Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
You hit yourself, roll a natural -20 on your save, and explode into a cloud of venomous beetles, which then all roll half damage on attacks to kill each other, resulting in a cloud of ever-warring beetles.
I cast Feeblemind. Please don't just make this target me; that's overdone!
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Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
You turn everyone into giant tigers and they maul you.
I cast Minor Illusion
You make minors look like adults. Chaos ensues.
I cast Jim's Magic Missile
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
You don't have any gp and are arrested for tax evasion
I cast dimension door
You are blinded before you can cast the spell.
I cast True Strike. Good luck messing up a spell that's already messed up!
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
You gain insight into your enemy's bowel habits.
I cast Grease
Your opponent becomes covered in grease, making them harder to hit.
I cast create bonfire
that should be easy to screw up.
Accidental member of the cult of sedge.
this is what happens when you open a cult page on D&D beyond.
You instead create a bonfire cast, a mold that when filled with molten metal creates a figurine of a bonfire.
I cast command
May all of your spells roll the best things for the situation on the wild magic table and all your checks to seduce dragons roll nat 20's
My first char (and namesake) Lili Scheppen!
Proud member of the cult of grammar! (grand inquisitor)
You command yourself to walk off a cliff
I cast Ray of Enfeeblement
Funny quote from campaign, "The only thing you want to do is kill everything huh?"
"Thats right! (With lots of enthusiasm)"
You hit yourself, roll a natural -20 on your save, and explode into a cloud of venomous beetles, which then all roll half damage on attacks to kill each other, resulting in a cloud of ever-warring beetles.
I cast Summon greater demon
May all of your spells roll the best things for the situation on the wild magic table and all your checks to seduce dragons roll nat 20's
My first char (and namesake) Lili Scheppen!
Proud member of the cult of grammar! (grand inquisitor)
You summon Asmodeus.
I cast Feeblemind. Please don't just make this target me; that's overdone!
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
You shatter the mind of a god, and they are so stupid now that the earth itself shatters.
I cast Sleep on an enemy scout.
The scout gets ready for bed, and won't get to sleep until you come to his bed and sing him a lullaby.
I cast Motivational Speech.
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
You motivate your companions to kill each other for sport.
I cast magic stone.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
Stones raise into the air and come raining down on you, you take 1d6 bludgeoning damage per stone, and there are at least 100, so good luck surviving.
I cast Ice Knife
The planar ally kills the kitten in the most brutal way ever.
I wish fir a completely harmless kitten that id=s real flesh and blood and fur and organs and blood vessels etc, etc
Funny quote from campaign, "The only thing you want to do is kill everything huh?"
"Thats right! (With lots of enthusiasm)"
You get a kitten drenched in blood.
I cast modify memory to get that thought out of my head
You create a race of cat modrons that conquer the multiverse (and also turn on their creator).
I cast mass suggestion.
Chilling kinda vibe.
You suggest that they make you a pot of soup, so they boil you alive in a kettle of stock and vegetables.
I cast Find Familiar