- All Unearthed Arcana content from January 2018 onward will be integrated into D&D Beyond.
- Unearthed Arcana content that was released before January 2018 is either already available in a published source, or considered "archived" and will not be available as official UA on D&D Beyond.
- D&D Beyond will not include the previously released UA classes of artificer, mystic, and revised ranger. They were released prior to January 2018, and those versions of them are considered "archived". They will appear on D&D Beyond as soon as Wizards of the Coast releases their next versions.
- You may recreate "archived" Unearthed Arcana content as private homebrew to use on D&D Beyond, but may not submit it to be listed as public homebrew.
- To use Unearthed Arcana content with your characters, you must have the Playtest Content toggle turned on in your character preferences in the Home section during character creation.
This thread is a reminder of the basics on UA (Unearthed Arcana) content appearing on D&D Beyond, as first announced and explained in January 2018.
Please refer to this thread for more details.
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