Would you rather have a Australian cattle dog's mouth attached to your arm for the rest of your life or a vampire choose you as it's favorite supply of blood?
Would you rather drink only piss and sewer water but never die from the diseases and pain pain pain or never eat or drink, but never die while starvation eats away at you and pain pain pain.
This game is simple. One person asks a would you rather question, and the next answers the question, , then coming up with their own.
I'll start. Would you rather:
Have fingers for legs
legs for fingers?
I would rather have fingers for legs.
Would you rather be a Tree or Bacon?
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
I'd rather be a tree.
Would you rather eat chocolate or vanilla?
A dwarf with a canoe on his back? What could go wrong?
I would rather eat chocolate.
Would you rather see a purple cow or be a purple Dragon and it's only ability is to fart lavender?
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
Oh, purple dragon, because... well, why not? It's a dragon! And people would love your farts too...
Would you rather be immortal or die sometime within the next year?
I would rather die sometime within the next year. I don't want my friends to die without me and me living on forever in immortal beauty.
Would you rather have Darkvision or be able love for 200 years.
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
eh, darkvision
would you rather:
play D&D
Play Pathfinder
(If you answer this wrong, im gonna roast you so hard...)
"The hero sought to save the world.
"If I keep trying, I'll be able to win," the hero thought.
But the harder the hero fought, the further the world seemed to tumble away.
Drowning in doubt, the hero could not even save themselves.
Hero, if you still believe in a brighter future, hold in your heart a thorn that can pierce all doubt."
~ Guild Wars 2
"The hero sought to save the world.
"If I keep trying, I'll be able to win," the hero thought.
But the harder the hero fought, the further the world seemed to tumble away.
Drowning in doubt, the hero could not even save themselves.
Hero, if you still believe in a brighter future, hold in your heart a thorn that can pierce all doubt."
~ Guild Wars 2
Play D&D.
Would you rather live like a king with no friends or family
Live as a homeless person with all of your friends & family
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
I would rather live like a homeless person.
Would you rather be a Mongoose or a King Cobra?
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
Mongoose, they always win in a fight
Would you rather wear a swimsuit in Antarctica or winter clothes in the Sahara Desert (and no, you can't take them off).
"The hero sought to save the world.
"If I keep trying, I'll be able to win," the hero thought.
But the harder the hero fought, the further the world seemed to tumble away.
Drowning in doubt, the hero could not even save themselves.
Hero, if you still believe in a brighter future, hold in your heart a thorn that can pierce all doubt."
~ Guild Wars 2
Swimsuit in Antarctica.
Would you rather have a Australian cattle dog's mouth attached to your arm for the rest of your life or a vampire choose you as it's favorite supply of blood?
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
Vampire. As long as it A = doesn't hurt, and B = is female and attractive.
Would you rather be able to fly but only 10 cm off the ground or be able to scare little kids whenever you cough?
Just an average metalhead who plays DnD in his spare time.
PbP Character: Roberta Thalan, Void Beyond the Stars Otherside
PbP Character: Primus Eidolon, Eotha 2
PbP Character: Usmor Illiqai, Tomb of Corrosion
PbP Character: "Templar" Danver, You're the Villains
Homebrew stuff
Fly; I can scare little kids just fine already.
Would you rather be the only elf on Earth or the only human on Earth?
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
Elf. I have better chance of escaping as an elf, and I can just cover my ears with a hat.
Would you rather have a virus on your phone or a really annoying thingy popping up to clean RAM every time you turn your phone on?
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
Virus; I only use it about once a month, to call someone.
Would you rather be a dragon or a unicorn/pegasus hybrid?
"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both" -- allegedly Benjamin Franklin
Tooltips (Help/aid)
Dragon. Unicorns are for little girls. (and I can do LOTS of nasty things as a dragon *wink)
Would you rather have someone decapitate you via axe or be shoved inside the Brazen Bull and heated up until you die.
Just an average metalhead who plays DnD in his spare time.
PbP Character: Roberta Thalan, Void Beyond the Stars Otherside
PbP Character: Primus Eidolon, Eotha 2
PbP Character: Usmor Illiqai, Tomb of Corrosion
PbP Character: "Templar" Danver, You're the Villains
Homebrew stuff
Decapitate me, I want to die quickly if I am to die.
Would you rather die at the tip of a dragon's claw and have mysterious markings ingraved in in a never-ending fire or to be the Dragon that did it?
"You attack Me? Of all the Tieflings here? You're going to regret that..."
Samudra - Dragonborn Druid- Mistbusters, Curse of Strahd
Dragon that did it. I like being dragons.
Would you rather drink only piss and sewer water but never die from the diseases and pain pain pain or never eat or drink, but never die while starvation eats away at you and pain pain pain.
Just an average metalhead who plays DnD in his spare time.
PbP Character: Roberta Thalan, Void Beyond the Stars Otherside
PbP Character: Primus Eidolon, Eotha 2
PbP Character: Usmor Illiqai, Tomb of Corrosion
PbP Character: "Templar" Danver, You're the Villains
Homebrew stuff