Homebrew & House Rules

Discuss and share homebrew creations and house rules
Topic Latest Post Replies Views
Using Snippet Codes in your homebrew >>
by Stormknight
1,051 239,912
A Homebrewers’ “How-To” FAQ* >>
by IamSposta
1,060 69,181
Adding [rollable] tags to your homebrew monsters for use in the Combat Tracker & Encounter Builder >>
by Stormknight
148 46,090
Demystifying Homebrew: Updated with Pact & Hex Weapons! >>
by GPyromania
7 16,056
Everything you need to know about Homebrew (Tutorials & FAQ) >> (1 Viewing)
by Stormknight
857 108,626
Modifying Official Spells for Your Private Campaigns >>
by MellieDM
33 21,393
How to add tooltips >> (1 Viewing)
by firehawk2324
5 145,095
Creating Subclasses guide >>
by Stormknight
2 87,397
A little help please! >> (1 Viewing)
by DAFO117
2 4
Competition of the Finest 'Brews XXIII >>
by MinMaxxed
94 882
Hunter's/Sentinel's Intuition: Add d4 to perception rolls? >>
by Traxden
2 246
Creating Alastor from Hazbin Hotel >>
by StephenVillareale
8 1,000
Can I create a group of content (such as a spell school) that is meant to be used together and references each other? >>
by Pufferfish10723
2 12
"To Hit" Modifier? >>
by WitchHat
5 2,845
Help with making a Feat! >>
by ThunderGodKojin
7 46
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