Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
While wearing this amulet, you can use an action to name a location that you are familiar with on another plane of existence. Then make a DC 15 Intelligence check. On a successful check, you cast the plane shift spell. On a failure, you and each creature and object within 15 feet of you travel to a random destination. Roll a d100. On a 1–60, you travel to a random location on the plane you named. On a 61–100, you travel to a randomly determined plane of existence.
Notes: Teleportation, Exploration, Jewelry
So quick community question. There doesn't seem to be any reason why on a misfire the wearer could just make another check and use the amulet again. The only cost to use the Item seems to be "an action". This Item seems like the ultimate get out of jail free card that has unlimited uses. Anyone else with thoughts, or experience with this item?
Plane Shift requires a 250 gold rod attuned to the plane you're trying to go to.
Well traveling to a random plane, you can also end up in the middle of a lava lake, or in front of arch demon that doesn't wait for you to take an other action or maybe you and your party members get slightly separated and have to find each other again before you can try again
I dont think you have to pay the material components when you can a spell using an item
You are correct the DMG Chapter 7 outlines that you do not need components
"Some magic items allow the user to cast a spell from the item, often by expending charges from it. The spell is cast at the lowest possible spell and caster level, doesn’t expend any of the user’s spell slots, and requires no components unless the item’s description says otherwise. The spell uses its normal casting time, range, and duration, and the user of the item must concentrate if the spell requires concentration. Certain items make exceptions to these rules, changing the casting time, duration, or other parts of a spell."
However, if I am giving the item to lower level characters (12 & below) I do put a charge limit on it such as once per day or week judging how far below lvl 13 the characters are. It also depends on what type of campaign you are running and how comfortable you are as a DM for your characters to quit a dungeon or pause in a quest because they feel like messing with you or just want to shake things up. Then while they try to go to the Fey Wilde and they fail the check, end up on a random plane that now you have to figure out. It can be fun... if thats what you and your players into.
Another way to rein it in is to set it to only 2 planes, the one your on and say the water plane because thats where you need the characters to go for a different quest.
DMG magic items rules basically remove the components from the spell cast. This is in the DMG, chapter 7 in the activating a magic item section under spells.
So possible a dumb question but does the Amulet become useless after using it or does it need something to reset it??
RAW, you can use the amulet as many times as you want. If an item requires recharging, the description always says so.
You're totally right, it can be a get out of jail free. I gave one to my party early on, and they quickly learned not to use it like that though. They did use it once and ended up in the elemental plane of air, infinitely falling. An elemental made a move to attack, and they used it again and ended up in the plane of water. I had them all make checks and their hands separated at that point, several of the characters beginning to sink with all their heavy gear. It became a challenge to link hands with everyone and cast the spell a third time to get out. They made it, but barely. So it can definitely put you in a tight spot, but it may take you out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Like in the plane of fire
I had the same thought, that nothing stops the players from spamming it till they get what they want, so i put a 24hour cool down on it in my games.
Keep in mind, the plane of Negative Energy exists
Any living creature that ends up there, any creature with a soul, is erased from existence
This is prevention enough for me lol
I may be a bit late, but yes, there are repercussions to this. There are planes you probably wouldn't want to end up at even for a few seconds, the plane of fire for example. Also, if you did it to try and flee from someone, chances are you teleported them too if you failed the check, so they're free to try and restrain or kill you before you can do it again.
Also, DC 15 is a pretty hard check when you don’t get to add a proficiency bonus. Even Jack of All Trades only helps so much.
Really, adding a charge limit is protecting the PCs from themselves.
If you fall in carceri, it means you can't use it anymore.
One need only appear between tanari'ri and baatezu charging at each other, in front a death slaad hungry for a meal, in the midst of a pack of deer fleeing from the Lord of the Hunt, suspended in spider web within the catacombs of howling madness in Pandemonium, frozen in ice in Cania, smack dab in the middle of an arcanoloth's magical circle, stricken in the antimagic gaze of an astral dreadnought, ensnared in the shadow of the Lady of Pain...to learn that planewalking is not the free-running pleasure hunt any addlecove can come out from unscathed. The DM has infinite creativity in captivating a cavalier party trying to have escapades with an amulet of the planes.
Infinite Get out of Jail Free cards with unlimited plot strings attached renders this item squarely in the fun realm of contested imaginations.
Reading the comments I was going to make a similar response myself, you wrote it so eloquently already though. That final line is a great summation! "Squarely in the fun realm of contested imaginations." I'm going to borrow that line myself if you don't mind?
Thanks! Feel free to use the phrase.
falling into the endless fire...
Like... you just die, or do you get erased? And if you get erased, does the whole party get erased? And are you all forgotten, or simply disappear and are never found? Does the amulet just stay there? And you could use a whole story hook, like if you go there, you're put in a different reality, and you have to get back to your reality!?
Does anyone have an opinion on what would constitute "familiar"? Would you say this implies having been there, Having a visual image, or just knowing the name of a location?