I once 'gifted' a party with a minor artifact, known as 'The Ever-Useless Item'.
In short, whatever the party needed at that particular moment? It wasn't. It was especially fun watching them try to come up with uses for whatever it was, only to have it be something completely different.
They did, eventually, manage to destroy it (or at least permanently rid themselves of it) by finding a collector of magical curiosities who was willing to purchase it.
I intend to give my players an enchanted coin that'll be eating a certain portion of their gold every day. If they realize what it's doing, I intend for them to realize that the gold has to go somewhere.
Cue the dungeon horde side quest.
Oh my goodness! GENIUS! I love it! Mind if I use this in my campaign?
A favorite object I have made is the "magic" 8 ball. Only non religious characters can use it, and they must ask a yes or no question and shake it. The dm must truthfully answer the question, but must reply the same way a regular magic 8 ball would respond (eg. "as I see it, yes," "cannot predict now," "outlook not so good," etc.). It can only be used once a day.
Glasses of Seaing On wearing the glasses the character sees as if they are standing on a ship sailing in calm waters, they feel the spray and movement, while also hear the creak and waves (the character will even sway with the rocking of the ship). The character cant see or hear anything else, but can still feel others touching them. It was initially crated for a retired sailor but after the sailor's death got lost, stolen and a variety of other mishaps ended it up in a random loot pile.
When doing a campaign with my group, our DM gave me a little gazebo on a chain. He said it was a magic gazebo that whenever I say the word Obezag (Which is gazebo backward), it would become a full-size gazebo that you could sleep in, do whatever. I thought, "Hey, I can use this as a weapon and drop it on a powerful monster," but the DM said that it can't be opened above a living creature. So then I thought, "I'll toss it in the air, say the command word, and then it falls on the monster and crushes it. It's magic, right? Isn't it indestructible?" I did just that with the gazebo over a Kraken, which the DM though would be a good monster for our Lvl 2 characters to fight, but right as it was about to hit the Kraken, it shrunk back into a pendant and dropped in the Kraken's mouth. My character, being a bard tried to call it back because it's magic, right? It didn't come back. The other 3 members of our lvl 2 party were left alone in the middle of the ocean, with a Kraken, drifting on a small piece of wood. What could possibly go wrong?
Here are a couple items that I created for my fumble chart.
“Attunement leach” It automatically attunes to the person who touches it. When attuned to you all other attunements are nullified until the victim removes it. The kicker is that it can only be removed by having friendly creature touch you. Which causes it to attune to that person.
“Mr.Fix-it” he’s a monodrone that comes to life by stealing the magical properties of a random item in your inventory. He can transfer the magical property of one item(let’s say a scroll) and transfer it to another item(such as a short sword). Once he performs said action he explodes! It takes 30 rest actions to repair.
a mask that is hideously ugly and has a slight charm on it that makes it so that people are frightened of you the first time they see you in the mask. But that only last for a round the first time they see you then they are just disgusted by the mask. After the first round of combat, no one wants to be near you because of how ugly the mask makes you, not even your companions.
It was a failed attempt of the invisibility spell on a bracelet but still works well enough to make your hand and part of your arm invisible. It does not make anything you are holding invisible though.
When wielding this sword with two hands, a creature cannot be injured by melee attacks. (When using only one hand, the defensive magic is not active.) The sword empowers the wielder with godlike defensive capabilities, enabling it to parry, deflect, block, or dodge any blow, including bite attacks. The sword is always incapable of inflicting damage, glancing off armor or passing ethereally through its target.
Ever dissapointing mug would prevent like all poisoning attempts, but I imagine most characters would not be too grateful. Also what if their 5th favorite drink changes?
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I've made the Kobold Oil, like the Snake oil, that works for one hour after being ingested, adding +1 to save rolls.
Hombrewing and roleplaying a lot.
I once 'gifted' a party with a minor artifact, known as 'The Ever-Useless Item'.
In short, whatever the party needed at that particular moment? It wasn't. It was especially fun watching them try to come up with uses for whatever it was, only to have it be something completely different.
They did, eventually, manage to destroy it (or at least permanently rid themselves of it) by finding a collector of magical curiosities who was willing to purchase it.
The Cube of Expansion: A small cube that expands immensely when thrown, and the magic word is uttered. Unfortunately, the word is "You".
Player in my game once received a cursed item known as the "codpiece of neutering"
loincloth for a barbarian!
A favorite object I have made is the "magic" 8 ball. Only non religious characters can use it, and they must ask a yes or no question and shake it. The dm must truthfully answer the question, but must reply the same way a regular magic 8 ball would respond (eg. "as I see it, yes," "cannot predict now," "outlook not so good," etc.). It can only be used once a day.
Newbie DM~ Advice Appreciated <3
One item i threw into a loot pile was:
Glasses of Seaing
On wearing the glasses the character sees as if they are standing on a ship sailing in calm waters, they feel the spray and movement, while also hear the creak and waves (the character will even sway with the rocking of the ship). The character cant see or hear anything else, but can still feel others touching them.
It was initially crated for a retired sailor but after the sailor's death got lost, stolen and a variety of other mishaps ended it up in a random loot pile.
- Loswaith
When doing a campaign with my group, our DM gave me a little gazebo on a chain. He said it was a magic gazebo that whenever I say the word Obezag (Which is gazebo backward), it would become a full-size gazebo that you could sleep in, do whatever. I thought, "Hey, I can use this as a weapon and drop it on a powerful monster," but the DM said that it can't be opened above a living creature. So then I thought, "I'll toss it in the air, say the command word, and then it falls on the monster and crushes it. It's magic, right? Isn't it indestructible?" I did just that with the gazebo over a Kraken, which the DM though would be a good monster for our Lvl 2 characters to fight, but right as it was about to hit the Kraken, it shrunk back into a pendant and dropped in the Kraken's mouth. My character, being a bard tried to call it back because it's magic, right? It didn't come back. The other 3 members of our lvl 2 party were left alone in the middle of the ocean, with a Kraken, drifting on a small piece of wood. What could possibly go wrong?
it's been a long time...
Any magic item can be silly if you give it the right command word. Take the cast-off armor from XGE and make the command word a common greeting.
Here are a couple items that I created for my fumble chart.
“Attunement leach” It automatically attunes to the person who touches it. When attuned to you all other attunements are nullified until the victim removes it. The kicker is that it can only be removed by having friendly creature touch you. Which causes it to attune to that person.
“Mr.Fix-it” he’s a monodrone that comes to life by stealing the magical properties of a random item in your inventory. He can transfer the magical property of one item(let’s say a scroll) and transfer it to another item(such as a short sword). Once he performs said action he explodes! It takes 30 rest actions to repair.
Alarming mask
a mask that is hideously ugly and has a slight charm on it that makes it so that people are frightened of you the first time they see you in the mask. But that only last for a round the first time they see you then they are just disgusted by the mask. After the first round of combat, no one wants to be near you because of how ugly the mask makes you, not even your companions.
<(*_*)> Giffard
bracelet of hiding.
It was a failed attempt of the invisibility spell on a bracelet but still works well enough to make your hand and part of your arm invisible. It does not make anything you are holding invisible though.
<(*_*)> Giffard
Southampton Guild of Roleplayers
My YouTube (C&C Welcome!)
I like that one!
Recently returned to D&D after 20+ years.
One of my favorites:
Brand of Harmony
When wielding this sword with two hands, a creature cannot be injured by melee attacks. (When using only one hand, the defensive magic is not active.) The sword empowers the wielder with godlike defensive capabilities, enabling it to parry, deflect, block, or dodge any blow, including bite attacks. The sword is always incapable of inflicting damage, glancing off armor or passing ethereally through its target.
Recently returned to D&D after 20+ years.
Ever dissapointing mug would prevent like all poisoning attempts, but I imagine most characters would not be too grateful. Also what if their 5th favorite drink changes?