I was reading over the items entry for the bag of holding..and I have a question about this part of the entry:
Placing a bag of holding inside an extra dimensional space created by a handy haversack, portable hole, or similar item instantly destroys both items and opens a gate to the Astral Plane. The gate originates where the one item was placed inside the other. Any creature within 10 feet of the gate is sucked through it to a random location on the Astral Plane. The gate then closes. The gate is one-way only and can't be reopened.
So my questions is..if you use a spell like Rope Trick..would that count as entering an extra dimensional space that would trigger this reaction? Or is this condition only triggered by items only?
It references the only (standard) two other items with similar properties in the core books, and mentions "similar items". If it exploded on you when you used Plane Shift or Etherealness, or even when entering things like the suite of hideouts by Leomund or Moderkainen, I'm quite certain it would mention so.
Although, It would be fun to see the players' faces when you say: " Ok, guys you have just triggered a cataclysmal event by collapsing two extra dimensional pockets. You are being swallowed by a gate to the Astral plane, where you will most likely be enslaved by a bunch of Gythianki. Good luck!"
If spell-generated extradimensional effects caused the rift to the Astral, there would be a lot of pissed off 13th level characters using Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion for the first time. Or perhaps Mordenkainen bought a chunk of the Astral from the astral jawas, er, githyanki, so he could collect all the sorry suckers that made the mistake as his spell had an "arcane trojan" so people that made the mistake always appeared at the same point on the Astral. Hmm, sounds like a premise for an adventure...
The group wanted to sneak a person into a fortress by using the bag of holding..but that character refused to give up their bag of holding before getting into the other one..and I had to show them that entry.
We then tried shoving that person into the bag any way as we stood near a cliff and got ready to kick the whole mess over the side.
Goooood times playing with people that only talk in puns..horrible..horrible puns.
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I was reading over the items entry for the bag of holding..and I have a question about this part of the entry:
So my questions is..if you use a spell like Rope Trick..would that count as entering an extra dimensional space that would trigger this reaction? Or is this condition only triggered by items only?
I would say no. The destruction is triggered by items only.
Yay! Now I don't have to worry about being sucked into a different dimension where they use bacon as money!
Wait a second..
Agreed with @filcat, the wording is pretty clear.
It references the only (standard) two other items with similar properties in the core books, and mentions "similar items". If it exploded on you when you used Plane Shift or Etherealness, or even when entering things like the suite of hideouts by Leomund or Moderkainen, I'm quite certain it would mention so.
Although, It would be fun to see the players' faces when you say: " Ok, guys you have just triggered a cataclysmal event by collapsing two extra dimensional pockets. You are being swallowed by a gate to the Astral plane, where you will most likely be enslaved by a bunch of Gythianki. Good luck!"
If spell-generated extradimensional effects caused the rift to the Astral, there would be a lot of pissed off 13th level characters using Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion for the first time. Or perhaps Mordenkainen bought a chunk of the Astral from the astral jawas, er, githyanki, so he could collect all the sorry suckers that made the mistake as his spell had an "arcane trojan" so people that made the mistake always appeared at the same point on the Astral. Hmm, sounds like a premise for an adventure...
We all leave footprints in the sands of time.
This actually came up in a game last week.
The group wanted to sneak a person into a fortress by using the bag of holding..but that character refused to give up their bag of holding before getting into the other one..and I had to show them that entry.
We then tried shoving that person into the bag any way as we stood near a cliff and got ready to kick the whole mess over the side.
Goooood times playing with people that only talk in puns..horrible..horrible puns.