Armor (plate), very rare
While wearing this armor, you gain a +2 bonus to AC. In addition, if an effect moves you against your will along the ground, you can use your reaction to reduce the distance you are moved by up to 10 feet.
Plate consists of shaped, interlocking metal plates to cover the entire body. A suit of plate includes gauntlets, heavy leather boots, a visored helmet, and thick layers of padding underneath the armor. Buckles and straps distribute the weight over the body.
Notes: Bonus: Armor Class, Control, Combat, Warding, Str. 15 Required, Stealth Disadvantage
Great stuff!
.... For a dwarf :P
Is it really needed that you are a dwarf to wear it?
Because "Dwarven Thrower" has this info "Weapon (warhammer), very rare (requires attunement by a dwarf)",
but this item not. Is there a chance that a Dwarven Armor could be forged by dwarves for a human or other race?
That’s not over powered
no you don't have to be a dwarf, but seeing that it is called dwarven plate, it would normally be sized for a dwarf, with the exception being it being specifically sized for your pc
edit: I reckon that the armor looks cool, but it doesn't fit my dwarves' aesthetic, does I have to look like that?
Well, that depends. If you're the DM, then you can say it looks however you dam please. In DnD, everything is up to the DM and if you don't like something you can just change it.
If you're a player, you'll have to ask your DM.
ok, thanks
So...can you have Mithril Dwarven Plate? +2 to AC and no disadvantage to stealth?
This armor confuses me. Does it have an ac of its own, or does it just give you +2 to your current armor
It has statblock of a full plate +2
Can this item gain the masterwork trait and be increased again with another plus three to become a magical armour?
A Grappler could use this to avoid being 'shoved' out of a grapple
I don’t believe the masterwork trait exists in 5e.
Where do you report errors? On the AP it makes your AC 22, not 20. The armor itself should only grant 18 AC plus the additional +2 bringing you to 20.In the app, you might also be wearing a shield?
That’s not how 5e works.
It doesn’t, and it is also already Magical Armor
Does it require attunement?
How much does it cost in game???
So, what is the deal with the STR 15 requirement? Per the 2014 rules (which this magic item still shows as its governing rule body), a STR requirement on heavy armor merely reduces walking speed by 10 if you don't have the STR required, all the other drawbacks are linked to proficiency, fair enough.
But this armor is pretty specific dwarven sized (even if it doesn't explicitly say it is 100% limited to dwarves). In the 2014 rules the dwarf race does not have speed impeded by heavy armor, so theoretically the STR 15 requirement is meaningless? Unless the DM allows versions of this armor to be sized for other species? Or is the STR 15 a hard requirement due to it being a magic item, and can't even be used by a dwarf unless STR is 15?