So some of us had our wish granted, and the former "Noble Genie" warlock subclass was altered into the new "Genie Patron".
Now, instead of being pseudo-slaves forced into being a genie's personal treasure-seeker, we've achieved phenomenal cosmic power AND itty bitty living space.
And we can fly.
This subclass...this subclass is just fun.
But my mind is already racing at the possibilities for roleplaying & backstories...
Were you one of numerous mortals abducted by an efreeti slaver-raid, and struck a deal with an efreeti in exchange for your own personal freedom?
Did a djinn take a shine to you, inviting you back to their floating palace, and now you adventure for wealth & fortune because you have a taste for the finer things in life?
Perhaps a dwarf dug too deep into their mines, and stumbled into an underground portal to the Elemental Plane of Earth, and unintentionally stole a gem belonging to a wealthy dao.
Personally, I'm working on an ice-themed marid who made their palace in the frozen north; and a nomadic explorer became separated from their expedition and sought refuge in their palace...pleased by the stories told to them after being alone and isolated, the marid exchanged some of their power in return for more visits and tales from the wanderer.
I'm curious as to what other character concepts others are forming...
What will your backstory be? Which of the elemental patrons will you choose?
What will your vessel look like? (I'm thinking a fancy-looking booze flask, personally)
What sort of physical changes will occur due to your characters association with their patron...? (I'm picturing my warlock getting frost on the tips of their hair or fingertips, or perpetual fog emanating from their throat)
Maybe they'll end up looking like genasi.
How will you flavor the element-infused "Eldritch Blast" or other spells? What will your flying ability appear like? A whirling inferno? A whirlwind? Swirling dust or rocks, perhaps bubbles or mist?
Storywise, I would really like a genasi warlock with a genie patron. Your patron could be your enstranged father who decided to bring you into the family business after having left you to material plane with your mother years ago. Or, since genies view genasi as accidents and don't much care for them, you could have been sold as servant to another genie, and you are slowly piecing together your own identity in their service. Too bad genasi stats are not that great for warlock.
Another (non genasi exclusive) option is that you were hired by a powerful wizard to find a powerful wish granting artifact. When you found what turned out to be a ring of djinni summoning, you decided to try get your own wish granted. You summoned the genie and wish to be a powerful sorcerer yourself. The genie planeshifts you to the court of its master, a noble genie. He introduces you and you enter into the service of the genie for the promise power to be free of the wizard that blackmailed you to serve him.
There's been looots of "I'ma play a genasi warlock whose patron is my ancestor" out there. It's a solid enough set-up, but I will admit, it's a little too on-the-nose for me. if I were to build one - and if this ends up as live content I might, as this rebuild is intriguing to me - I would be looking a little higher in the fruit tree than that. Lessee...
The "Don't Screw Me, Bro":
The character stumbled upon (or came from) a small, isolated village that worships their own little god with yearly tithes of riches. You discovered that this 'god' is an icon of one of the powerful planar genies, rather than a proper god. Before you could spill the beans and ruin the genie's scam, the genie appears to you and offers you power in exchange for getting the hell out of its village and letting it keep its scam going. For whichever reasons you favor, you agreed. Now you're caught in an uneasy partnership-in-crime with this powerful entity - or perhaps you were only too eager to accept gifts of patronage in exchange for leaving the scam undisturbed and are running a scam of your own...
The "Cave of Wonders":
The character was exploring a cave near their childhood home with a friend in their youth, stumbling upon an ancient, long-forgotten treasure - a stone that summoned a mighty genie to grant a single wish. You took the wish for yourself, wishing to grow up into a mighty adventurer. The genie grinned, said 'Wish Granted!' and disappeared. Many years of ordinary villager life later, you've grown up healthy and in your prime, but are no adventurer - until the genie shows up again and tells you it's time to make good on your Wish. You are granted a measure of its power and given the chance to be an Adventurer after all - but the one-time friend from whom you stole the Wish has never forgotten, and they have plans of their own...
The "Celebrity Baby":
Your character's parent(s) is a powerful magic-user and a celebrated adventurer themself, rising to success on the back of a wish granted to them by a powerful genie. As your 'present' for your 20th birthday, your parent summoned that same genie for one more service and coerced it into granting you power. Stuck with a warlock patron you may or may not have even wanted, power you weren't expecting, and a decree from your famous family to 'go out and do the family name proud', you now have to cope with bargaining with a creature that may well resent your intrusion in its life...but no noble genie is above turning a setback into an opportunity...
Couple other ideas occur to me, but they're less generically applicable than those three, so we'll stick with those for now.
I think I'll go with a peasant who found a ring and wished for wealth and power. Now the ring serves as his vessel. I'm talking with my DM about taking the Waterdhaven Noble background, but instead of the feature being a line of credit, it's just part of the wish's magic.
I like the idea of creating an air genasi, with a Djinn patron. They look like will smith as a genie. And part of being charismatic is that they make people believe that they are friends. Then kills them with a blast of air (EB).
That or a fire genasi that just wants a bit of power and a good glaive.
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'The Cleverness of mushrooms always surprises me!' - Ivern Bramblefoot.
I've got one coming that is essentially a play on Jafar as a good guy.
Joros is a Triton who was the lowest man on the totem pole in his Sultan's advisory board.
He fell in love and was even expecting a child. But his wife caught the Sultan's eye and he took her for his harem.
Joros was broken but stayed out of duty to his city. Meanwhile his wife had told him a story about a lamp that could grant them the life they deserved. She said the key was a scarrab of which she had half.
Years later he found the second half of the scarab and set forth for the spot the key revealed. He had teamed up with a street thief to help explore the cave and guaranteed him anything they found outside of the lamp.
In the cave they found a lamp with a bound djinn. The street thief double crossed him and tried to take the lamp for himself. In desperation Joros wrestled the lamp away and wished the djinn free.
The djinn saved Joros and while he would not wish his wife back or fix things he promised Joros a path to righting those wrongs personally.
Thought the air powers are interesting since Triton get just enough inate water magic that he can masquerade as a Marid and throw people off.
My character though was ostracized from his community for is love of the sky. He spent most of his free time on the surface staring at the sky and the clouds, in good weather and bad. One day, while walking along the beach, staring at up a the gulls drifting lazily on the ocean breezes, he tripped over a bottle in the sand. It was a fancy ship-in-a-bottle only there was also a tiny little man on the deck, and he was moving! When he Popped the cork on the bottle, smoke poured out and when it cleared there was a Genie dressed in fabulous pirate garb and dripping with jewels and riches. The genie claimed that his rival, a wicked Marid, had trapped him in the bottle and cursed him to serve whoever were to open it. However, if the young Triton were to wish for the Genie's freedom, he would grant the young man "phenomenal cosmic power." An accord was struck and the rest, as they say, is history...
I’ve always liked warlocks whose relationship with their patron is more ‘spoiled trust fund kid’ than a coercive/mistrustful bargain. The Genie is fertile ground for that kind of fun
Tracii is an air(head) Genasi. Her mother was an adventurer, and her father is a djinn. And like, daddy promised me a pegasus for my sweet sixteen, y’know? But like, all that arrived was this lantern? And it’s not even a very pretty lantern - just grimy brass, completely wrong for my aesthetic, it’s like he just doesn’t know me at all? So like, I’m heading out into the world to prove that my parents really should respect me, and that promises should be kept!
Barin Goldforge’s way through life has always been cushioned by his family. He considers himself a self-starter in his own mind, and knows he’s got his position thanks to his own hard work, not because he was given that paid internship at his aunt’s company or his legacy admission to the Olliamh School. He inherited his Great-Uncle’s fraternity ring, and negotiated this really great deal with this Dao guy for some pretty sweet powers, any all he has to do is....
In ages past, Tzchazzar and Marrake al-Sidan got together for a chat about the nature of fire. As part of their discussions, The Grand Sultan, and The God of Chessenta each summoned a minion, who then summoned a red Dragonborn - and pressed them and their descendants into a contract, symbolised in a fire opal locket. Your ancestor received great power in return for great service - acting as ambassador between dragonkind and the planes of fire. Your family has done very well out of the arrangement, milking both the power and the position for maximum gain. You’ve now inherited the locket, and have some new ideas you want to get past the trustees....
I'm thinking about a idealistic but naive person who freed a Djinni and wished for world peace or end hunger, or rid the world of tyranny. Such a wish being beyond a mere genie's power, they instead gave the idealist power. So now they can better the world themselves but they have to work for it the hard way. This also provides them with a reason to adventure.
Figure this is the perfect chance to bring in some Al-Qadim feel. Toying with the idea of a Zakharan boy born into slavery who finds a vessel deep inside one of his master’s vaults. The genie trapped inside offers to grant power in exchange for a wish to free them both from their shared bondage. Now he’s on the run from his former master, trying to figure out the world beyond his master’s walls
Thinking Variant Human, Djinni patron, and Far Traveler (or a homebrew “Former Slave”) Background.
Ooh, got two new ones. The first is an Aarackocra with dijinn patron, who was selected by the genie to wield the power. Pact of the blade, and I made it work with AI's.
The other is a copper/gold dragonborn who is very studious, and was selected by a marid to have the power of them. Taking spells like blur and fog cloud. I like it.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
'The Cleverness of mushrooms always surprises me!' - Ivern Bramblefoot.
Thought about taking a Mountain Dwarf with their Medium Armor & Warhammer + Battleaxe proficiencies to create a "Pact of the Blade" Genie-Lock.
The first idea is a real sonava***** evil dwarf who struck a bargain with an efreeti to become a slaver / bounty hunter, selling their quarry to the City of Brass. Talks like Sam Elliot, with a low drawl, always chuckling while saying "How 'bout a little fire?" before burning opponents in an inferno.
Eventually, their beard will begin to singe and burn like fire as they transform.
On the flipside, there's a mercenary dwarf who always looks sodden and wet...a side effect of their marid patron. Then, when they use their magic, the dampness begins to freeze.
Thinking of calling them something like Frostbeard or Soddenbeard...maybe even make them a pirate.
The martial proficiencies help smooth out a "Pact of the Blade" warlock..."Eldritch Smite" is still a potent way to deal burst damage, and the extra teleporting one can do with "Hex" allows for a quick & brutal playstyle.
I've got one coming that is essentially a play on Jafar as a good guy.
Joros is a Triton who was the lowest man on the totem pole in his Sultan's advisory board.
He fell in love and was even expecting a child. But his wife caught the Sultan's eye and he took her for his harem.
Joros was broken but stayed out of duty to his city. Meanwhile his wife had told him a story about a lamp that could grant them the life they deserved. She said the key was a scarrab of which she had half.
Years later he found the second half of the scarab and set forth for the spot the key revealed. He had teamed up with a street thief to help explore the cave and guaranteed him anything they found outside of the lamp.
In the cave they found a lamp with a bound djinn. The street thief double crossed him and tried to take the lamp for himself. In desperation Joros wrestled the lamp away and wished the djinn free.
The djinn saved Joros and while he would not wish his wife back or fix things he promised Joros a path to righting those wrongs personally.
Thought the air powers are interesting since Triton get just enough inate water magic that he can masquerade as a Marid and throw people off.
I like this, I changed the story up a little bit but the idea here got my creative juices flowing. Thanks for sharing!!
A fire genasi born one of five children to a Noblewoman who isn’t as exceptionally talented as his siblings with exception to his fire qualities and ability to cook food on his body. Calls upon his dad to pay his magic power child support so he can prove himself worthy of being head of the house. His father agrees but only in exchange for expanding the lands of the family in his father’s names and providing offerings of slaves, riches, and the blood of those who dare stand against him.
Actually gearing up to play a Genie warlock in a campaign my group's working up. Ended up going with a riff on the 'Cave of Wonders' seed I posted above. Heh, for those who enjoy reading Teh Floof:
Nytra Xyroxi Helnoa Ufeli Bitterclear, sometimes called Foxtail, Fluffylocks, Trickpaws, and other equally boring nicknames, was raised by a gnomish alchemist and apothecary in the city of Hupperdook. While she is his daughter of the heart, she is not his daughter by blood - Quijin discovered Nytra and her brother in the woods while searching for medicinal plants, squealing like...well, like babies abandoned in the woods. He took them in and decided to rear them, despite their being a sort of creature he'd never seen before, and which no one he knew or could get ahold of recognized. Despite this, as Nytra and Kharl grew, they were the closest of friends. Each of them the only other member of their unusual, oddly fluffy species they'd ever met, and the only one who really understood. They tried to learn Quijin's trade, but neither really had much talent for alchemy, and instead did as children did and handled chores around the house whilst otherwise being gleeful terrors.
One day, after they'd become old enough to go on hunts for medicinal plantings without their father, the pair stumbled into a forgotten cave. Exploring it as would any mostly-teen, the pair discovered an old, fanciful ring/lamp (Undecided as of yet). Monkeying with it, they released the long-entrapped Dhuzzi the Extravagant, a powerful yet oddly jovial djinn who offered the pair a single shared Wish as a reward for finally letting him out of that damned bit of brass. Nytra, ever the more boisterous and impulsive of the two, wished for them to grow up to be great adventurers. Dhuzzi simply grinned, spoke the word 'GRANTED', and which point Kharl turned on Nytra in a fury, beating his sister badly and screaming at her about wasting the one chance they'd ever get to find out what they really were and where they'd come from.
After the two made their way back to Quijin's everything changed. The once unshakable sibling bonds between Nytra and Kharl were strained and cracked; what had once been a devilish duo of prankery and merry chaos was now two foxes who no longer saw eye to eye. Nytra tried to explain - she tried to tell Kharl that she wanted to find the truth herself, wanted to discover their past together as adventurers, and she hadn't abandoned their promises to each other - but Kharl wouldn't hear it. A few years later, Kharl took what he had made and earned in Hupperdook and left. Simply disappeared in the night, with a brief note for Quijin and no word at all for Nytra.
Dejected and feeling defeated, Nytra spent the next few years in turn simply doing her thing in Hupperdook...until her twentieth birthday, and the sudden, dramatic reappearance of Dhuzzi the Extravagant. The djinn lord told Nytra it was time to make good on her Wish, and granted her the vessel she'd once freed him from as a token of his favor. Dhuzzi whispered secrets in Nytra's ear, gifted her with a mote of his own power and his sign of Favor, and unleashed her upon the world.
Revitalized, Nytra put her new powers to the test...and swiftly got in water hot enough that she had to skip town for a little while. Wishing Quijin well, she fled Hupperdook and made her way to the Menagerie Coast. Where new adventures await...
I’ve made Zara. A Changeling Entertainer. She has lived a dessert city (somewhere like Persia) when she was taken in by a Noble to be a dancer in his palace. But he turned out to be a Pimp that tricked young women into his den. She escaped from him eventually. But he sent Guards After her. When she was about to be found she saw a Dinjin, he told her he’d watched her and took a liking to her. he offered a Pact. He’d protect her form the Noble with his power if she carried out his bidding. She excepted, never wanting to go back to that hellhole. So he brought her into a ring with a hidden compartment. And she hind there until she was sure the guards were gone. She now wanders the world trying to run from the noble who’s put a bounty on her...
I haven't had a chance to play him too much thanks to our group taking a near permanent 'break' thanks to COVID, but my Genie Patron Warlock, Mustadio, is a Human 'Acheologist' that's similar to Indiana Jones. Looking to learn the history of the earliest civilizations and of the magicks & technology that were lost to time, he goes from ruins to ruins learning and salvaging all that he can. On one of his expeditions to a partially sunken ruin, he manages to find a hidden chamber and slips in. The ruins partially collapse, trapping him inside a treasure room that's partially submerged.
Since he figures he'll die anyway, he starts messing with the treasure in this new chamber; uncaring of any traps that typically litter these rooms. Within the piles of gold, jewels, and magical trinkets, he finds an ornate box with a ring inside. Examining it leads to a Marid Genie freeing itself and examining him. She deems him worthy of forming a contract with after seeing his zeal for learning the ancient past and offers to help him out of his predicament.
They're now partners as they go from site to site, learning and 'liberating' the past from their forgotten tombs. I plan to roll a D20 whenever a magical item is found/given to me and on a 10 or lower, It'd be offered it to Amphrititre, my Marid Genie, for 'services rendered' since I do still like the hoarding/treasure seeking aspect of Genies.
When our group starts out again, I'm trading in my lvl 4 Barbarian for a Lvl 3 Rouge (Arcane Trickster)/ Lvl 1 Warlock Genie (Djinni), named Fenree Deephollow who is of noble birth in our game.
Essentially he falls in love with a commoner which his family disapprove off and 3 months later she dies of an unknown disease (or poison) believing his parents had something to do with his lovers death he steals his families heirloom and runs away.
After a week or so on the road he is captured by a tribe of orcs and placed in their fighters pit as the partner of a half-orc (another players character), after a few nights of fighting and winning (thanks to the half-orc), he messes with his heirloom releasing a noble Djinni. Knowing they grant wishes he uses a wish to free himself and the half-orc. However unknown to Fenree this was the last wish of his family and this frees the Djinni. After some begging to bring back his dead lover the Djinni agrees to help Fenree if he enters his service and preforms 3 tasks. The 1st of which is to find a special "staff that a spider wields"
So that's essentially how my parton backstory goes.
Also I've asked the DM to maybe add a twist as we get into the game, my idea was it was actually the Djinni that made his lover die, but we will see how that plays out.
i was playing an air genasi warlock of the djinn, so coming up with a backstory wasnt very hard. my father, feeling sorry for leaving me, offered me magical power and a chance to rise to power in his kingdom. my character exepted.
Greetings all.
So some of us had our wish granted, and the former "Noble Genie" warlock subclass was altered into the new "Genie Patron".
Now, instead of being pseudo-slaves forced into being a genie's personal treasure-seeker, we've achieved phenomenal cosmic power AND itty bitty living space.
And we can fly.
This subclass...this subclass is just fun.
But my mind is already racing at the possibilities for roleplaying & backstories...
Were you one of numerous mortals abducted by an efreeti slaver-raid, and struck a deal with an efreeti in exchange for your own personal freedom?
Did a djinn take a shine to you, inviting you back to their floating palace, and now you adventure for wealth & fortune because you have a taste for the finer things in life?
Perhaps a dwarf dug too deep into their mines, and stumbled into an underground portal to the Elemental Plane of Earth, and unintentionally stole a gem belonging to a wealthy dao.
Personally, I'm working on an ice-themed marid who made their palace in the frozen north; and a nomadic explorer became separated from their expedition and sought refuge in their palace...pleased by the stories told to them after being alone and isolated, the marid exchanged some of their power in return for more visits and tales from the wanderer.
I'm curious as to what other character concepts others are forming...
What will your backstory be? Which of the elemental patrons will you choose?
What will your vessel look like? (I'm thinking a fancy-looking booze flask, personally)
What sort of physical changes will occur due to your characters association with their patron...? (I'm picturing my warlock getting frost on the tips of their hair or fingertips, or perpetual fog emanating from their throat)
Maybe they'll end up looking like genasi.
How will you flavor the element-infused "Eldritch Blast" or other spells? What will your flying ability appear like? A whirling inferno? A whirlwind? Swirling dust or rocks, perhaps bubbles or mist?
What will your patron look like?
Share below.
Storywise, I would really like a genasi warlock with a genie patron. Your patron could be your enstranged father who decided to bring you into the family business after having left you to material plane with your mother years ago. Or, since genies view genasi as accidents and don't much care for them, you could have been sold as servant to another genie, and you are slowly piecing together your own identity in their service. Too bad genasi stats are not that great for warlock.
Another (non genasi exclusive) option is that you were hired by a powerful wizard to find a powerful wish granting artifact. When you found what turned out to be a ring of djinni summoning, you decided to try get your own wish granted. You summoned the genie and wish to be a powerful sorcerer yourself. The genie planeshifts you to the court of its master, a noble genie. He introduces you and you enter into the service of the genie for the promise power to be free of the wizard that blackmailed you to serve him.
There's been looots of "I'ma play a genasi warlock whose patron is my ancestor" out there. It's a solid enough set-up, but I will admit, it's a little too on-the-nose for me. if I were to build one - and if this ends up as live content I might, as this rebuild is intriguing to me - I would be looking a little higher in the fruit tree than that. Lessee...
The "Don't Screw Me, Bro":
The character stumbled upon (or came from) a small, isolated village that worships their own little god with yearly tithes of riches. You discovered that this 'god' is an icon of one of the powerful planar genies, rather than a proper god. Before you could spill the beans and ruin the genie's scam, the genie appears to you and offers you power in exchange for getting the hell out of its village and letting it keep its scam going. For whichever reasons you favor, you agreed. Now you're caught in an uneasy partnership-in-crime with this powerful entity - or perhaps you were only too eager to accept gifts of patronage in exchange for leaving the scam undisturbed and are running a scam of your own...
The "Cave of Wonders":
The character was exploring a cave near their childhood home with a friend in their youth, stumbling upon an ancient, long-forgotten treasure - a stone that summoned a mighty genie to grant a single wish. You took the wish for yourself, wishing to grow up into a mighty adventurer. The genie grinned, said 'Wish Granted!' and disappeared. Many years of ordinary villager life later, you've grown up healthy and in your prime, but are no adventurer - until the genie shows up again and tells you it's time to make good on your Wish. You are granted a measure of its power and given the chance to be an Adventurer after all - but the one-time friend from whom you stole the Wish has never forgotten, and they have plans of their own...
The "Celebrity Baby":
Your character's parent(s) is a powerful magic-user and a celebrated adventurer themself, rising to success on the back of a wish granted to them by a powerful genie. As your 'present' for your 20th birthday, your parent summoned that same genie for one more service and coerced it into granting you power. Stuck with a warlock patron you may or may not have even wanted, power you weren't expecting, and a decree from your famous family to 'go out and do the family name proud', you now have to cope with bargaining with a creature that may well resent your intrusion in its life...but no noble genie is above turning a setback into an opportunity...
Couple other ideas occur to me, but they're less generically applicable than those three, so we'll stick with those for now.
Please do not contact or message me.
I think I'll go with a peasant who found a ring and wished for wealth and power. Now the ring serves as his vessel. I'm talking with my DM about taking the Waterdhaven Noble background, but instead of the feature being a line of credit, it's just part of the wish's magic.
I like the idea of creating an air genasi, with a Djinn patron. They look like will smith as a genie. And part of being charismatic is that they make people believe that they are friends. Then kills them with a blast of air (EB).
That or a fire genasi that just wants a bit of power and a good glaive.
'The Cleverness of mushrooms always surprises me!' - Ivern Bramblefoot.
I'll worldbuild for your DnD games!
Just a D&D enjoyer, check out my fiverr page if you need any worldbuilding done for ya!
I've got one coming that is essentially a play on Jafar as a good guy.
Joros is a Triton who was the lowest man on the totem pole in his Sultan's advisory board.
He fell in love and was even expecting a child. But his wife caught the Sultan's eye and he took her for his harem.
Joros was broken but stayed out of duty to his city. Meanwhile his wife had told him a story about a lamp that could grant them the life they deserved. She said the key was a scarrab of which she had half.
Years later he found the second half of the scarab and set forth for the spot the key revealed. He had teamed up with a street thief to help explore the cave and guaranteed him anything they found outside of the lamp.
In the cave they found a lamp with a bound djinn. The street thief double crossed him and tried to take the lamp for himself. In desperation Joros wrestled the lamp away and wished the djinn free.
The djinn saved Joros and while he would not wish his wife back or fix things he promised Joros a path to righting those wrongs personally.
Thought the air powers are interesting since Triton get just enough inate water magic that he can masquerade as a Marid and throw people off.
Ooooh, my concept was a Triton Djinn Warlock too.
My character though was ostracized from his community for is love of the sky. He spent most of his free time on the surface staring at the sky and the clouds, in good weather and bad. One day, while walking along the beach, staring at up a the gulls drifting lazily on the ocean breezes, he tripped over a bottle in the sand. It was a fancy ship-in-a-bottle only there was also a tiny little man on the deck, and he was moving! When he Popped the cork on the bottle, smoke poured out and when it cleared there was a Genie dressed in fabulous pirate garb and dripping with jewels and riches. The genie claimed that his rival, a wicked Marid, had trapped him in the bottle and cursed him to serve whoever were to open it. However, if the young Triton were to wish for the Genie's freedom, he would grant the young man "phenomenal cosmic power." An accord was struck and the rest, as they say, is history...
I’ve always liked warlocks whose relationship with their patron is more ‘spoiled trust fund kid’ than a coercive/mistrustful bargain. The Genie is fertile ground for that kind of fun
Tracii is an air(head) Genasi. Her mother was an adventurer, and her father is a djinn. And like, daddy promised me a pegasus for my sweet sixteen, y’know? But like, all that arrived was this lantern? And it’s not even a very pretty lantern - just grimy brass, completely wrong for my aesthetic, it’s like he just doesn’t know me at all? So like, I’m heading out into the world to prove that my parents really should respect me, and that promises should be kept!
Barin Goldforge’s way through life has always been cushioned by his family. He considers himself a self-starter in his own mind, and knows he’s got his position thanks to his own hard work, not because he was given that paid internship at his aunt’s company or his legacy admission to the Olliamh School. He inherited his Great-Uncle’s fraternity ring, and negotiated this really great deal with this Dao guy for some pretty sweet powers, any all he has to do is....
In ages past, Tzchazzar and Marrake al-Sidan got together for a chat about the nature of fire. As part of their discussions, The Grand Sultan, and The God of Chessenta each summoned a minion, who then summoned a red Dragonborn - and pressed them and their descendants into a contract, symbolised in a fire opal locket. Your ancestor received great power in return for great service - acting as ambassador between dragonkind and the planes of fire. Your family has done very well out of the arrangement, milking both the power and the position for maximum gain. You’ve now inherited the locket, and have some new ideas you want to get past the trustees....
I'm thinking about a idealistic but naive person who freed a Djinni and wished for world peace or end hunger, or rid the world of tyranny. Such a wish being beyond a mere genie's power, they instead gave the idealist power. So now they can better the world themselves but they have to work for it the hard way. This also provides them with a reason to adventure.
Figure this is the perfect chance to bring in some Al-Qadim feel.
Toying with the idea of a Zakharan boy born into slavery who finds a vessel deep inside one of his master’s vaults. The genie trapped inside offers to grant power in exchange for a wish to free them both from their shared bondage. Now he’s on the run from his former master, trying to figure out the world beyond his master’s walls
Thinking Variant Human, Djinni patron, and Far Traveler (or a homebrew “Former Slave”) Background.
Ooh, got two new ones. The first is an Aarackocra with dijinn patron, who was selected by the genie to wield the power. Pact of the blade, and I made it work with AI's.
The other is a copper/gold dragonborn who is very studious, and was selected by a marid to have the power of them. Taking spells like blur and fog cloud. I like it.
'The Cleverness of mushrooms always surprises me!' - Ivern Bramblefoot.
I'll worldbuild for your DnD games!
Just a D&D enjoyer, check out my fiverr page if you need any worldbuilding done for ya!
Thought about taking a Mountain Dwarf with their Medium Armor & Warhammer + Battleaxe proficiencies to create a "Pact of the Blade" Genie-Lock.
The first idea is a real sonava***** evil dwarf who struck a bargain with an efreeti to become a slaver / bounty hunter, selling their quarry to the City of Brass. Talks like Sam Elliot, with a low drawl, always chuckling while saying "How 'bout a little fire?" before burning opponents in an inferno.
Eventually, their beard will begin to singe and burn like fire as they transform.
On the flipside, there's a mercenary dwarf who always looks sodden and wet...a side effect of their marid patron. Then, when they use their magic, the dampness begins to freeze.
Thinking of calling them something like Frostbeard or Soddenbeard...maybe even make them a pirate.
The martial proficiencies help smooth out a "Pact of the Blade" warlock..."Eldritch Smite" is still a potent way to deal burst damage, and the extra teleporting one can do with "Hex" allows for a quick & brutal playstyle.
I like this, I changed the story up a little bit but the idea here got my creative juices flowing. Thanks for sharing!!
~Not all those who wander are lost~
A fire genasi born one of five children to a Noblewoman who isn’t as exceptionally talented as his siblings with exception to his fire qualities and ability to cook food on his body. Calls upon his dad to pay his magic power child support so he can prove himself worthy of being head of the house. His father agrees but only in exchange for expanding the lands of the family in his father’s names and providing offerings of slaves, riches, and the blood of those who dare stand against him.
Actually gearing up to play a Genie warlock in a campaign my group's working up. Ended up going with a riff on the 'Cave of Wonders' seed I posted above. Heh, for those who enjoy reading Teh Floof:
Nytra Xyroxi Helnoa Ufeli Bitterclear, sometimes called Foxtail, Fluffylocks, Trickpaws, and other equally boring nicknames, was raised by a gnomish alchemist and apothecary in the city of Hupperdook. While she is his daughter of the heart, she is not his daughter by blood - Quijin discovered Nytra and her brother in the woods while searching for medicinal plants, squealing like...well, like babies abandoned in the woods. He took them in and decided to rear them, despite their being a sort of creature he'd never seen before, and which no one he knew or could get ahold of recognized. Despite this, as Nytra and Kharl grew, they were the closest of friends. Each of them the only other member of their unusual, oddly fluffy species they'd ever met, and the only one who really understood. They tried to learn Quijin's trade, but neither really had much talent for alchemy, and instead did as children did and handled chores around the house whilst otherwise being gleeful terrors.
One day, after they'd become old enough to go on hunts for medicinal plantings without their father, the pair stumbled into a forgotten cave. Exploring it as would any mostly-teen, the pair discovered an old, fanciful ring/lamp (Undecided as of yet). Monkeying with it, they released the long-entrapped Dhuzzi the Extravagant, a powerful yet oddly jovial djinn who offered the pair a single shared Wish as a reward for finally letting him out of that damned bit of brass. Nytra, ever the more boisterous and impulsive of the two, wished for them to grow up to be great adventurers. Dhuzzi simply grinned, spoke the word 'GRANTED', and which point Kharl turned on Nytra in a fury, beating his sister badly and screaming at her about wasting the one chance they'd ever get to find out what they really were and where they'd come from.
After the two made their way back to Quijin's everything changed. The once unshakable sibling bonds between Nytra and Kharl were strained and cracked; what had once been a devilish duo of prankery and merry chaos was now two foxes who no longer saw eye to eye. Nytra tried to explain - she tried to tell Kharl that she wanted to find the truth herself, wanted to discover their past together as adventurers, and she hadn't abandoned their promises to each other - but Kharl wouldn't hear it. A few years later, Kharl took what he had made and earned in Hupperdook and left. Simply disappeared in the night, with a brief note for Quijin and no word at all for Nytra.
Dejected and feeling defeated, Nytra spent the next few years in turn simply doing her thing in Hupperdook...until her twentieth birthday, and the sudden, dramatic reappearance of Dhuzzi the Extravagant. The djinn lord told Nytra it was time to make good on her Wish, and granted her the vessel she'd once freed him from as a token of his favor. Dhuzzi whispered secrets in Nytra's ear, gifted her with a mote of his own power and his sign of Favor, and unleashed her upon the world.
Revitalized, Nytra put her new powers to the test...and swiftly got in water hot enough that she had to skip town for a little while. Wishing Quijin well, she fled Hupperdook and made her way to the Menagerie Coast. Where new adventures await...
Please do not contact or message me.
I’ve made Zara. A Changeling Entertainer. She has lived a dessert city (somewhere like Persia) when she was taken in by a Noble to be a dancer in his palace. But he turned out to be a Pimp that tricked young women into his den. She escaped from him eventually. But he sent Guards After her. When she was about to be found she saw a Dinjin, he told her he’d watched her and took a liking to her. he offered a Pact. He’d protect her form the Noble with his power if she carried out his bidding. She excepted, never wanting to go back to that hellhole. So he brought her into a ring with a hidden compartment. And she hind there until she was sure the guards were gone. She now wanders the world trying to run from the noble who’s put a bounty on her...
I haven't had a chance to play him too much thanks to our group taking a near permanent 'break' thanks to COVID, but my Genie Patron Warlock, Mustadio, is a Human 'Acheologist' that's similar to Indiana Jones. Looking to learn the history of the earliest civilizations and of the magicks & technology that were lost to time, he goes from ruins to ruins learning and salvaging all that he can. On one of his expeditions to a partially sunken ruin, he manages to find a hidden chamber and slips in. The ruins partially collapse, trapping him inside a treasure room that's partially submerged.
Since he figures he'll die anyway, he starts messing with the treasure in this new chamber; uncaring of any traps that typically litter these rooms. Within the piles of gold, jewels, and magical trinkets, he finds an ornate box with a ring inside. Examining it leads to a Marid Genie freeing itself and examining him. She deems him worthy of forming a contract with after seeing his zeal for learning the ancient past and offers to help him out of his predicament.
They're now partners as they go from site to site, learning and 'liberating' the past from their forgotten tombs. I plan to roll a D20 whenever a magical item is found/given to me and on a 10 or lower, It'd be offered it to Amphrititre, my Marid Genie, for 'services rendered' since I do still like the hoarding/treasure seeking aspect of Genies.
When our group starts out again, I'm trading in my lvl 4 Barbarian for a Lvl 3 Rouge (Arcane Trickster)/ Lvl 1 Warlock Genie (Djinni), named Fenree Deephollow who is of noble birth in our game.
Essentially he falls in love with a commoner which his family disapprove off and 3 months later she dies of an unknown disease (or poison) believing his parents had something to do with his lovers death he steals his families heirloom and runs away.
After a week or so on the road he is captured by a tribe of orcs and placed in their fighters pit as the partner of a half-orc (another players character), after a few nights of fighting and winning (thanks to the half-orc), he messes with his heirloom releasing a noble Djinni. Knowing they grant wishes he uses a wish to free himself and the half-orc. However unknown to Fenree this was the last wish of his family and this frees the Djinni. After some begging to bring back his dead lover the Djinni agrees to help Fenree if he enters his service and preforms 3 tasks. The 1st of which is to find a special "staff that a spider wields"
So that's essentially how my parton backstory goes.
Also I've asked the DM to maybe add a twist as we get into the game, my idea was it was actually the Djinni that made his lover die, but we will see how that plays out.
i was playing an air genasi warlock of the djinn, so coming up with a backstory wasnt very hard. my father, feeling sorry for leaving me, offered me magical power and a chance to rise to power in his kingdom. my character exepted.
A genie kid who doesn’t have daddy issues lol