You have arrived at your destination: Drummer's sleepover party.
I welcome all who join into my home.
Though the rest of the stuff here might not be so welcoming...
Drummer's holding a party, and the whole neighborhoods been invited. All the fun people of the neighbourhood that is... No parents, and no snitches.
To make sure all the "responsible" people of the area don't know about it, all guests are to climb up the ladder at the back on the house and come into Drummer's room via the window.
Drummer welcomes you into the pillow fort that he built in his room. This is the base of operations, and is packed full of equipment, ammunition, and midnight snacks.
"The aim of tonight."Drummer tells you, "Is to find all 6 of the most legendary snacks. Once all are found, only then will it become morning, and only then will you be able to leave."
You can only have 1 weapon and 1 equipment with you at any one time. If you wish to change what you have, you must go back to the fort to do so.
Baseball bat. (+3 to hit, 1d8 damage)
Makeshift Morningstar. (+2 to hit, 1d10 damage)
Slingshot. (+1 to hit, 1d6 damage. Inflicts stunned. 2 shots, then needs one turn to reload)
One'a Dad's old rifles. (+7 to hit, 1d4 damage. 5 shots, then needs one turn to reload)
Spiky stick. (+2 to hit, 1d6 damage, inflicts wounded)
Combat rules will be explained if and when combat starts.
Bouncy ball
Hair pin
Water bottle
Compass (Points to fort)
Magnifying glass
Ice pack
This Thread is 13+, as DDB is 13+. So, if you were honest with your account age, everyone should be fine to participate.
Light swearing is okay, as long as it's not constantly said and not the same as or worse than the F word. We encourage you to sensor your swears with [gp].
No PvP. This is a collaborative adventure.
No Adult content.
Have fun!
Special sleepover rules:
When entering the fort, knock 3 times and say the password before going in. If you fail to do this, the fort will collapse on you.
After leaving Drummer's bedroom, if the corridor bends the wrong way, retrace your steps back to the fort. And when I say retrace your steps, I mean you have to walk backwards. Looking behind you will cause you to lose your way.
If Bloody Mary catches you, go limp, but look her straight in the eye's. This scares her.
If the doors grow faces, you must be dreaming. Try to remember this rule as soon as you see the faces, it will help.
If the lights flicker, hold your breath.
When Arthur stares at you through the window, pain no attention to him. He's harmless, unless you open the window. Staring at him can also cause him to come into the house through the front door.
My parents room will be locked. Only the lost can open the door.
When going downstairs, count the steps. If there's 20 steps, continue as normal. If there's more or less than that, run back up the stairs as fast as you can.
When running up the stairs because the last rule came into play, make sure you reach the top quickly. If the stairs never end, throw yourself over the railing that lines the edge of them.
Mother will be chopping vegetables in the kitchen. Don't let her see you. If she does see you, do not say anything and DO NOT LOOK HER IN THE EYES.
Father will be watching TV in the Living room. He's friendly. His eyesight isn't great either, so as long as you don't tell him who you are, he should just think you're me and let you pass.
If the Living room fireplace goes out, get somewhere warm, fast. The only thing that can stop you from freezing in this situation is being upstairs or wearing Mothers slippers.
Add the words "Sleepovers rock" To your first post to show you've read the rules.
As much as this thread has a goal - To find the legendary snacks - general rp amongst the characters is fine. Actually, it's highly recommended.
Welcome to my haunted hangout thread. Explore, chat, enjoy :)
You have arrived at your destination: Drummer's sleepover party.
I welcome all who join into my home.
Though the rest of the stuff here might not be so welcoming...
Drummer's holding a party, and the whole neighborhoods been invited. All the fun people of the neighbourhood that is... No parents, and no snitches.
To make sure all the "responsible" people of the area don't know about it, all guests are to climb up the ladder at the back on the house and come into Drummer's room via the window.
Drummer welcomes you into the pillow fort that he built in his room. This is the base of operations, and is packed full of equipment, ammunition, and midnight snacks.
"The aim of tonight." Drummer tells you, "Is to find all 6 of the most legendary snacks. Once all are found, only then will it become morning, and only then will you be able to leave."
You can only have 1 weapon and 1 equipment with you at any one time. If you wish to change what you have, you must go back to the fort to do so.
Combat rules will be explained if and when combat starts.
Special sleepover rules:
As much as this thread has a goal - To find the legendary snacks - general rp amongst the characters is fine. Actually, it's highly recommended.
Welcome to my haunted hangout thread. Explore, chat, enjoy :)
Back for the sleepover!!!
Sleepovers rock!
This is really cool! Idk if I’ll have time to join, but I’ll definitely watch.
I really like D&D, especially Ravenloft, Exandria and the Upside Down from Stranger Things. My pronouns are she/they (genderfae).
Dragon climbs through the window "sleepovers Rock"
*The simplicity of your entrance made me smile*
Drummer welcomes you into the fort. "Ready for the night of your life?"
*I'm going to need the keyword to show you read the rules*
Back for the sleepover!!!
*Sleepovers Rick*
*Good enough for me*
"You want to grab something to eat from the snack pile? Or go exploring?"
Back for the sleepover!!!
Dragon eats all the snaks
"I guess we'll have to go find some more later then."
Back for the sleepover!!!
Draken climbs through the window holding his cat in his arms.
He says this if you ask about the cat, “I thought it would be fine.”
*Is it fine if I have a cat*
*I’ll take the makeshift morning star and the camera*
*Sleepovers rock*
*Cat's cool, as long as it doesn't leave Drummers Room*
"Nice cat. I would offer you something to eat, but Dragon already dealt with the snacks."
Back for the sleepover!!!
Dragon *who is a dragon* grabs the shotgun and the rope. *Shot gun functions as his breath weapon*
*No breath weapon, sorry.*
Back for the sleepover!!!
“I’m good. I brought my own snacks.”
He then pulls out a lunchbox that was in his backpack. He than pulls out these large plant-based double chocolate cookies and starts eating it.
I mean like, instead of a breath weapon, it's the rifle, but for visual purposes, it's a breath weapon
"Clever." Drummer smiles. "You come here to chill, explore, or both?"
Back for the sleepover!!!
*Okay, but you would have to breathe out bullets, not fire*
Back for the sleepover!!!
“Depends on the activities. And the ghosts. How many are in your kitchen?”
"I don't know how many are in the Kitchen, they tend to move around quite a lot. But my Mothers pretty scary."
Back for the sleepover!!!