grasp" Finishing the prayer, John approached Elro.
Jahn looked to be an adrononys looking human with long dark blonde hair that covered part of their face. The one eye visible was a very piercing green. They were chain mail armor and a shield which held the Sun symbol of Pelor. They also had upon them the symbol of the Empire around their waist along with their carpenter tools.
"Apologies for your loss. Urgon was kind and within the very short time I've known him, helped like i was family. I'll make sure this sickness does not plague any more of his loved ones."
And with a salute, Jahn will scan around the area for those who look to be capable of adventure. Jahn themselves seems to look they are capable in a fight or on the road.
Standing a short distance away, always one to keep to myself, I pulled my hood further over my head to block the icy wind from my face. My short black hair whipped back and forth, stinging my cheeks, and I pushed the straight locks behind my pointed ears. Looking around, I could just barely overhear a conversation being had by an older Elven man--luckily no one I recognized--and a lizardfolk. Something about Urgon's illness? Someone else had it too?
I looked back to the freshly filled grave but I couldn't bring myself to take a step closer to it. I had only met him once. Urgon had shown me kindness when I ran from home despite the risk to himself for harboring me and I made sure to stay no longer than I needed to at the time.
I gazed around the graveyard again, to the people milling about. There was a clear tension in the air. They were worried, as they should be. What happened here? Where did this come from? And how much worse is it going to get? I let out a gentle sigh. A kindness for a kindness. He had protected me and given aid when I needed it. I owed it to him to protect his people.
"Excuse me," I started as I slowly walked over to the two men. "I'm sorry to eavesdrop, but I heard you talking about this.. illness.. spreading? And maybe trying to stop it?" I paused as I reached them, looking at them both. "If you don't mind, I'd like to help however I can."
Elro: “Of course! Any help will be much appreciated. I can pay you 100 gold pieces now if you agree to help find the cause of Urgon and Tulgi’s affliction, and I’ll give you another 200 gp if you find the cure. If you accept, I give you permission to search Urgon’s home, and I suggest you also go talk to Tulgi at her cabin.”
Chicken Licken
Started playing the game in 2020; already a forever DM somehow.
"I accept," I state with a slight bow of my head. "My name is Ariakara, or Aria for short." I smile softly before turning to look briefly to the lizardkin and human man lingering nearby, my golden eyes flashing in the light reflecting off the snow. For a moment I consider saying something to them, but instead I give a short nod, turn, and begin trudging through the snow towards Urgon's house, knowing that if they're interested in helping too then they'll be right behind me.
"Ulyssse is what I am called, before we trek off towardsss the deceased home, I ssshall inform my colleague of this task. We shall meet you there if you insssissst on leaving now." Ulysse will turn and seek out Doter doing his wiggley wobbly walking style.
You come to a one-story, one-room log cabin at the edge of town. A female wood elf Glassblade stands guard, with a shortsword in its scabbard at her hip, and a longbow and a quiver of arrows sling over her back.
What would you like to do?
Chicken Licken
Started playing the game in 2020; already a forever DM somehow.
"I accept. And if you do not mind I will join you lot!" Jahn would pound their chest in greeting. "My name is Jahn Ashspire." As they head off with the group and approach the cabin with the elf standing guard, Jahn would call-out, "Hello! Elro, gave us permission to investigate the premises for clues to solve this plague."
Jahn would stand proud, with authority.
Upon approach to the house, I dip my head to the guard, yet again relieved I don't recognize the face. When I speak to her my voice is steady but soft.
"Excuse me. As my colleague mentioned, we were given permission by Erlo to search Urgon's home. I'm sure you've heard that there's another case of this affliction in town and we're working to put an end to it before anyone else is lost. Do you mind if we step inside and look around?" I look into her eyes and offer her my arm, an Elven gesture of good faith and honesty, hoping that she will return it by grasping my forearm back, signaling that she trusts our intentions and that we are allowed inside.
Camille rolls her shoulders back, adjusting the spear that rests in a sling across her back. Most of her black hair is pulled into a high braid ponytail - a necessity to keep so much length in check. Over a light blue tunic she wears a simple leather armor chest piece, something that was originally made for an aunt of hers and then resized to fit her. She appears mostly human, but there's a slight elven touch to her looks. High cheekbones, an angular jaw, and her ears seem more pointed than any human, but rounder than even a half-elf's. A strange red tattoo decorates her hand: two concentric circles, one only a half circle, with an arrow drawn straight through the center of both.
She is quiet as the funeral proceeds, listening intently as Elro makes their request. In truth she hadn't known Urgon...Something else had driven her here. It had taken her so much time to find the right settlement from her visions, but it seems she'd found Palebank at just the right moment. She bows slightly to the elven ranger as the group takes their leave, heading back into the village proper for this poor soul's home.
As they walk through the village she keeps an eye on the other villagers, looking for signs of sickness among any others. Arriving at Urgon's house she remains quiet once more, content to let the other two speak for now. Her social skillset lay more in deceiving and intimidating, things ill-suited for the current situation.
As the group approaches Tulgi's home, they are followed by the hurried trudging of one incredibly winded tortle. He shouts towards them, in a thick accent that immediately betrays a fondness for kilts and bagpipes, "Oi!,Ulyssse!!"
Doter slows down as he approaches. His green skin and yellow fishlike eyes are somehow warm despite the blistering cold. His robes are a simple off white with some red stripes and wraps thrown in to signify his status as a monk. A similarly red banana flows down over the back of his shell.
"That old elf in town told me that you'd be here with some others. He said I just missed you!" He exclaimed followed by a hearty laugh.
As he finished, he wiped a tear and said, "I guess that'll teach me to stay up all night. Anyway, have we made any discoveries?"
Boil walks into this village and sees a group of people standing around with sad faces and Boil thinks to himself, "Me not wanting to be sad right now, me find somewhere else to go." After wondering around the village for a bit he seems to be caught up in a small group of people walking toward a part of town he hasn't been to yet, and with out a second thought continues with them, he thinks to himself, "maybe they know where to find a ale house."
As they make their way to a house he is starting to realize that they aren't getting ale but maybe they can be friends.
"Well me guess me joining on helping, Hi me Boil! What do you need me to do?"
"Yesss doddling Doter!" Ulysse says with a grin. "No worriesss my friend, you haven't misssed anything yet. Group, thiss iss my friend I spoke of earlier. Doter." Ulysse jesters to the tortle catching its breath, "We sstopped by the deceased home, but it was guarded sso now we are our way to interrogate the one sshowing sstrange yet ssimilar ssymptomss." Still not sure why they gave up so easily at the last destination, "perhapss the guard will here about uss investigatorss by the time we return."
Ariakara turns to the group that has gathered before speaking. "I was going to see if the guard would let us in to Urgon's house since Elro said to start here, but if you all think it's better to try and talk to Tulgi first then we can do that instead." She looks around at them, making note of the few new faces she doesn't have names for yet.
Jahn looks around to the strangers, happy to see there are others that wish to help. "Jahn Ashspire. And in all honesty I'm looking to wait until the guard notices us because there is most likely a clue in that home."
OOC: Silvercoins I think you misunderstood, the group went to Urgon’s cabin first, not Tulgi’s cabin.
The elven guard returns Ariakara’s gesture grasping my forearm back, saying: “Well, if Elro sent you to investigate the outbreak, I wouldn’t be one to argue. Please, be my guest.” *gestures towards Urgon’s cabin*
Chicken Licken
Started playing the game in 2020; already a forever DM somehow.
Jahn would give the elf a nod and look around to the gang before walking inside.
While inside, Jahn would do a general investigation of Urgon's bed and desk.
Investigation: 4
"Did you know Urgon at all?" Camille asks the guard while Jahn goes inside to investigate.
This cramped, dark cabin might have been a cozy place when its owner was alive. Now an unmade bed stands near a cold fireplace, its mantle hung with the head of some snarling white beast with gray horns. On the other side of the room, a small table strewn with dirty dishes and set with a dwarf-sized chair stands before two empty shelves whose contents are scattered across the floor: kitchen utensils, dried foodstuffs, adventuring gear, and a few books.
As you examine the mess in the cabin, you realise that someone recently trashed the place while searching it. With that investigation check, you footprints leading outside, and as you look out the door, you see that they continue down the street.
On the floor you see a silvered maul; a suit of splint armor sized for a dwarf; bulky, fur-lined clothing sized for a dwarf; a grappling hook; and a hooded lantern.
Chicken Licken
Started playing the game in 2020; already a forever DM somehow.