It has been a mild autumn, a chill starting to come into the air. Naturally this means more people want to be warmed up by the alcohol and fires and so the tavern is packed. This is great for business, both for Durnan and you with daily performances bringing in enough coin for you to earn your stay, and not worry about money. The party have finished performing in the Yawning Portal an hour or so ago, and are currently sat around a sturdy wooden table lit by a brightly burning candle and littered with plates cleared of food and half-drained tankards. The sounds of gamblers yelling and drunken adventurers singing bawdy songs nearly drown out the off-key strumming of "Threestrings", three tables over.
Then all the noise is eclipsed by a shout: “Ya pig! Like killin’ me mates, does ya?” Then a seven-foot-tall half-orc (Yagra) is hit by a wild, swinging punch from a male human whose shaved head is covered with eye-shaped tattoos. Four other humans stand behind him, ready to jump into the fray. The half-orc cracks her knuckles, roars, and leaps at the tattooed figure — but before you can see if blood is drawn, a crowd of spectators clusters around the brawl. The sound of fighting is audible, but to get closer will take a little time, if you wish to do so. (if I read correctly, no one picked Yagra as an acquaintance so she is a regular you have all seen around, but not someone you are particularly close with. The humans are all strangers)
Sterling rolled his eyes at the noise. Having been at the Yawning Portal for a few weeks now with his troupe (he could still only shake his head at how that happened,) he was used to the rowdy nature of the place. It was typically full of adventurers and other roughneck-sorts, so of course it made sense... but it seemed as if Yagra just really, really enjoyed fighting. Then again, he thought as he tried his best to ignore the scene, she was rarely the one walking home with a limp or a lost tooth.
"We should just plan it out, that's all I'm saying," he continued as he leaned forward, well aware that the new distraction would likely pull away everyone's attention eventually. "We save a couple gold a week each, and we'll have enough for a cart and at least a mule in no time. Then we can take the show on the road, which should make it easier to take on bigger outings in more places." Of course, being able to haul more loot being the big unspoken advantage there.
The young man's eyes flickered between everyone's faces, gauging who had already lost interest in the discussion. His familiar, Jasper, quietly watched the entire affair as he sat on the bard's shoulder and munched on a morsel of chicken--or whatever other bird had been the meal this evening. The copper-colored weasel almost seemed amused as he looked back-and-forth around the tavern, at the fight, the neighboring arguments, and the table, trying to decide which was the more interesting at the moment.
On the end closest to the corner sits a cluster of three, illuminated more by the candle of antihero table nearby. The soft din of barflies being interrupted by a raucous brawl is nothing new. One happens every other day, when none are leading a band into the dungeons below, at least. The cluster of three watch in fascination. Or rather, one watches while the other two bicker.
The one in the middle is an elf, fair in face and fiery of hair. His complexion is flushed, as if he were inebriated. However, his intoxication is more with the pair of humans hanging off his arms. Twins, of all things. Jack and Josétte. They'd been so passionate about his viol piece about an hour ago, how could he refuse a drink or two? Now they were arguing about who saw him first and their dispute was heating up. A warm argument is better than any mulled wine. By Sharess' ache, he loved it. The chaos of it all -- it's better than any powder, serum or top-shelf malt!
This rather shameless fellow, caressing his self-made sibling rivalry, is the troupe's resident scoundrel, an Eladrin by the name of Caszimir. As he watches, he almost considers getting involved in the scuffle himself, let off some steam. Hm. Buuut these two are awfully warm and their company is just as fun as any old fight. He pulls them both closer and broadens his crooked smile. He'll keep watching for now, maybe get involved when these two realize he's been inciting this argument of theirs since he met them. Ahh, what fun!
Oriace was sitting relaxed, knees pressed against the table and balancing his chair most daringly. Sterling had been wanting to speak about something for days and Oriace knew that he was supposed to listen, but he couldn’t help musing over a tale, well, more accurately how he could embellish some gossip and turn it into a heart-stopping story. He wasn’t quite there yet, really just started, when he was interrupted by Yagra‘s outcry. At once, he jumped up and made his way to the scene, for which being a small and nimble halfling really was a useful trait. He didn’t really know Yarga but had seen her here often enough to know that she’s decent if a little quick with her temper. The others, however, are new faces as far as he can tell. He decides to give Yagra a small boon and warns her about her assailant’s ready friends, “Don’t be too hard on him, we wouldn’t want his four friends to have to carry him home.” (Bardic Inspiration to Yarga)
(His idea is not to get openly involved yet but if his stunt does that, so be it. EDIT: It took me so long to finish writing the post that you guys posted first, edited to take at least Sterling into account.)
Oriace, there is enough cheering and jeering both ways that it doesn't get you involved. Looking at it, your current feeling is that she will quite easily knock their leader out, but then his 4 goons will overpower her and she will end up worse off.
Oriace is following the brawl from the side and, while quite sure that Yagra will keep the upper hand for now, he is worried what will happen to her after. Anyway, these kind of fights are not good for the tavern's reputation and he's sure Durnan won't like it. Best that he'd inform the owner and stop this before any real harm. "Durnan," Oriace telepathically contacts the Owner if he is somewhere in a 30 feet radius around him and, if not, Bonnie, "Not sure if you noticed, but a fight broke out. Yagra again. But she's up against five this time. If it turns ugly there'll be more to fix than a table this time around."
This post has potentially manipulated dice roll results.
Wagner sets down his drink, saying "Sorry gents, but 5 on 1 is simply unfair" He deftly rises from the table and makes his way over to the brawl, focusing on one of the lesser thugs, he throws in with a punch.
[[OOC: Hunter's Mark as a Bonus Action, Unarmed strike Attack: 23 Damage: 5]]
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God Adewild: Shadows and Light 2 Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Durnan can't reply to Oriace (the ability is 1 way only), however you can see he has noticed. It isn't unusual, and he is watching. Wagner makes his way through, manages to punch but misses. I am going to assume that Curtain also stays a bystander.
Yagra takes another swing at the leader, knocking him out cold. The other 4 all ignore Wagner for now (hes not seen as a threat currently), and pummel Yagra. She is still standing but barely, Durnan looks ready to shout, putting down his glass he was filling, but waiting to see if they are going to leave on their own now the leader is down.
Everyone gets another turn, those of you who stayed at the table will take a round to get close enough to really see what is going on due to a crowd forming between you and the table.
Durnan can't reply to Oriace (the ability is 1 way only), however you can see he has noticed. It isn't unusual, and he is watching. Wagner makes his way through, manages to punch but misses. I am going to assume that Curtain also stays a bystander.
Yagra takes another swing at the leader, knocking him out cold. The other 4 all ignore Wagner for now (hes not seen as a threat currently), and pummel Yagra. She is still standing but barely, Durnan looks ready to shout, putting down his glass he was filling, but waiting to see if they are going to leave on their own now the leader is down.
Everyone gets another turn, those of you who stayed at the table will take a round to get close enough to really see what is going on due to a crowd forming between you and the table.
Caszimir let's out a loooong sigh. Putting either hand around the waist of his entourage and lifting them – as well as himself – onto their feet, he begins a leisurely stroll through the throngs of rowdy onlookers, as much intrigued by the conflict as one would be to watching beer go sour. Alas, with Wagner getting himself involved, again, he finds he can no longer just enjoy the show for once.
Watching Oriace and Wagner run off, Sterling just dropped his head into his hands, before leaning back in his chair and giving a long exhale. After several long seconds, he finally deigned to look towards the fight, only to roll his eyes again. So that was where Caszimir was... typical.
The bard simply shook his head as he whipped out a piece of parchment along with ink and a quill. "Might as well work on my next design," he thought as he focused on his next piece of artwork, again trying his best to ignore the situation. "Maybe I can finish the embroidery pattern before I have to start mending broken furniture. Again."
If he were completely candid, the young man actually didn't mind that too much; it was a fair arrangement to help pay for room and board, and besides, he always enjoyed practicing--really, just using--magic. But he was certainly not going to admit that to anyone... it was amazing how quickly the freeloaders caught wind of such things.
It was then that he noticed Jasper staring at him. With a sigh, Sterling waved his hand. "Fine. Go help Wagner," he said, at which the weasel almost let out a squeal before hopping onto the table, then the floor, and darting towards the crowd, deftly weaving between feet to approach the fight.
Jasper will scurry along the ground and onto the enemy brawlers, using the Help action to give Wagner advantage on his first attack per round.
Oriace tries to use the momentum of the pressing crowd to push one of the four brawlers into one of Yagra‘s punches, effectively helping her. „One down for the count,“ he comments to Yagra with magically laced words to bolster her with a Healing Word for 5 HP in an effort to even the odds.
Curtain sits with his pal Jalester away from the fight that's suddenly started. He watches the commotion for a second while taking a gulp from his half-empty mug of ale, and than complains to his companion about: "The nerve of some people", which came out in a youngish male voice. He doesn't mention it further, but his eyes stay pointed to that direction trying to catch anything through the crowd that formed there.
Caszimir sees, just before anyone else, a hulking figure emerging from the shaft in the middle of the room. Shouts of alarm suddenly ring out as it becomes more visible to everyone else— a monster with warty green skin, a tangled nest of wiry black hair, a long, carrot-shaped nose, and bloodshot eyes. As it bares its yellow teeth and howls, you can see that a half-dozen bat-like creatures are attached to its body, with three more circling above it like flies. Everyone in the tavern reacts in fear, with the humans in the fight fleeing the bar, carrying the unconscious leader with them. The only one who is calm is the barkeep, Durnan, who shouts, “Troll!”
The bat creatures on the troll detach, and fly back down the shaft bloated, while the three above seem hungry and looking for blood. Durnan leaps over the bar, having drawn his greatsword, confronting the troll himself.
The party are up followed by the monsters. Yagra and Durnan are both fighting. And I will roll for their attacks after the party, but before the monsters
It has been a mild autumn, a chill starting to come into the air. Naturally this means more people want to be warmed up by the alcohol and fires and so the tavern is packed. This is great for business, both for Durnan and you with daily performances bringing in enough coin for you to earn your stay, and not worry about money. The party have finished performing in the Yawning Portal an hour or so ago, and are currently sat around a sturdy wooden table lit by a brightly burning candle and littered with plates cleared of food and half-drained tankards. The sounds of gamblers yelling and drunken adventurers singing bawdy songs nearly drown out the off-key strumming of "Threestrings", three tables over.
Then all the noise is eclipsed by a shout: “Ya pig! Like killin’ me mates, does ya?” Then a seven-foot-tall half-orc (Yagra) is hit by a wild, swinging punch from a male human whose shaved head is covered with eye-shaped tattoos. Four other humans stand behind him, ready to jump into the fray. The half-orc cracks her knuckles, roars, and leaps at the tattooed figure — but before you can see if blood is drawn, a crowd of spectators clusters around the brawl. The sound of fighting is audible, but to get closer will take a little time, if you wish to do so. (if I read correctly, no one picked Yagra as an acquaintance so she is a regular you have all seen around, but not someone you are particularly close with. The humans are all strangers)
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Sterling rolled his eyes at the noise. Having been at the Yawning Portal for a few weeks now with his troupe (he could still only shake his head at how that happened,) he was used to the rowdy nature of the place. It was typically full of adventurers and other roughneck-sorts, so of course it made sense... but it seemed as if Yagra just really, really enjoyed fighting. Then again, he thought as he tried his best to ignore the scene, she was rarely the one walking home with a limp or a lost tooth.
"We should just plan it out, that's all I'm saying," he continued as he leaned forward, well aware that the new distraction would likely pull away everyone's attention eventually. "We save a couple gold a week each, and we'll have enough for a cart and at least a mule in no time. Then we can take the show on the road, which should make it easier to take on bigger outings in more places." Of course, being able to haul more loot being the big unspoken advantage there.
The young man's eyes flickered between everyone's faces, gauging who had already lost interest in the discussion. His familiar, Jasper, quietly watched the entire affair as he sat on the bard's shoulder and munched on a morsel of chicken--or whatever other bird had been the meal this evening. The copper-colored weasel almost seemed amused as he looked back-and-forth around the tavern, at the fight, the neighboring arguments, and the table, trying to decide which was the more interesting at the moment.
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
On the end closest to the corner sits a cluster of three, illuminated more by the candle of antihero table nearby. The soft din of barflies being interrupted by a raucous brawl is nothing new. One happens every other day, when none are leading a band into the dungeons below, at least. The cluster of three watch in fascination. Or rather, one watches while the other two bicker.
The one in the middle is an elf, fair in face and fiery of hair. His complexion is flushed, as if he were inebriated. However, his intoxication is more with the pair of humans hanging off his arms. Twins, of all things. Jack and Josétte. They'd been so passionate about his viol piece about an hour ago, how could he refuse a drink or two? Now they were arguing about who saw him first and their dispute was heating up. A warm argument is better than any mulled wine. By Sharess' ache, he loved it. The chaos of it all -- it's better than any powder, serum or top-shelf malt!
This rather shameless fellow, caressing his self-made sibling rivalry, is the troupe's resident scoundrel, an Eladrin by the name of Caszimir. As he watches, he almost considers getting involved in the scuffle himself, let off some steam. Hm. Buuut these two are awfully warm and their company is just as fun as any old fight. He pulls them both closer and broadens his crooked smile. He'll keep watching for now, maybe get involved when these two realize he's been inciting this argument of theirs since he met them. Ahh, what fun!
Oriace was sitting relaxed, knees pressed against the table and balancing his chair most daringly. Sterling had been wanting to speak about something for days and Oriace knew that he was supposed to listen, but he couldn’t help musing over a tale, well, more accurately how he could embellish some gossip and turn it into a heart-stopping story. He wasn’t quite there yet, really just started, when he was interrupted by Yagra‘s outcry. At once, he jumped up and made his way to the scene, for which being a small and nimble halfling really was a useful trait. He didn’t really know Yarga but had seen her here often enough to know that she’s decent if a little quick with her temper. The others, however, are new faces as far as he can tell. He decides to give Yagra a small boon and warns her about her assailant’s ready friends, “Don’t be too hard on him, we wouldn’t want his four friends to have to carry him home.” (Bardic Inspiration to Yarga)
(His idea is not to get openly involved yet but if his stunt does that, so be it. EDIT: It took me so long to finish writing the post that you guys posted first, edited to take at least Sterling into account.)
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Oriace, there is enough cheering and jeering both ways that it doesn't get you involved. Looking at it, your current feeling is that she will quite easily knock their leader out, but then his 4 goons will overpower her and she will end up worse off.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Oriace is following the brawl from the side and, while quite sure that Yagra will keep the upper hand for now, he is worried what will happen to her after. Anyway, these kind of fights are not good for the tavern's reputation and he's sure Durnan won't like it. Best that he'd inform the owner and stop this before any real harm. "Durnan," Oriace telepathically contacts the Owner if he is somewhere in a 30 feet radius around him and, if not, Bonnie, "Not sure if you noticed, but a fight broke out. Yagra again. But she's up against five this time. If it turns ugly there'll be more to fix than a table this time around."
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Wagner sets down his drink, saying "Sorry gents, but 5 on 1 is simply unfair" He deftly rises from the table and makes his way over to the brawl, focusing on one of the lesser thugs, he throws in with a punch.
[[OOC: Hunter's Mark as a Bonus Action, Unarmed strike Attack: 23 Damage: 5]]
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Durnan can't reply to Oriace (the ability is 1 way only), however you can see he has noticed. It isn't unusual, and he is watching. Wagner makes his way through, manages to punch but misses.
I am going to assume that Curtain also stays a bystander.
Yagra takes another swing at the leader, knocking him out cold. The other 4 all ignore Wagner for now (hes not seen as a threat currently), and pummel Yagra. She is still standing but barely, Durnan looks ready to shout, putting down his glass he was filling, but waiting to see if they are going to leave on their own now the leader is down.
Everyone gets another turn, those of you who stayed at the table will take a round to get close enough to really see what is going on due to a crowd forming between you and the table.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Caszimir let's out a loooong sigh. Putting either hand around the waist of his entourage and lifting them – as well as himself – onto their feet, he begins a leisurely stroll through the throngs of rowdy onlookers, as much intrigued by the conflict as one would be to watching beer go sour. Alas, with Wagner getting himself involved, again, he finds he can no longer just enjoy the show for once.
"Cmon, where's your fighting spirit we can take them together!" says Wagner, healing Yagra and punching the thug again.
Bonus: Healing word 6
Action: Punch: Attack: 18 Damage: 3
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Watching Oriace and Wagner run off, Sterling just dropped his head into his hands, before leaning back in his chair and giving a long exhale. After several long seconds, he finally deigned to look towards the fight, only to roll his eyes again. So that was where Caszimir was... typical.
The bard simply shook his head as he whipped out a piece of parchment along with ink and a quill. "Might as well work on my next design," he thought as he focused on his next piece of artwork, again trying his best to ignore the situation. "Maybe I can finish the embroidery pattern before I have to start mending broken furniture. Again."
If he were completely candid, the young man actually didn't mind that too much; it was a fair arrangement to help pay for room and board, and besides, he always enjoyed practicing--really, just using--magic. But he was certainly not going to admit that to anyone... it was amazing how quickly the freeloaders caught wind of such things.
It was then that he noticed Jasper staring at him. With a sigh, Sterling waved his hand. "Fine. Go help Wagner," he said, at which the weasel almost let out a squeal before hopping onto the table, then the floor, and darting towards the crowd, deftly weaving between feet to approach the fight.
Nico - V. Human Swords Bard 6 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Wysp's Hidden Tower
Sterling - V. Human Art Bard 3 - [Pic] - [Traits] - in Bards: Dragon Heist (w/ Mansion) - Jasper's [Pic] - Sterling's [Sigil]
Tooltips Post (2024 PHB updates)
>> New FOW threat & treasure tables: fow-advanced-threat-tables.pdf fow-advanced-treasure-table.pdf
Oriace tries to use the momentum of the pressing crowd to push one of the four brawlers into one of Yagra‘s punches, effectively helping her. „One down for the count,“ he comments to Yagra with magically laced words to bolster her with a Healing Word for 5 HP in an effort to even the odds.
|| Oriace - Halfling Bard - Dragon Heist || Trystane - Trollblood Lycanthrope - Vecna || Valerian - Pallid Elf Rogue - Wildnis || Cy Naïlo - Wood Elf Crossbowman - ChatGPT || b'Reh - Stig Order Cleric - Humblewood || Rowan - Halfling Giant Path Barbarian - Runewarren || Reyhana - Elf Champion Dervish - Seventh Sojourn ||
Curtain sits with his pal Jalester away from the fight that's suddenly started. He watches the commotion for a second while taking a gulp from his half-empty mug of ale, and than complains to his companion about: "The nerve of some people", which came out in a youngish male voice. He doesn't mention it further, but his eyes stay pointed to that direction trying to catch anything through the crowd that formed there.
Caszimir has moment of epiphany. How can I make this worse? he thinks.
Looking around, he tries to locate a brute who is insofar not yet involved in the scuffle unfolding before him.
[Passive Perception work?]
Caszimir sees, just before anyone else, a hulking figure emerging from the shaft in the middle of the room. Shouts of alarm suddenly ring out as it becomes more visible to everyone else— a monster with warty green skin, a tangled nest of wiry black hair, a long, carrot-shaped nose, and bloodshot eyes. As it bares its yellow teeth and howls, you can see that a half-dozen bat-like creatures are attached to its body, with three more circling above it like flies. Everyone in the tavern reacts in fear, with the humans in the fight fleeing the bar, carrying the unconscious leader with them. The only one who is calm is the barkeep, Durnan, who shouts, “Troll!”
The bat creatures on the troll detach, and fly back down the shaft bloated, while the three above seem hungry and looking for blood. Durnan leaps over the bar, having drawn his greatsword, confronting the troll himself.
The party are up followed by the monsters. Yagra and Durnan are both fighting. And I will roll for their attacks after the party, but before the monsters
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Wagner, ignorant of the looming threat, continues attacking the thugs on Yagra. (Advantage from Jasper)
Attack: 10 Damage: 7
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
The thugs did flee at the sight of the troll. I would take that as an attack of opportunity. It misses currently, but didn't roll with advantage
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
Can Wagner target any of the enemies with faerie fire without getting Yagra, Durnan, or the party?
Liarin: Against the Cult of the Reptile God
Adewild: Shadows and Light 2
Brother Thaddeus: Rime of the Frostmaiden.
I would say due to the creatures flying, and the troll being larger, by aiming at the ceiling you can hit all the enemies and no one else.
Your punch at the fleeing thugs misses, probably due to noticing a troll at the same time.
After joining more my signature got out of hand so I am now a proud member of the extended signature club!! :)