This ordinary bag, made from gray, rust, or tan cloth, appears empty. Reaching inside the bag, however, reveals the presence of a small, fuzzy object. The bag weighs 1/2 pound.
You can use an action to pull the fuzzy object from the bag and throw it up to 20 feet. When the object lands, it transforms into a creature you determine by rolling a d8 and consulting the table that corresponds to the bag's color. See the Monsters Listing for the creature's statistics. The creature vanishes at the next dawn or when it is reduced to 0 hit points.
The creature is friendly to you and your companions, and it acts on your turn. You can use a bonus action to command how the creature moves and what action it takes on its next turn, or to give it general orders, such as to attack your enemies. In the absence of such orders, the creature acts in a fashion appropriate to its nature.
Once three fuzzy objects have been pulled from the bag, the bag can't be used again until the next dawn.
Gray Bag of Tricks
d8 | Creature |
1 | Weasel |
2 | Giant rat |
3 | Badger |
4 | Boar |
5 | Panther |
6 | Giant badger |
7 | Dire wolf |
8 | Giant elk |
Rust Bag of Tricks
d8 | Creature |
1 | Rat |
2 | Owl |
3 | Mastiff |
4 | Goat |
5 | Giant goat |
6 | Giant boar |
7 | Lion |
8 | Brown bear |
Tan Bag of Tricks
d8 | Creature |
1 | Jackal |
2 | Ape |
3 | Baboon |
4 | Axe beak |
5 | Black bear |
6 | Giant weasel |
7 | Giant hyena |
8 | Tiger |
Notes: Summoning, Utility
I love these items so much, room for so many shenanigans even after the animals have no impact in combat.
Dang, the DM's Guide version doesn't expire the summons. If they didn't you could Awaken them and have a permanent intelligent companion.
Not true. This change was made in the 2015 DMG errata:
D&D Beyond's listings (try to) accurately reproduce the latest version of any official content.
my table make cuter version of this. summon cute and useless animals.
If you summon 3 creatures, during combat, if you issue the same command to all of them (attack THAT goblin) does it only require a single bonus action? Or would you need a separate bonus action to command each one?
do the balls regenerate at dawn?
Esequiel: my assumption/ruling would be one command to all three would be one bonus action.
having a huge disagreement with my DM about this item. its her first time DMing and she says i need to issue the attack order every turn for my summoned creature taking my bonus action each turn. even if the target is the same and a general order of "attack that target continuously" has been given. and despite the expressed written rule "You can use a bonus action to command how the creature moves and what action it takes on its next turn, OR to give it GENERAL orders, such as to attack your enemies."
i say that this isnt an animal companion. i dont have a connection to it, it just pops into being and disappears later. it is a summoned animal with its own turn that is taken on the summoners initiative. ie. will continue with whatever orders it been given unless unable to or given other orders.
the rules as stated for this item and how I'm understanding this is
"The creature is friendly to you and your companions, (knows friend from foe) and it acts on your turn. (using your initiative number) You can use a bonus action to command (overwrites action to command attack for animal companion already clearly making this different from an animal companion) how the creature moves and what action it takes on its next turn (clearly defining that the creature has ITS's own turn), or to give it general orders, such as to attack your enemies.(not "attack that enemy once") In the absence of such orders, the creature acts in a fashion appropriate to its nature." (would likely attack an active threat to known friendlies.)
she is stating that regardless what the rules of the item say the rules for a ranger's animal companion (despite me not being a ranger) supersede what is written for the item. and that im lucky shes letting it use a bonus action to attack each turn as if that isnt part of the items rules. despite it never being mentioned in item description of giving you an animal companion. but rather specifically labeled as summoning a creature.
she was willing to homebrew it to just roll the animals own initiative when it comes out so it has its own separate turn and that would in effect be the same thing as what i understand the rules say to do, except a little off time and harder to manage. but im curious what other DM's would rule. kinda wish this was like MTG where you could see official rulings of how items work. because I feel like word usage tends to be very specific about what they are saying. and given her ruling it turns the bag of tricks into a bag of goldfish with a 6 second memory that'll just stand there like idiots waiting for me to say "ya thats still an enemy, didnt change in the last 6 seconds go ahead and bite again" taking away the opportunity to cast a healing word
It seems to be one of those items that is as useful as you are creative.
New DM, does anyone know where I can find out the rules for these animals in combat? do they work as familiars? Do they roll their own initiative? What's their walking speed?
It states above in the second paragraph:
"See the Monsters Listing for the creature's statistics. The creature vanishes at the next dawn or when it is reduced to 0 hit points."
Although you may have to search individually for certain creatures.
For example, I was looking for Panther and had to search for it separately.
You'll find their stats though and with it stating that they work as a bonus action for your character, my guess is that they work off of the user's initiative.
Right, so I really want to take one of these amongst my starting gear, however I am curious as to whether or not you require any prerequisites to use the animals such as animal handling or the likes.
Simultaneously, I've scoured on here and other sites for a cost but I can't find one anywhere.
How much are they to take in your starter gear and can anyone use and control the animals spawned from it??
I am roling a Halfling (Lightfoot) Monk.
Many thanks in advance!! :D
What I understand is that this is a magical item, maybe not that rare or powerful but also not a common item that you would find in a shop.
Maybe you could talk to your DM and ask if you can have this item as a family heirloom or maybe could be a prize for a tournament during your campaign, this would add an extra value of the item when you get it.
I just came across a Bag of Tricks thing on Kickstarter. Worth a look if you like this kind of thing.
From 3.5:
Price: 900 gp
Body Slot: —
Caster Level: 3rd
Aura: Faint; (DC 17) Conjuration
Activation: Standard (manipulation)
Weight: — lb.
If you role the same animal type after it dies, is the same animal resurrected, and if so, does it keep the pain and torment of its original death (plus any nice memories of treats and such)?
Description says gray but the table title says grey. Remember, in America it's gray, in England it's grey.
Good question — meaning are they “consumable” or regenerate after use? If the regenerate it seems like throwing one makes less of an impact if you can just keep throwing them all everyday