How about some stories of the funniest things people have pulled off on a D20
Our group hadn't played in 3 weeks so everyone but me and the DM had forgot that the treasure chest in the next room was a Mimic so one of the guys decided to go and loot it, of course I did remind him and he backed off. So as everyone is leaving I walk up to the Mimic (who was severally wounded from earlier battles) and I made it an offer, become a weapon and serve me and I'd heal and protect it, and my DM spit out his drink when it landed on the 20
I was DM'ing the group I play with and a new player had just joined us a few weeks ago with an uncommon character, a goblin. They would play their character in a very perceptual way. One session they get stuck in a town where it started snowing really hard and they get stuck in an inn. So in the down time this player says, "My character would like to ****. Can I roll to save my soul?" Strange, but go for it its d&d after all. They roll.... natural 1... "Your soul is doomed to hell."
I had a rogue, that was trapped inside of a Dream spell... by multiple casters, trying to drive him to insanity with some jumanji drum banging as he's trapped in a ice cube prison cell thing. So the party, half of them stage a rescue attempt and such with help of a NPC that 2 weeks earlier had actually killed my Char before he was revived via a resurrection spell. (threw my rogue off a 100 foot cliff). So, during the rescue attempt, the NPC outpaces my party members to the top, breaks the spell-casters concentration, dream spell ends. Rogue comes to... (initiative). Perception whats going on. "there are spell casters who may or may not have cast spells on you, and you see the guy who killed you a week ago fighting them".
next round, no party members make it to that room still. The room happens to be on the 3rd floor of a large house, party members are looting corpses on first floor, and on 2nd floor, carefully going down hallways seeing dead bodies of town guard that the NPC guy had dispatched. My next turn comes around, the spellcaster and NPC guy are locked in battle. "what would you like to do"
"I would like to take a cunning action dash, dive out the window (didn't know it was 3rd story)." I land, break my arm, good chunk of falling damage. "For my action, I want to set the house completely on fire using my oil flask and tinderbox" Party starts complaining, "but we're inside, no don't do that, etc etc" .....
"I just woke up from a dream prison, i didn't see any of you, or hear you, or anything, all i saw was spellcasters and a guy who has ALREADY KILLED ME ONCE... this house is burning down. none of you exist to my knowledge"
A lesson to be learned about when you rescue people, make sure they know its a rescue, and not another assassination attempt.
And, just realized you were looking for dice rolls.
On my next turn, I readied an action to throw my dagger at anyone who came out the window after me. "DM one of your party members has stuck their head out" (rolls to attack, its a sneak attack. 20) I deal, (1d4 = 3 doubled for crit 6 + dex = 3 Sneak Attack 2d6 = 11, damaged doubled for crit 22, 31 total damage) to my bard companion.
the ranger, the and the bard died one way or another, the NPC who killed me earlier, did rescue me, and escaped, and even told me "you have a hell of a way of saying thank you"
The fighter and Cleric, laughed hysterically when the story was retold by the NPC guy and my rogue.
The party fights a high lvl Lich, the Lich was in the midst of a ritual to ressurect an Ancient Undead Dragon who was his companion millenia's ago when they both where alive.
Party manage to break through the waves of undead throwned at them, but too late the ritual is complete and the Undead , now a Dracolich wakes up.
Everyone thinks their dead, the bard starts speaking to the Dragon, and try to convinve him that HE is the one who brought him back, not that guy( pointing at the Lich), while it would have been impossible anyway, the DM is like " well what the heck, roll your Deception", ****er landed a nat 20, now even wiht his bonuses, i don't think it would have been enough to fool the Dragon, or the Dragon should have rolled a 1 on his insight check...
DM roll a 1...
Everyone at the table Dm included where with their jaws dropped, while the Bard had the smuggest of faces, in the end the DM was so impressed he rolled with it.
Dragon bite the Lich in Half, killing it, then they all escaped that Ice fortress of Doom on the back of a DracoLich...
The the Bard sets the Dragon free, and the Dragon is never to be seen, now whats more hilarious is that, from time tp time, when the party is arguin about their chances of survival, you have a Bard with a smug face telling them" Guys, its gonna be okay!, remember the time where i convinced a Dracolich that i was his Master?..."
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"Normality is but an Illusion, Whats normal to the Spider, is only madness for the Fly"
Was playing in a group where we were battling our way through a tower of undead and vampires. The dragonborn sorcerer had taken a couple nasty hits and decided it was a great idea to fly his butt out of the tower through one of the windows. Once outside he found himself being targeted by the archers.
He then decided to call out to his patron goddess, who was chaotic neutral (this is important), for help.
And then the DM rolled three 20s in a row.
So the goddess appeared before the dragonborn and told him she would do one thing for him. He told her, "Destroy that tower."
The tower the rest of the party was in, which was situated in the middle of a large city. The goddess said, "Sure," and blew up the tower and half the city. Luckily, everyone found some way to survive the destruction and 100 foot fall to the ground.
The campaign then shifted to the party being first responders and the dragonborn sorcerer going into hiding.
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How about some stories of the funniest things people have pulled off on a D20
Our group hadn't played in 3 weeks so everyone but me and the DM had forgot that the treasure chest in the next room was a Mimic so one of the guys decided to go and loot it, of course I did remind him and he backed off. So as everyone is leaving I walk up to the Mimic (who was severally wounded from earlier battles) and I made it an offer, become a weapon and serve me and I'd heal and protect it, and my DM spit out his drink when it landed on the 20
I was DM'ing the group I play with and a new player had just joined us a few weeks ago with an uncommon character, a goblin. They would play their character in a very perceptual way. One session they get stuck in a town where it started snowing really hard and they get stuck in an inn. So in the down time this player says, "My character would like to ****. Can I roll to save my soul?" Strange, but go for it its d&d after all. They roll.... natural 1... "Your soul is doomed to hell."
I had a rogue, that was trapped inside of a Dream spell... by multiple casters, trying to drive him to insanity with some jumanji drum banging as he's trapped in a ice cube prison cell thing. So the party, half of them stage a rescue attempt and such with help of a NPC that 2 weeks earlier had actually killed my Char before he was revived via a resurrection spell. (threw my rogue off a 100 foot cliff). So, during the rescue attempt, the NPC outpaces my party members to the top, breaks the spell-casters concentration, dream spell ends. Rogue comes to... (initiative). Perception whats going on. "there are spell casters who may or may not have cast spells on you, and you see the guy who killed you a week ago fighting them".
next round, no party members make it to that room still. The room happens to be on the 3rd floor of a large house, party members are looting corpses on first floor, and on 2nd floor, carefully going down hallways seeing dead bodies of town guard that the NPC guy had dispatched. My next turn comes around, the spellcaster and NPC guy are locked in battle. "what would you like to do"
"I would like to take a cunning action dash, dive out the window (didn't know it was 3rd story)." I land, break my arm, good chunk of falling damage. "For my action, I want to set the house completely on fire using my oil flask and tinderbox" Party starts complaining, "but we're inside, no don't do that, etc etc" .....
"I just woke up from a dream prison, i didn't see any of you, or hear you, or anything, all i saw was spellcasters and a guy who has ALREADY KILLED ME ONCE... this house is burning down. none of you exist to my knowledge"
A lesson to be learned about when you rescue people, make sure they know its a rescue, and not another assassination attempt.
And, just realized you were looking for dice rolls.
On my next turn, I readied an action to throw my dagger at anyone who came out the window after me. "DM one of your party members has stuck their head out" (rolls to attack, its a sneak attack. 20) I deal, (1d4 = 3 doubled for crit 6 + dex = 3 Sneak Attack 2d6 = 11, damaged doubled for crit 22, 31 total damage) to my bard companion.
the ranger, the and the bard died one way or another, the NPC who killed me earlier, did rescue me, and escaped, and even told me "you have a hell of a way of saying thank you"
The fighter and Cleric, laughed hysterically when the story was retold by the NPC guy and my rogue.
Not my story, from someone i once played with.
The party fights a high lvl Lich, the Lich was in the midst of a ritual to ressurect an Ancient Undead Dragon who was his companion millenia's ago when they both where alive.
Party manage to break through the waves of undead throwned at them, but too late the ritual is complete and the Undead , now a Dracolich wakes up.
Everyone thinks their dead, the bard starts speaking to the Dragon, and try to convinve him that HE is the one who brought him back, not that guy( pointing at the Lich), while it would have been impossible anyway, the DM is like " well what the heck, roll your Deception", ****er landed a nat 20, now even wiht his bonuses, i don't think it would have been enough to fool the Dragon, or the Dragon should have rolled a 1 on his insight check...
DM roll a 1...
Everyone at the table Dm included where with their jaws dropped, while the Bard had the smuggest of faces, in the end the DM was so impressed he rolled with it.
Dragon bite the Lich in Half, killing it, then they all escaped that Ice fortress of Doom on the back of a DracoLich...
The the Bard sets the Dragon free, and the Dragon is never to be seen, now whats more hilarious is that, from time tp time, when the party is arguin about their chances of survival, you have a Bard with a smug face telling them" Guys, its gonna be okay!, remember the time where i convinced a Dracolich that i was his Master?..."
"Normality is but an Illusion, Whats normal to the Spider, is only madness for the Fly"
Kain de Frostberg- Dark Knight - (Vengeance Pal3/ Hexblade 9), Port Mourn
Kain de Draakberg-Dark Knight lvl8-Avergreen(DitA)
Was playing in a group where we were battling our way through a tower of undead and vampires. The dragonborn sorcerer had taken a couple nasty hits and decided it was a great idea to fly his butt out of the tower through one of the windows. Once outside he found himself being targeted by the archers.
He then decided to call out to his patron goddess, who was chaotic neutral (this is important), for help.
And then the DM rolled three 20s in a row.
So the goddess appeared before the dragonborn and told him she would do one thing for him. He told her, "Destroy that tower."
The tower the rest of the party was in, which was situated in the middle of a large city. The goddess said, "Sure," and blew up the tower and half the city. Luckily, everyone found some way to survive the destruction and 100 foot fall to the ground.
The campaign then shifted to the party being first responders and the dragonborn sorcerer going into hiding.