Meadowfen has been quiet for as long as anyone can remember, and life there goes by slowly. Positioned a ways outside the Wood, it is a humble village with a small number of residents. Most are farmers, whose families have worked the ash-enriched soil to the north and the marshlands to the south for many songs. Its proximity to the marsh keeps it generally safe from attacks by emberbats and other fire-based creatures from the Scorched Grove, while its distance from the Mokk Fields ensures deadly slimes don’t stray into the village.
Recently, though, Meadowfen has fallen on hard times. The rainfalls of the Dawning Verse haven’t arrived this song, leaving the fields barren. To make matters worse, trade wagons sent to provide relief from Alderheart have gone missing, fueling rumors of bandits prowling the roadways. Fiery creatures from the Grove are venturing closer to the village than ever before, stretching the local Tenders thin. Five beats ago, an ominous plume of black smoke to the northwest blocked the sun. The captain of the town militia, a former member of the Perch Guard, rounded up a force of her soldiers and trainees to go investigate, but they were expected back by now. There are few left in Meadowfen who the village elder can turn to for help.
As the sun climbs in the sky on the fourth beat since the militia set out, the residents of the village go about their daily business, albeit a bit more somber than usual.
[[ Please introduce your characters and describe where we find them on this warm Glimmercall morning! ]]
The warm breeze of Glimmercall morning carried a faint scent of the marsh, a reminder of the village's position at the southern edge of the Wood. Meadowfen was a quiet place—quieter than b'Reh had ever imagined when she first arrived. Standing at the edge of the village, her striking black and white feathers gleaming in the morning light, she looked out across the fields. The ash-enriched soil lay dry and cracked, devoid of the crops that should have been growing this song. The absence of rain weighed heavily on the farmers, and b'Reh could feel their tension.
She had come to Meadowfen full of determination, sent by her uncle to apprentice under Constable Juren. She saw it as a chance to prove herself, to restore her family's honor after the disgrace that had tainted the Nyxbringer name. Her distinct Pied Barn Owl plumage, with its high-contrast patterns, had marked her as special from birth. Many in the village whispered that she was Wind-Touched, blessed by the wind to rise above any obstacle, but b'Reh wasn’t so sure. She believed that hard work and adherence to the Rhythm would guide her, not some ancient blessing.
On this morning, she found herself patrolling the outskirts of the village, something Juren rarely did himself. He seemed content to keep her occupied with minor tasks, uninterested in her presence. But b'Reh welcomed the solitude. As she leaped into the air, gliding smoothly over the fields, she felt the wind beneath her feathers, a fleeting sense of freedom. She landed lightly near a group of villagers, catching snippets of their conversation about the missing militia. The smoke to the northwest still lingered ominously, and no word had come from the soldiers.
B'Reh furrowed her brow as she listened. It had been five beats since the militia had left, and the village was growing anxious. She knew that if something wasn’t done soon, the tension would only worsen. Glancing back toward the center of Meadowfen, she resolved to speak to Constable Juren once more, though she doubted he would act. But b'Reh was not one to sit idly by. Whether the constable approved or not, she would find a way to help.
A stout figure emerges in the morning light from a small building off of the main square of the village. The boarding house of the Tenders has been a comfort for her over the last song and has come to feel more like home as beats pass. She lifts her long thin nose to the air as the morning sun takes the sky. She's wearing simple robes of blue/green that flow to the ground. Her clawed toes peaking out as she walks through the village greeting villagers as she passes. Many rows of spiny needles spread out across her head and down over the whole of her back. Her face is kind with small side-set eyes overtop of a very long thin nose.
She makes her way to the main central well of the village. With the rains having not come yet this song, many of the villagers are finding the more arid conditions difficult at best. She settles herself at the edge of the well, where a small line of villagers had started to form. She pushes up her sleeves and sets to work filling the empty canteens the villagers have arrived with. <Brynlee casts Elementalism -- Beckon Water>
You would find him a quite park like setting in town meditating. But when an interesting person would pass by, he would refocus himself, stand up, take a deep breath, and speak with them.
(NOTE: He would have no issue telling you his whole life store, but in quick 'squirrel-like' chatter at 3x speed)
Arik was born in Saltar's Port, a bustling ship trade center on the coast. His family was well-known among the seafaring community, respected for their skills in navigation and trade. Arik's father was a seasoned captain, and his mother managed the family's affairs on land. Growing up, Arik learned the ways of the sea, from tying knots to reading the stars for navigation. He had a close bond with his siblings, who shared his love for the ocean.
One fateful night, while on a voyage along the Talongrip coast, Arik's ship was caught in a violent tempest. The storm was unlike anything they had ever encountered, with waves towering over the ship and lightning illuminating the dark sky. Despite their best efforts, the ship was torn apart. Arik found himself clinging to a piece of driftwood, praying for survival as the storm raged on. Exhausted and battered, he eventually washed ashore near the cliffs of Talongrip.
Arik was discovered by a group of monks from a secluded monastery near the cliffs. The monks, known for their compassion and healing skills, took him in and nursed him back to health. During his recovery, Arik was introduced to their way of life. He was fascinated by their discipline, mastery of martial arts, and deep connection to the spiritual world. The monks taught him about balance, inner peace, and the importance of harmony between body, mind and the elemental forces.
Deciding to stay and train with the monks, Arik found a new sense of purpose. Over the years, he honed his body and mind, becoming a skilled monk. He learned various martial arts techniques, meditation practices, and spiritual teachings. The monks also taught him about the elements and their significance in the natural world. Arik's training was rigorous, but he embraced it wholeheartedly, finding strength and resilience he never knew he had.
As Arik prepared to leave the monastery, he undertook one final pilgrimage to the edge of the scorched grove. This journey aimed to connect him with the elements of earth and fire, complementing his experiences with wind and water at the coastal cliffs. The pilgrimage tested his skills, endurance, and spiritual development, ultimately solidifying his bond with nature and understanding of the elements. After completing this journey, Arik visited the village of Meadowfen to rest before heading to the Mokk Fields, where he planned to track down the elemental slime needed for the transformation ceremony at the monastery.
As he was walking along the road, just outside of Meadowfen, he herd a commotion around a bend in the road. He hurried and found a farmer desperately trying to defending his farm and family from a Steam Mephit. Arik, seeing the need didn't think twice and intervened and fought the mephit. Though the battle was long and he was struck many times by the creature, he was able to win, but at almost the cost of his life. He collapsed after the hard won fight. The farmer and his family carrier him back to their home and took in the young hero and nursed him back to health. The young adventurer and the family grew close, and when it was time to move on he vowed to keep in touch.
As b’Reh listens to the villagers, half lost in thoughts of giving Juren a piece of her mind, shouts suddenly arise from the main road, drawing her attention and snapping Arik out of his reverie. Two figures make their way through the town, the smaller one, a strig woman, leaning on the larger figure beside her. She is severely wounded, and her tawny feathers are singed and flecked with ash and soot, which nearly obscures the Perch Guard medal pinned to her chest. She is breathing heavily, and looks as though she could collapse any second as the pair comes into Brynlee's view approaching the fountain.
[[ Vira, if you could please introduce your character as you near the center of Meadowfen with the militia captain! (and Juneberri, add yours whenever, I just wanted to get this up to get our last character in!) ]]
Vira strides into the center of Meadowfen, her broad figure towering over Cara, whom she supports with her strong arm. Her distinctive features, including sharp, golden eyes and prominent feather tufts, are marred by ash and soot, but her fiery determination burns through the exhaustion. Her traveler's clothing, worn and frayed, clings to her muscular frame, while her greataxe and spear, both strapped to her back, seem almost ready to leap into her hands at a moment's notice.
Despite the exhaustion etched into her every movement, the raw power of her form is unmistakable as she lowers Cara down by the well. Her feathers are singed, her clothing frayed, and the weight of the long journey and battle is clear, but there’s no hesitation in her stance. Her golden eyes blaze with purpose, and her body, though worn, still radiates strength and readiness.
"Ashbarrow is gone," she says, her voice steady but quick, her gaze sweeping the gathered villagers."Fires from the Scorched Grove, survivors scattered… but bandits attacked us, took everything they could carry. They were organized."
"Someone, please help Cara," she says, her tone firm but tinged with urgency. "She needs care."
Her resolve quickly returns as she straightens, exhaustion still evident in her posture but overshadowed by her will to act. "I’ll head back to Ashbarrow. These bandits won’t stop unless we make them."
Arik, seeing Vira say she was heading back to deal with a bandit problem offers his assistance. “Hi, my names Arik. Oh my, Cara you say. Can we get a healer over here for this injured person. If you’re going back to deal with bandits, I’d like it if you’d let me come help you deal with those bandits. “
Vira, still reeling from the events that had transpired, is momentarily caught off guard by Arik’s sudden appearance and energy. Her sharp, golden eyes focus on the small Jerbeen as he moves with surprising swiftness.
For a brief moment, Vira tilts her head back and forth, raising a hand to her beak as she studies him intently.
After the pause, a grin spreads across her beak. "I like you," she declares, her voice carrying a touch of approval."Hate bandit scum too, do you? Any enemy of theirs is a friend of mine."
She reaches down and claps Arik on the shoulder—perhaps a bit more forcefully than necessary, but her intent is clear.
B'Reh, lost in thought near the well, felt the tension in the air shift. Shouts echoed from the main road, causing her feathers to bristle as she snapped back to reality. Her sharp eyes narrowed, immediately assessing the situation. With a powerful leap, she propelled herself into the air, her black-and-white plumage cutting through the sky as she glided with precision toward the commotion.
She landed gracefully beside the injured strig woman, immediately recognizing the singed feathers and Perch Guard medal pinned to her chest. Without hesitation, b'Reh knelt beside her, murmuring a divine prayer under her breath. [Healing Word for 8 HP].
"What happened?" b'Reh demanded, her voice calm but firm, casting a quick glance at the militia captain’s companion. She stood, wings slightly spread, making her presence known. "I’m b'Reh Nyxbringer, aide to constable Juron. Speak quickly—there’s no time to waste." Her tone left no room for hesitation as she awaited an answer, ready to take action.
The commotion in the streets caught Brynlee's attention as she moves to shift the remaining towns people out of the remaining line to leave space near the well for the injured guard.
At the mention of Ashbarrow, Brynlee's face goes white and the ever present beating within her body beats louder and louder until it drowns out all sound around her. There are powerful Tenders in Ashbarrow, how could the town fall? Bringing focus back to situation at hand, she hears the call for healing and as she is about to mutter a word, the flutter of black and white feathers swoops past her to stand before the injured. She hears the incantation and stutters in her own as a flush of colour returns to Cara's face and the beat within her chest begins to normalize.
"Well met. B'Reh was it?" She says to the newcomer. "Brynlee, Tender of Meadowfen" She introduces herself with a brief nod of her head.
Brynlee produces another cup of water and presses it to Cara's beak encouraging her to drink. She spares a glance at the other newcomers to town appearing to be discussing a return to Ashbarrow. She returns her attention to Cara hoping that with strength returning she could provide more information about what happened.
The residents of Meadowfen quickly back away at Brynlee’s urging as b’Reh kneels next to the injured strig. Cara visibly relaxes as the warmth of the cleric’s healing spreads throughout her body, and gratefully accepts the water offered by the Tender. As she catches her breath, she says in a scratchy voice that only those closest to her can hear, “Vira, Morrigan will handle the bandits. You’re still needed here.” Clearing her throat and speaking a bit more confidently, she addresses the other strig at her side. “Thank you b’Reh. I am aware of your credentials, but the message we bring must go straight to the Elder. You are welcome to join on the constable’s behalf.” At this moment, a wizened gallus woman appears in the doorway of the Elder’s home and shouts, “Cara!”, waving for the strig and all of those with her to enter the home. Cara slowly rises to her feet, still leaning on Vira for support, and begins to move towards the gallus’s home.
The Meadowfen Elder, a strong gallus you all know as Ardwyn, leads you through her home to a small bedroom just past the kitchen. Once Cara is positioned in the bed, Ardwyn clears her throat and speaks. “It’s clear you have endured much, my child,” the respected gallus says, motioning for you all to gather around, “But we must know what happened out there.”
“The fires–from the Grove–they spread across the fields to the outskirts of Ashbarrow. The town, it’s—everything is gone, it’s just…ash.” She pauses for another sip of water, then continues her story in a measured voice, clearly steeling herself for the benefit of those around her as she delivers the news. “We found the surviving residents outside the town, just standing there, as if in shock. Several had packs and carts of belongings, thank Ardea, but their homes—and many of their families—are gone. As we led them here, we were set upon by bandits. My soldiers fought, but many died, and the bandits took everything. We need to prepare. The refugees will be here tonight, tomorrow at the latest. They’ll need food, water, places to s—”
“Peace, Cara,” Ardwyn interrupts the strig’s quick stream of words. “I will see to it, and your soldier here can tell me the rest. You must recover now. Meadowfen and Ashbarrow owe you a great deal.” Cara takes a deep breath and relaxes a bit, satisfied to have delivered her message, and the Elder exits the bedroom, closing the door gently. She makes her way back to the kitchen and, keeping her voice low, looks to Vira and asks, “What happened to the rest of the militia?"
[[ Just as a note, the tooltip tag [spell] still links to 2014 versions of spells, so if you use [spells] instead, that will link to the correct version for this game ;) ]]
Vira listens intently as Cara speaks, disappointed but unwilling to disobey her orders. As Elder Ardwyn gently guides them into her home, Vira remains at Cara’s side, her mind flashing back to the chaos and fire that consumed Ashbarrow. She takes a deep breath, her gaze briefly distant as an older memory of the flames fills her head, unbidden and unwelcome. The fire that consumed Ashbarrow burns just as fiercely in her mind now, and she can almost hear the crackling and feel the heat on her feathers. She forces herself back to the present, focusing on Elder Ardwyn’s question.
"The rest of the militia, including Lieutenant Morrigan, is still out there," she says, her voice steady but edged with frustration. "They went after the bandits, but the group we encountered was larger than expected. Too organized, too well-prepared. They won’t stop unless we stop them."
She pauses, torn between wanting to confront the dangers head-on and the need to protect what remains. "I was going to go back out there, bandits or not. But...Cara is right. With Morrigan handling the pursuit, the refugees will need protection here." Her gaze sharpens and she nods resolutely. "I won’t let them get hurt. Not again."
B'Reh stood quietly in the Elder's home, her sharp eyes focused as she listened to Cara and Vira recount the fall of Ashbarrow. Her feathers rustled slightly as the gravity of the situation set in—fires, bandits, and refugees on the way. She, too, felt the pull of duty tugging her in two directions: the need to bring justice to the bandits and the responsibility to aid the wounded and displaced. After a moment of contemplation, she spoke, her voice calm but resolute. "It seems clear that these bandits won't stop until someone puts an end to their attacks. But if Lieutenant Morrigan is already pursuing them, we should focus on ensuring the refugees make it here safely." She glanced at Vira, her brow furrowed. "There could be more ambushes on their way to Meadowfen. If we hurry, we can meet them and offer protection for the remainder of their journey. It may be the best way to prevent further losses."
B'Reh’s gaze then shifted to the Elder. "If the town cannot spare any more fighters, I can also help prepare a field hospital or organize a camp to receive the injured and displaced. They will need shelter, food, and care." She straightened, her tone steady. "Tell me where I can do the most good, and I will see it done." Her wings shifted slightly as she awaited their decision, fully prepared to act, whether it meant defending the refugees on the road or aiding in their recovery once they arrived. "We cannot afford to lose more lives to these flames or bandits."
The elderly gallus nods gravely as Vira speaks. “I see. I thank you for seeing Cara safely returned. If the bandits were as organized as you say, I fear Morrigan’s pursuit of them was somewhat foolhardy. They will not have made such an attack against the militia without an exit strategy.” She thinks for a moment at b’Reh’s words, and then addresses all of you. “As for fighters, we must hope that Morrigan gave up the chase quickly and returned to the refugees to escort them here. The field hospital is a good idea. I will send a messenger to fetch Wren and the twins to set that up. You are right about not losing any more lives, but I fear I have a larger request for you all. Someone must go to the Birdfolk Council in Alderheart and tell them of all this. We can sustain the citizens of Ashbarrow for several measures, perhaps even to the end of the verse, but we will need aid come Rayswell. They must be warned of the bandit attacks and missing wagons, and the Tenders must hear that the Grove is now taking entire towns. I have precious few options for messengers with the rest of the militia still gone, but each of you has proven yourself to our village in some way, and I hope I might entrust this task to you.”
B'Reh listened intently to the Elder’s words, her face carefully composed. But as the request was made for them to travel to Alderheart, her wings shifted ever so slightly, betraying her disappointment. Being sent away from the immediate danger, away from the bandits who had so thoroughly disrupted the village, was not what she had hoped. The part of her that longed for swift justice against the attackers tugged at her heart, but the doctrine of the Rhythm—her commitment to order and hierarchy—kept her still. With a deep breath, she nodded. "Of course, Elder. If the Birdfolk Council must be informed, then it is our duty to see it done." Her tone was steady, though the subtle downturn of her eyes hinted at her inner conflict. She had been ready to act, to help protect the refugees on the road or organize the defense of the village, but duty had called her in another direction. She glanced at the rest of the group assembled. Then, she turned back to the Elder. "Do you expect further trouble on the road to Alderheart? And... are we all to make the journey? The village will still need capable hands here."
Brynlee thinks back to her years at Ashbarrow and Cara recounts the attack. The homes gone. The little corner shop that that sold ice pops on a hot day to children. Ah! The Tenders small library and archives. It's a shame to see much history lost. She hopes some of her fellows are among the survivors, but knowing the Tenders they would have looked to getting everyone else out first.
"We can begin setting up temporary barracks and sleeping quarters for the refugees. I can work with our casters on producing food and water. I am afraid our stores are in short supply due to the drought." Brynlee says to the Elder as she returns to the kitchen.
Vira listens closely, her talons tapping lightly against the ground as she absorbs Elder Ardwyn’s words. Her sharp eyes narrow slightly at the mention of Morrigan’s pursuit, knowing deep down that the bandits were too organized to be easily caught. The Elder’s fear about Morrigan’s decision confirms Vira’s own suspicions.
As Ardwyn speaks of the need to warn the Birdfolk Council and seek aid from Alderheart, Vira feels a shift inside her. The idea of leaving Meadowfen, especially with the flames still burning in her mind and the threat of bandits looming, unsettles her. But she understands the gravity of the task—Alderheart must be warned, and if the Grove is now taking entire towns, then the threat is far greater than she had imagined.
Her voice is steady, though still laced with the fire that drives her.
"If the council in Alderheart needs to hear this, then we’ll make sure they do," she says, her tone firm and resolved. "I won’t let this happen to Meadowfen, or any other town. The Grove, the bandits—we'll stop them somehow."
Her hand moves to rest on her spear as she continues,"I’ll go. We’ll get the message to Alderheart. And when we come back, we’ll make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else." She glances briefly at the others, silently acknowledging that they, too, may be asked to carry this burden with her.
The memories of Ashbarrow’s destruction are still fresh in her mind, but she forces them aside, focusing on the task at hand. She won’t let another home fall. Not if she can help it.
"Of course. I can help take the message to Alderheart. The Tenders will listen to word of another Tender and understand the gravity." Brynlee stands with a greater confidence at the chance to prove herself with such and important task. A similar feeling came when she was promoted to Seedling leaving Ashbarrow for this smaller village of Meadowfen. That had been a choice confirmed by the beating of the Great Rhythm. She had no doubts that this would be a similar calling.
She looks to the rest of the group in the small kitchen to see who else would volunteer their services.
She looks to each of you, residents and visitors alike of the small town for which she, alongside her late husband, has been responsible for many songs.
“All of you have served as protectors to our town in your own ways and your own times, but we will have the militia once Morrigan returns, as well as Sylas and the other Tenders. I cannot claim to know what awaits you all on the road to Alderheart, as it has been many years since I myself have made the journey, but I am sure it will be safer if you are all together. With b'Reh as a guide and messenger to the Council, Arik and Vira as trained protectors, and Brynlee as a talented mage and messenger to the Tenders, I see no better candidates for this task than yourselves.”
The Meadowfen Elder leads you back through her home to the front door. “You all should leave soon. As long as you’re on the road by midday, you should arrive at Winnowing Reach by nightfall. May Ardea watch over you." With those final words, she retreats back into the house, leaving you all ready to embark on your journey.
Vira turns to the group after they exit the Elder's house, her eyes studying each of them curiously before she speaks up.
"Name’s Vira. Vira Stormclaw. But you know the first part already," she begins a little awkwardly, quickly turning the subject to the matter at hand and things she's familiar with."Now’s as good a time as any to tell you all what I bring to the table. Most importantly, I hit stuff hard." Her feathers fluff up slightly in pride as she gestures to the greataxe and spear strapped to her back, as well as the various handaxes on her belt. "I can also climb just about anything, and...oh, if I need to, I can hide and get the drop on our enemies! Though once I strike, it tends to attract a lot of attention. I’ve also spent plenty of time surviving in the wilds."
Welcome to the Wood!
Meadowfen has been quiet for as long as anyone can remember, and life there goes by slowly. Positioned a ways outside the Wood, it is a humble village with a small number of residents. Most are farmers, whose families have worked the ash-enriched soil to the north and the marshlands to the south for many songs. Its proximity to the marsh keeps it generally safe from attacks by emberbats and other fire-based creatures from the Scorched Grove, while its distance from the Mokk Fields ensures deadly slimes don’t stray into the village.
Recently, though, Meadowfen has fallen on hard times. The rainfalls of the Dawning Verse haven’t arrived this song, leaving the fields barren. To make matters worse, trade wagons sent to provide relief from Alderheart have gone missing, fueling rumors of bandits prowling the roadways. Fiery creatures from the Grove are venturing closer to the village than ever before, stretching the local Tenders thin. Five beats ago, an ominous plume of black smoke to the northwest blocked the sun. The captain of the town militia, a former member of the Perch Guard, rounded up a force of her soldiers and trainees to go investigate, but they were expected back by now. There are few left in Meadowfen who the village elder can turn to for help.
As the sun climbs in the sky on the fourth beat since the militia set out, the residents of the village go about their daily business, albeit a bit more somber than usual.
[[ Please introduce your characters and describe where we find them on this warm Glimmercall morning! ]]
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
The warm breeze of Glimmercall morning carried a faint scent of the marsh, a reminder of the village's position at the southern edge of the Wood. Meadowfen was a quiet place—quieter than b'Reh had ever imagined when she first arrived. Standing at the edge of the village, her striking black and white feathers gleaming in the morning light, she looked out across the fields. The ash-enriched soil lay dry and cracked, devoid of the crops that should have been growing this song. The absence of rain weighed heavily on the farmers, and b'Reh could feel their tension.
She had come to Meadowfen full of determination, sent by her uncle to apprentice under Constable Juren. She saw it as a chance to prove herself, to restore her family's honor after the disgrace that had tainted the Nyxbringer name. Her distinct Pied Barn Owl plumage, with its high-contrast patterns, had marked her as special from birth. Many in the village whispered that she was Wind-Touched, blessed by the wind to rise above any obstacle, but b'Reh wasn’t so sure. She believed that hard work and adherence to the Rhythm would guide her, not some ancient blessing.
On this morning, she found herself patrolling the outskirts of the village, something Juren rarely did himself. He seemed content to keep her occupied with minor tasks, uninterested in her presence. But b'Reh welcomed the solitude. As she leaped into the air, gliding smoothly over the fields, she felt the wind beneath her feathers, a fleeting sense of freedom. She landed lightly near a group of villagers, catching snippets of their conversation about the missing militia. The smoke to the northwest still lingered ominously, and no word had come from the soldiers.
B'Reh furrowed her brow as she listened. It had been five beats since the militia had left, and the village was growing anxious. She knew that if something wasn’t done soon, the tension would only worsen. Glancing back toward the center of Meadowfen, she resolved to speak to Constable Juren once more, though she doubted he would act. But b'Reh was not one to sit idly by. Whether the constable approved or not, she would find a way to help.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
A stout figure emerges in the morning light from a small building off of the main square of the village. The boarding house of the Tenders has been a comfort for her over the last song and has come to feel more like home as beats pass. She lifts her long thin nose to the air as the morning sun takes the sky. She's wearing simple robes of blue/green that flow to the ground. Her clawed toes peaking out as she walks through the village greeting villagers as she passes. Many rows of spiny needles spread out across her head and down over the whole of her back. Her face is kind with small side-set eyes overtop of a very long thin nose.
She makes her way to the main central well of the village. With the rains having not come yet this song, many of the villagers are finding the more arid conditions difficult at best. She settles herself at the edge of the well, where a small line of villagers had started to form. She pushes up her sleeves and sets to work filling the empty canteens the villagers have arrived with.
<Brynlee casts Elementalism -- Beckon Water >
Arik Stormwind, Squirrelfolk (Jerbeen)
You would find him a quite park like setting in town meditating. But when an interesting person would pass by, he would refocus himself, stand up, take a deep breath, and speak with them.
(NOTE: He would have no issue telling you his whole life store, but in quick 'squirrel-like' chatter at 3x speed)
Arik was born in Saltar's Port, a bustling ship trade center on the coast. His family was well-known among the seafaring community, respected for their skills in navigation and trade. Arik's father was a seasoned captain, and his mother managed the family's affairs on land. Growing up, Arik learned the ways of the sea, from tying knots to reading the stars for navigation. He had a close bond with his siblings, who shared his love for the ocean.
One fateful night, while on a voyage along the Talongrip coast, Arik's ship was caught in a violent tempest. The storm was unlike anything they had ever encountered, with waves towering over the ship and lightning illuminating the dark sky. Despite their best efforts, the ship was torn apart. Arik found himself clinging to a piece of driftwood, praying for survival as the storm raged on. Exhausted and battered, he eventually washed ashore near the cliffs of Talongrip.
Arik was discovered by a group of monks from a secluded monastery near the cliffs. The monks, known for their compassion and healing skills, took him in and nursed him back to health. During his recovery, Arik was introduced to their way of life. He was fascinated by their discipline, mastery of martial arts, and deep connection to the spiritual world. The monks taught him about balance, inner peace, and the importance of harmony between body, mind and the elemental forces.
Deciding to stay and train with the monks, Arik found a new sense of purpose. Over the years, he honed his body and mind, becoming a skilled monk. He learned various martial arts techniques, meditation practices, and spiritual teachings. The monks also taught him about the elements and their significance in the natural world. Arik's training was rigorous, but he embraced it wholeheartedly, finding strength and resilience he never knew he had.
As Arik prepared to leave the monastery, he undertook one final pilgrimage to the edge of the scorched grove. This journey aimed to connect him with the elements of earth and fire, complementing his experiences with wind and water at the coastal cliffs. The pilgrimage tested his skills, endurance, and spiritual development, ultimately solidifying his bond with nature and understanding of the elements. After completing this journey, Arik visited the village of Meadowfen to rest before heading to the Mokk Fields, where he planned to track down the elemental slime needed for the transformation ceremony at the monastery.
As he was walking along the road, just outside of Meadowfen, he herd a commotion around a bend in the road. He hurried and found a farmer desperately trying to defending his farm and family from a Steam Mephit. Arik, seeing the need didn't think twice and intervened and fought the mephit. Though the battle was long and he was struck many times by the creature, he was able to win, but at almost the cost of his life. He collapsed after the hard won fight. The farmer and his family carrier him back to their home and took in the young hero and nursed him back to health. The young adventurer and the family grew close, and when it was time to move on he vowed to keep in touch.
D&D since 1984
As b’Reh listens to the villagers, half lost in thoughts of giving Juren a piece of her mind, shouts suddenly arise from the main road, drawing her attention and snapping Arik out of his reverie. Two figures make their way through the town, the smaller one, a strig woman, leaning on the larger figure beside her. She is severely wounded, and her tawny feathers are singed and flecked with ash and soot, which nearly obscures the Perch Guard medal pinned to her chest. She is breathing heavily, and looks as though she could collapse any second as the pair comes into Brynlee's view approaching the fountain.
[[ Vira, if you could please introduce your character as you near the center of Meadowfen with the militia captain! (and Juneberri, add yours whenever, I just wanted to get this up to get our last character in!) ]]
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Vira strides into the center of Meadowfen, her broad figure towering over Cara, whom she supports with her strong arm. Her distinctive features, including sharp, golden eyes and prominent feather tufts, are marred by ash and soot, but her fiery determination burns through the exhaustion. Her traveler's clothing, worn and frayed, clings to her muscular frame, while her greataxe and spear, both strapped to her back, seem almost ready to leap into her hands at a moment's notice.
Despite the exhaustion etched into her every movement, the raw power of her form is unmistakable as she lowers Cara down by the well. Her feathers are singed, her clothing frayed, and the weight of the long journey and battle is clear, but there’s no hesitation in her stance. Her golden eyes blaze with purpose, and her body, though worn, still radiates strength and readiness.
"Ashbarrow is gone," she says, her voice steady but quick, her gaze sweeping the gathered villagers. "Fires from the Scorched Grove, survivors scattered… but bandits attacked us, took everything they could carry. They were organized."
"Someone, please help Cara," she says, her tone firm but tinged with urgency. "She needs care."
Her resolve quickly returns as she straightens, exhaustion still evident in her posture but overshadowed by her will to act. "I’ll head back to Ashbarrow. These bandits won’t stop unless we make them."
Arik, seeing Vira say she was heading back to deal with a bandit problem offers his assistance. “Hi, my names Arik. Oh my, Cara you say. Can we get a healer over here for this injured person. If you’re going back to deal with bandits, I’d like it if you’d let me come help you deal with those bandits. “
D&D since 1984
Vira, still reeling from the events that had transpired, is momentarily caught off guard by Arik’s sudden appearance and energy. Her sharp, golden eyes focus on the small Jerbeen as he moves with surprising swiftness.
For a brief moment, Vira tilts her head back and forth, raising a hand to her beak as she studies him intently.
After the pause, a grin spreads across her beak. "I like you," she declares, her voice carrying a touch of approval. "Hate bandit scum too, do you? Any enemy of theirs is a friend of mine."
She reaches down and claps Arik on the shoulder—perhaps a bit more forcefully than necessary, but her intent is clear.
B'Reh, lost in thought near the well, felt the tension in the air shift. Shouts echoed from the main road, causing her feathers to bristle as she snapped back to reality. Her sharp eyes narrowed, immediately assessing the situation. With a powerful leap, she propelled herself into the air, her black-and-white plumage cutting through the sky as she glided with precision toward the commotion.
She landed gracefully beside the injured strig woman, immediately recognizing the singed feathers and Perch Guard medal pinned to her chest. Without hesitation, b'Reh knelt beside her, murmuring a divine prayer under her breath. [Healing Word for 8 HP].
"What happened?" b'Reh demanded, her voice calm but firm, casting a quick glance at the militia captain’s companion. She stood, wings slightly spread, making her presence known. "I’m b'Reh Nyxbringer, aide to constable Juron. Speak quickly—there’s no time to waste." Her tone left no room for hesitation as she awaited an answer, ready to take action.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
The commotion in the streets caught Brynlee's attention as she moves to shift the remaining towns people out of the remaining line to leave space near the well for the injured guard.
At the mention of Ashbarrow, Brynlee's face goes white and the ever present beating within her body beats louder and louder until it drowns out all sound around her. There are powerful Tenders in Ashbarrow, how could the town fall? Bringing focus back to situation at hand, she hears the call for healing and as she is about to mutter a word, the flutter of black and white feathers swoops past her to stand before the injured. She hears the incantation and stutters in her own as a flush of colour returns to Cara's face and the beat within her chest begins to normalize.
"Well met. B'Reh was it?" She says to the newcomer. "Brynlee, Tender of Meadowfen" She introduces herself with a brief nod of her head.
Brynlee produces another cup of water and presses it to Cara's beak encouraging her to drink. She spares a glance at the other newcomers to town appearing to be discussing a return to Ashbarrow. She returns her attention to Cara hoping that with strength returning she could provide more information about what happened.
The residents of Meadowfen quickly back away at Brynlee’s urging as b’Reh kneels next to the injured strig. Cara visibly relaxes as the warmth of the cleric’s healing spreads throughout her body, and gratefully accepts the water offered by the Tender. As she catches her breath, she says in a scratchy voice that only those closest to her can hear, “Vira, Morrigan will handle the bandits. You’re still needed here.” Clearing her throat and speaking a bit more confidently, she addresses the other strig at her side. “Thank you b’Reh. I am aware of your credentials, but the message we bring must go straight to the Elder. You are welcome to join on the constable’s behalf.” At this moment, a wizened gallus woman appears in the doorway of the Elder’s home and shouts, “Cara!”, waving for the strig and all of those with her to enter the home. Cara slowly rises to her feet, still leaning on Vira for support, and begins to move towards the gallus’s home.
The Meadowfen Elder, a strong gallus you all know as Ardwyn, leads you through her home to a small bedroom just past the kitchen. Once Cara is positioned in the bed, Ardwyn clears her throat and speaks. “It’s clear you have endured much, my child,” the respected gallus says, motioning for you all to gather around, “But we must know what happened out there.”
“The fires–from the Grove–they spread across the fields to the outskirts of Ashbarrow. The town, it’s—everything is gone, it’s just…ash.” She pauses for another sip of water, then continues her story in a measured voice, clearly steeling herself for the benefit of those around her as she delivers the news. “We found the surviving residents outside the town, just standing there, as if in shock. Several had packs and carts of belongings, thank Ardea, but their homes—and many of their families—are gone. As we led them here, we were set upon by bandits. My soldiers fought, but many died, and the bandits took everything. We need to prepare. The refugees will be here tonight, tomorrow at the latest. They’ll need food, water, places to s—”
“Peace, Cara,” Ardwyn interrupts the strig’s quick stream of words. “I will see to it, and your soldier here can tell me the rest. You must recover now. Meadowfen and Ashbarrow owe you a great deal.” Cara takes a deep breath and relaxes a bit, satisfied to have delivered her message, and the Elder exits the bedroom, closing the door gently. She makes her way back to the kitchen and, keeping her voice low, looks to Vira and asks, “What happened to the rest of the militia?"
[[ Just as a note, the tooltip tag [spell] still links to 2014 versions of spells, so if you use [spells] instead, that will link to the correct version for this game ;) ]]
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Vira listens intently as Cara speaks, disappointed but unwilling to disobey her orders. As Elder Ardwyn gently guides them into her home, Vira remains at Cara’s side, her mind flashing back to the chaos and fire that consumed Ashbarrow. She takes a deep breath, her gaze briefly distant as an older memory of the flames fills her head, unbidden and unwelcome. The fire that consumed Ashbarrow burns just as fiercely in her mind now, and she can almost hear the crackling and feel the heat on her feathers. She forces herself back to the present, focusing on Elder Ardwyn’s question.
"The rest of the militia, including Lieutenant Morrigan, is still out there," she says, her voice steady but edged with frustration. "They went after the bandits, but the group we encountered was larger than expected. Too organized, too well-prepared. They won’t stop unless we stop them."
She pauses, torn between wanting to confront the dangers head-on and the need to protect what remains. "I was going to go back out there, bandits or not. But...Cara is right. With Morrigan handling the pursuit, the refugees will need protection here." Her gaze sharpens and she nods resolutely. "I won’t let them get hurt. Not again."
B'Reh stood quietly in the Elder's home, her sharp eyes focused as she listened to Cara and Vira recount the fall of Ashbarrow. Her feathers rustled slightly as the gravity of the situation set in—fires, bandits, and refugees on the way. She, too, felt the pull of duty tugging her in two directions: the need to bring justice to the bandits and the responsibility to aid the wounded and displaced. After a moment of contemplation, she spoke, her voice calm but resolute. "It seems clear that these bandits won't stop until someone puts an end to their attacks. But if Lieutenant Morrigan is already pursuing them, we should focus on ensuring the refugees make it here safely." She glanced at Vira, her brow furrowed. "There could be more ambushes on their way to Meadowfen. If we hurry, we can meet them and offer protection for the remainder of their journey. It may be the best way to prevent further losses."
B'Reh’s gaze then shifted to the Elder. "If the town cannot spare any more fighters, I can also help prepare a field hospital or organize a camp to receive the injured and displaced. They will need shelter, food, and care." She straightened, her tone steady. "Tell me where I can do the most good, and I will see it done." Her wings shifted slightly as she awaited their decision, fully prepared to act, whether it meant defending the refugees on the road or aiding in their recovery once they arrived. "We cannot afford to lose more lives to these flames or bandits."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
The elderly gallus nods gravely as Vira speaks. “I see. I thank you for seeing Cara safely returned. If the bandits were as organized as you say, I fear Morrigan’s pursuit of them was somewhat foolhardy. They will not have made such an attack against the militia without an exit strategy.” She thinks for a moment at b’Reh’s words, and then addresses all of you. “As for fighters, we must hope that Morrigan gave up the chase quickly and returned to the refugees to escort them here. The field hospital is a good idea. I will send a messenger to fetch Wren and the twins to set that up. You are right about not losing any more lives, but I fear I have a larger request for you all. Someone must go to the Birdfolk Council in Alderheart and tell them of all this. We can sustain the citizens of Ashbarrow for several measures, perhaps even to the end of the verse, but we will need aid come Rayswell. They must be warned of the bandit attacks and missing wagons, and the Tenders must hear that the Grove is now taking entire towns. I have precious few options for messengers with the rest of the militia still gone, but each of you has proven yourself to our village in some way, and I hope I might entrust this task to you.”
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
B'Reh listened intently to the Elder’s words, her face carefully composed. But as the request was made for them to travel to Alderheart, her wings shifted ever so slightly, betraying her disappointment. Being sent away from the immediate danger, away from the bandits who had so thoroughly disrupted the village, was not what she had hoped. The part of her that longed for swift justice against the attackers tugged at her heart, but the doctrine of the Rhythm—her commitment to order and hierarchy—kept her still. With a deep breath, she nodded. "Of course, Elder. If the Birdfolk Council must be informed, then it is our duty to see it done." Her tone was steady, though the subtle downturn of her eyes hinted at her inner conflict. She had been ready to act, to help protect the refugees on the road or organize the defense of the village, but duty had called her in another direction. She glanced at the rest of the group assembled. Then, she turned back to the Elder. "Do you expect further trouble on the road to Alderheart? And... are we all to make the journey? The village will still need capable hands here."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Brynlee thinks back to her years at Ashbarrow and Cara recounts the attack. The homes gone. The little corner shop that that sold ice pops on a hot day to children. Ah! The Tenders small library and archives. It's a shame to see much history lost. She hopes some of her fellows are among the survivors, but knowing the Tenders they would have looked to getting everyone else out first.
"We can begin setting up temporary barracks and sleeping quarters for the refugees. I can work with our casters on producing food and water. I am afraid our stores are in short supply due to the drought." Brynlee says to the Elder as she returns to the kitchen.
"Please tell us what would be most helpful."
Vira listens closely, her talons tapping lightly against the ground as she absorbs Elder Ardwyn’s words. Her sharp eyes narrow slightly at the mention of Morrigan’s pursuit, knowing deep down that the bandits were too organized to be easily caught. The Elder’s fear about Morrigan’s decision confirms Vira’s own suspicions.
As Ardwyn speaks of the need to warn the Birdfolk Council and seek aid from Alderheart, Vira feels a shift inside her. The idea of leaving Meadowfen, especially with the flames still burning in her mind and the threat of bandits looming, unsettles her. But she understands the gravity of the task—Alderheart must be warned, and if the Grove is now taking entire towns, then the threat is far greater than she had imagined.
Her voice is steady, though still laced with the fire that drives her.
"If the council in Alderheart needs to hear this, then we’ll make sure they do," she says, her tone firm and resolved. "I won’t let this happen to Meadowfen, or any other town. The Grove, the bandits—we'll stop them somehow."
Her hand moves to rest on her spear as she continues, "I’ll go. We’ll get the message to Alderheart. And when we come back, we’ll make sure this doesn’t happen to anyone else." She glances briefly at the others, silently acknowledging that they, too, may be asked to carry this burden with her.
The memories of Ashbarrow’s destruction are still fresh in her mind, but she forces them aside, focusing on the task at hand. She won’t let another home fall. Not if she can help it.
"Of course. I can help take the message to Alderheart. The Tenders will listen to word of another Tender and understand the gravity." Brynlee stands with a greater confidence at the chance to prove herself with such and important task. A similar feeling came when she was promoted to Seedling leaving Ashbarrow for this smaller village of Meadowfen. That had been a choice confirmed by the beating of the Great Rhythm. She had no doubts that this would be a similar calling.
She looks to the rest of the group in the small kitchen to see who else would volunteer their services.
She looks to each of you, residents and visitors alike of the small town for which she, alongside her late husband, has been responsible for many songs.
“All of you have served as protectors to our town in your own ways and your own times, but we will have the militia once Morrigan returns, as well as Sylas and the other Tenders. I cannot claim to know what awaits you all on the road to Alderheart, as it has been many years since I myself have made the journey, but I am sure it will be safer if you are all together. With b'Reh as a guide and messenger to the Council, Arik and Vira as trained protectors, and Brynlee as a talented mage and messenger to the Tenders, I see no better candidates for this task than yourselves.”
The Meadowfen Elder leads you back through her home to the front door. “You all should leave soon. As long as you’re on the road by midday, you should arrive at Winnowing Reach by nightfall. May Ardea watch over you." With those final words, she retreats back into the house, leaving you all ready to embark on your journey.
DM - A Humblewood Adventure | Holm Erebos - Dread Tyrant
Vira turns to the group after they exit the Elder's house, her eyes studying each of them curiously before she speaks up.
"Name’s Vira. Vira Stormclaw. But you know the first part already," she begins a little awkwardly, quickly turning the subject to the matter at hand and things she's familiar with. "Now’s as good a time as any to tell you all what I bring to the table. Most importantly, I hit stuff hard." Her feathers fluff up slightly in pride as she gestures to the greataxe and spear strapped to her back, as well as the various handaxes on her belt. "I can also climb just about anything, and...oh, if I need to, I can hide and get the drop on our enemies! Though once I strike, it tends to attract a lot of attention. I’ve also spent plenty of time surviving in the wilds."