Weapon (warhammer), legendary (requires attunement by a communion with the weapon overnight in moonlight)

This weapon is made from a chunk of moonstone roughly cut, polished, and set into the roots of a small uprooted tree which has been fashioned to serve as the handle.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, while you are attuned to this weapon, it has the thrown weapon property with a normal range of 20ft and a long range of 60ft. Immediately after ranged Attacks, this weapon flies back to your hand allowing it to be used again if you have additional attacks as part of your Attack action.

Ta'Merrick's Might can have a maximum of 5 charges. Roll a d3 at moonrise each night. Ta'Merrick's Might regains that many charges.

Hunter's Path. You can cast Pass Without Trace by expending 2 charges.

Strength in All Forms. As part of a ranged Attack with this weapon, you may expend 2 charges to allow the use of the Paladin Smite class feature for that Attack.

Curse. This hammer is cursed, and becoming attuned to it extends the curse to you. As long as you remain cursed, you are unwilling to part with the hammer, keeping it within reach at all times. You also have disadvantage on attack rolls with weapons other than this one, unless no foe is within 30 feet of you that you can see or hear.

Whenever a hostile creature damages you while the hammer is in your possession, you must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or go berserk. While berserk, you must use your action each round to attack the creature nearest to you with the hammer. If you can make extra attacks as part of the Attack action, you use those extra attacks, moving to attack the next nearest creature after you fell your current target. If you have multiple possible targets, you attack one at random. You are berserk until you start your turn with no creatures within 30 feet of you that you can see or hear, or you remove the bonuses gained as follows.

While berserk, gain a cumulative +1 to Attack rolls and Damage rolls with Ta'Merrick's Might for each separate enemy hit, to a maximum of 2 enemies (for a total of a +3 to this weapon). You may choose to actively fight the effects of the curse. At the beginning of your turn, you may make another DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. If you succeed, reduce the bonus gained from striking enemies by 1. If the bonus reaches 0 this way, the berserk ends.

Proficiency with a Warhammer allows you to add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you make with it.

This weapon has the following mastery property. To use this property, you must have a feature that lets you use it.

Push. If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can push the creature up to 10 feet straight away from yourself if it is Large or smaller.

Notes: Bonus: Magic, Damage: Bludgeoning, communion with the weapon overnight in moonlight, Combat, Cursed, Versatile, Push

Item Tags: Combat Cursed



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