First of all, your artwork is exceedingly good and you should be very proud of it.
Second, you might get more traffic in the Art forum rather than the Advertisements, as you're not advertising for commissions, just showing off your art!
Those goblins look like Warhammer 40k grots. Great art, I can't even draw a stick figure properly...
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Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer: The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Hello I want to share some artwork that I did.
Some more artwork..
First of all, your artwork is exceedingly good and you should be very proud of it.
Second, you might get more traffic in the Art forum rather than the Advertisements, as you're not advertising for commissions, just showing off your art!
Make your Artificer work with any other class with 174 Multiclassing Feats for your Artificer Multiclass Character!
DM's Guild Releases on This Thread Or check them all out on DMs Guild!
DrivethruRPG Releases on This Thread - latest release: My Character is a Werewolf: balanced rules for Lycanthropy!
I have started discussing/reviewing 3rd party D&D content on Substack - stay tuned for semi-regular posts!
@ThorukDuckSlayer Thank you! In some sense I am advertising to get commission work, since this is my full time job.
Some more stuff
Something new.
My email if you want to inquire about commissions.
A satyr druid with an elemental pet
My email if you want to inquire about commissions.
Elf outpost
Great artworks!
@thompson25 Thank you!
Fire elemental
I like your work.
Cool interpretation of a fire elemental.
@Dzannin Thanks!
Some goblins.
Those goblins look like Warhammer 40k grots. Great art, I can't even draw a stick figure properly...
Star Wars and Warhammer nerd. Yup. I'm both.
Pronouns he/him. WASSUUP!
Titles bestowed by Drummer:
The Unstrikable Warrior, Expert of Dragons and Knowledge, Master of the Blade, Merciless champion, The Rising Power, Risen from the Depths, The Potential of Darkness!
Currently inactive for most of the week.
Warhammer is certainly something that has influenced me over the years.
Other than that, drawing is a skill like any other, it requires lots of practice.
D&D party
Here is something new.
By the way I am available for commissions.
Hello, I am available for work.