Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
Your fellow party member was on a diet for a reason. His name was Mr Creosote and when you offered him a wafer thin mint the consequences were disastrous.
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
Not clarifying makes a paradox that makes the elements of other forum games leak into this one. For example, your wish is twisted so you get destroyed.
The Circle of Hedgehogs Druid Beholder/Animated Armor Level -20 Bardof the OIADSB Cult, here are our rules.Sig.Also a sauce council member, but it's been dead for a while.
Hail of thorns? I don't have the Player's handbook on DDB (only a paper copy), so I can't work out what the spell is when people change the name. Someone else take this one.
You Banish it to a land of demon mewmodrons. When it returns, its vengeful armies stage an uprising and behead you.
I cast Gate and summon the mewmodron god.
Chilling kinda vibe.
It appears, and rubs its back against you. You take 1d4 lightning damage for each metal object in your possession.
I cast mage hand.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
The hand starts making rude gestures at passers-by and you spend the night in prison.
I cast Mage Armour.
Chilling kinda vibe.
The armor is far too tiny and it crushes your rib cage
I cast Druidcraft
You open a poison ivy seed pod. You have a terrible rash.
I cast Goodberry and feed the fruit to my allies
Your allies are allergic to fruit, magical of otherwise. Instead of healing them, they swell up.
I cast Otto's Irresistible Dance. Let the slaad disco party begin!
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
You opened the wrong gate. They are enslaved by illithids.
I cast Feeblemind on an elder brain to see what happens.
Chilling kinda vibe.
The ensuing mental shockwave causes all connected illithids to die, and all creatures within 30 miles to become catatonic for days.
I cast Heroes' Feast.
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
Your fellow party member was on a diet for a reason. His name was Mr Creosote and when you offered him a wafer thin mint the consequences were disastrous.
I cast Disguise Self.
Chilling kinda vibe.
Losing control of the spell, the image defaults to a pink-and-black vaguely humanoid figure.
I cast dragon's breath.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
A dragon breathes on you.
I cast Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion.
Gruumsh has one eye. The left half of a bull also has one eye. A bull's eye is something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is also something you'd find in a science lab. Saline solution is just a fancy word for brine. Brine is seawater. Therefore, Gruumsh One-Eye is the left half of a sea god. Q.E.D.!
Mordenakainen answers the door and, realizing you're not the FedEx guy delivering the new dice he ordered, he zaps you with some obscure spell.
I cast Wish
Not clarifying makes a paradox that makes the elements of other forum games leak into this one. For example, your wish is twisted so you get destroyed.
I cast tiny servant
The Circle of Hedgehogs Druid Beholder/Animated Armor Level -20 Bard of the OIADSB Cult, here are our rules. Sig. Also a sauce council member, but it's been dead for a while.
Your servant can't stop singing 'Be Our Guest'. And you hate Disney.
I cast Contact Other Plane to determine the current location of the mewmodrons.
Chilling kinda vibe.
You are put into a connection with the goddess of overbearing assistants. She only answers questions with "maybe."
I cast spiritual weapon.
Come participate in the Competition of the Finest Brews, Edition XXV?
My homebrew stuff:
Spells, Monsters, Magic Items, Feats, Subclasses.
I am an Archfey, but nobody seems to notice.
Extended Signature
You worship Eldath, who doesn't approve of violence. She revokes your clerical powers.
I cast Tasha's Hideous Laughter.
Chilling kinda vibe.
Your target's laughter annoys you to death.
I cast Hold Person
you hold a person. persons are heavy.
I cast shoot a large amount of pointy sticks
I am an average mathematics enjoyer.
>Extended Signature<
Hail of thorns? I don't have the Player's handbook on DDB (only a paper copy), so I can't work out what the spell is when people change the name. Someone else take this one.
Chilling kinda vibe.