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Do you approve of the triceratops option for the Ardling? - Single Choice
Do you want to see more options for dinosaurs in the future? - Single Choice
How much do you want to see dinosaurs implemented into D&D? - Single Choice
I'm sad there is no Ardling. I'm happy because this means there will most definitely be a book detailing additional monsters and player species, like MMoM.
Also MMoM has some really good dino stat blocks.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
A Tarrasque can it be treated as a Dinosaur, IMO.
Tip: it have an [unaligned aligment] or in another terms, -----> [undefined IA].
My Ready-to-rock&roll chars:Dertinus Tristany // Amilcar Barca // Vicenç Sacrarius // Oriol Deulofeu // Grovtuk
Just gonna leave this here
I'm sad there is no Ardling. I'm happy because this means there will most definitely be a book detailing additional monsters and player species, like MMoM.
Also MMoM has some really good dino stat blocks.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
A Tarrasque can it be treated as a Dinosaur, IMO.
Tip: it have an [unaligned aligment] or in another terms, -----> [undefined IA].
My Ready-to-rock&roll chars:
Dertinus Tristany // Amilcar Barca // Vicenç Sacrarius // Oriol Deulofeu // Grovtuk
Just gonna leave this here