*Breakcore is basically just really fast, drum and sample heavy music*
The third character in my title is R. The third character in your title is I. This is the 4th page, at least on my end. D is the 4th letter of the alphabet. Rid. To get rid of something is to remove it. But if we're going off of its roots (re meaning again and move meaning move) we get to move something again. However, this is not how it's used, meaning to say something is removing sounds weird and nonsensical. A term for something nonsensical is Gobbledygook, which I'm assuming is what you meant to say.
Connect a child born in the year 2948 to a child born in year 1 (both in the current era of AD).
Gibber! I was trying to say Goblindegoock! How dare you put words in my mouth. Anyways, sorry if this is rushed, but I need to conquer the first page of forum games. 2948 is a number that, if you subtract 1837 becomes 1111. That is the same as 1.
Connect the word goblindegoock to the word that.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
OWO is often depicted as being said by furries. Furries dress as animals. Regular animals sometimes are killed for food, and then put into a food store. That can have Karens. But if this were happen to a furry, that would just be murder so the police would need to get involved. Therefore, police Karens.
Connect breakcore (scroll up if you don't know what it means) to galvanized square steel and eco friendly wood veneers.
Breakcore is drum music. Drums can be made of wood. Wood that is eco friendly can be made into veneers. The trend include galvanized square steel and eco friendly wood veneers.
Connect Warhammer 40K to cat fursonas (I know this should be easy, but hey- it's still fun to state 40K lore)
Warhammer 40K. Also known as Space King. Space king? I was space king once! they locked me in. room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats. Rats made me Space King! What was I talking about? Oh yeah. Space king. So, Space King. Or, just a King in Space. The definition of a king is: "a piece in the game of checkers with extra capacity for moving, made by crowning an ordinary piece that has reached the opponent's baseline", which is a fancy way of saying a flipped over dot. The definition of space is: "the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move". So, a space king would be a flipped over dot somewhere. A dot. You know what looks like a dot? the letter "o"! Flipped over would mean a different variation, and in the classic english language, there is only one variation of the letter "o", which would be "O". You know whats better than one Space King? Two space kings! So, two space kings would look like: OO. You know what commonly goes between those two letters? A w. So, a commmon represantation of two space kings would be: OwO. That is commonly used by furries.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Well, connecting a musician would need something. Certainly It's a Stretch But, I can make it work. Oh wait
Connect the phrase that is commonly used in a joking manner 'Hear me Out' with a romantic relationship (Tho just romantic, nothing else, so that it is the opposite of this 'Hear me Out')
Bad spelling possibly means a very minor case of serious brain damage. Brain damage possibly means a neurosurgeon. They know science. Science talks about how the world works (and also like the entire universe but that's irrelevant). Like 70 percent of Earth is water. Water has fishes.
Connect a mimic to a pair of bunny slippers without using the term 'object' or it's synonyms.
Nothing starts with an N. That last part is weird either way because I thought an N at the end of an a to make an only happened when a vowel was at the end, or maybe I'm just stupid but that's besides the point, but "a N" sounds kinda weird. The concept of nothing is weird because it can only be found in the empty vacuum of space. There is nothing there.
Connect a leaf to one particular molecule of a rock on Mars.
Connect breakcore to a worm.
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
I dont know what a breakcore is. You know what else I dont understand? String theory. Cats love string. I love cats. My sister is a worm.
Connect the phrase "the third character in your title" to the word Goblindegoock.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
*Breakcore is basically just really fast, drum and sample heavy music*
The third character in my title is R. The third character in your title is I. This is the 4th page, at least on my end. D is the 4th letter of the alphabet. Rid. To get rid of something is to remove it. But if we're going off of its roots (re meaning again and move meaning move) we get to move something again. However, this is not how it's used, meaning to say something is removing sounds weird and nonsensical. A term for something nonsensical is Gobbledygook, which I'm assuming is what you meant to say.
Connect a child born in the year 2948 to a child born in year 1 (both in the current era of AD).
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Gibber! I was trying to say Goblindegoock! How dare you put words in my mouth. Anyways, sorry if this is rushed, but I need to conquer the first page of forum games. 2948 is a number that, if you subtract 1837 becomes 1111. That is the same as 1.
Connect the word goblindegoock to the word that.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
goblindegoock is a pointless word. a lot of people are pointless. I am a person. I use the word that. so, its connected.
connect Ewekansige to crochet
Owen is here. enjoy my favorite game. I like DND and am looking for a group. See my website here
I don't know what an Ewekansige is. I don't know how to knit. Knitting is similar to crocheting.
Connect (_Redacted_) to Platypodes/platypuses/platypi.
KOBOLDS WITH CANNONS! A RP thread about Small humanoids with Huge weapons.
Proud member of the EVIL JEFF CULT! PRAISE JEFF!
Homebrew Races: HERE Homebrew Spells: HERE Homebrew Monsters: HERE
MORE OF ME! (And platypodes/platypi/platypuses) (Extended signature)
(_Redacted_)? That's what I hear when my teacher talks about math. Pi? math! Platypodes/platypuses/platypi!
Connect OWO to Police karens
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
Ewekansige means random in Afrikaans, which is the first language that's on google translate so I picked it
Owen is here. enjoy my favorite game. I like DND and am looking for a group. See my website here
OWO is often depicted as being said by furries. Furries dress as animals. Regular animals sometimes are killed for food, and then put into a food store. That can have Karens. But if this were happen to a furry, that would just be murder so the police would need to get involved. Therefore, police Karens.
Connect breakcore (scroll up if you don't know what it means) to galvanized square steel and eco friendly wood veneers.
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Breakcore is drum music. Drums can be made of wood. Wood that is eco friendly can be made into veneers. The trend include galvanized square steel and eco friendly wood veneers.
Connect Warhammer 40K to cat fursonas (I know this should be easy, but hey- it's still fun to state 40K lore)
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
... Do I even need to say it?
You know what? Fine. I'll do it, but not in the way youre expecting.
Hold, please!
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
Warhammer 40K. Also known as Space King. Space king? I was space king once! they locked me in. room. A rubber room! A rubber room with rats. Rats made me Space King! What was I talking about? Oh yeah. Space king. So, Space King. Or, just a King in Space. The definition of a king is: "a piece in the game of checkers with extra capacity for moving, made by crowning an ordinary piece that has reached the opponent's baseline", which is a fancy way of saying a flipped over dot. The definition of space is: "the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move". So, a space king would be a flipped over dot somewhere. A dot. You know what looks like a dot? the letter "o"! Flipped over would mean a different variation, and in the classic english language, there is only one variation of the letter "o", which would be "O". You know whats better than one Space King? Two space kings! So, two space kings would look like: OO. You know what commonly goes between those two letters? A w. So, a commmon represantation of two space kings would be: OwO. That is commonly used by furries.
... I'm the ruler of all feline kind. Idk what else to say.
Praise Jeff the Evil Roomba!
Clay Scavenger!
Nothing is the opposite of everything. Everything is the opposite of nothing.
Connect Weezer to this thread (It's A Stretch, But...).
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Well, connecting a musician would need something. Certainly It's a Stretch But, I can make it work. Oh wait
Connect the phrase that is commonly used in a joking manner 'Hear me Out' with a romantic relationship (Tho just romantic, nothing else, so that it is the opposite of this 'Hear me Out')
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
Hear me out. Hearing. Listening. Communication. Communication is important for... drum roll please... romantic relationships!
Connect hatsune miku to the founding fathers of the usa
Idk I'm just a guy ig
I like Warlocks
I like guitars (coming up on my fifth year of playing!)
I want to be a musician/stay-at-home dad when I grow up
Recently obsessing over Warhammer 40k, specifically the T’au empire
Hatsune Miku is popular. If I remember, they where popular back than. Yay
Conect teh bahd speeling im thihs centance weeth feeshes
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
Hatsune Miku is popular. If I remember, they where popular back than. Yay
Conect teh bahd speeling im thihs centance weeth feeshes
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
Bad spelling possibly means a very minor case of serious brain damage. Brain damage possibly means a neurosurgeon. They know science. Science talks about how the world works (and also like the entire universe but that's irrelevant). Like 70 percent of Earth is water. Water has fishes.
Connect a mimic to a pair of bunny slippers without using the term 'object' or it's synonyms.
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ
Mimics have tongues that are long, and bunnies have long ears. Bunny slippers are made to look like bunnies
Sig but long ^w^
Furry Febuary Prompts:
Hybrid, Silly, Fluffy, Afraid, Mantled Beast, Sleepy, Glitched, Shark Hybrid, Dragon, Cat, Arson, Chibi, Protogen, Feathers, Wolf Hybrid, Elegant, Kind-Eyed, Sad, Happy, Dinosaur, Owl, Ox Hybrid, Leopard, Colorful, Snake, Hyena, Bat, Your 'Sona
Gulpmissle Day, Saturday, Feburay 15th, 2025 (They still alive, but banished to being a lurker now)
💛🤍💜🖤 🩷💛💙
Nothing starts with an N. That last part is weird either way because I thought an N at the end of an a to make an only happened when a vowel was at the end, or maybe I'm just stupid but that's besides the point, but "a N" sounds kinda weird. The concept of nothing is weird because it can only be found in the empty vacuum of space. There is nothing there.
Connect a leaf to one particular molecule of a rock on Mars.
Hello! I am a perfectly sane gibberer. Hi! :D
A mysterious link of chain... (Extended signature). PRAISE JEFF THE EVIL ROOMBA! REALLY cool video.
One of the Warlock Patrons on the forums. Low, low price of your soul, your firstborn child and your liver!
Titles: The Echoing Story Spewer from Drummer, the Endless Maws from Isis, the Mad Murderer from PJ