Potion, uncommon
This concoction looks, smells, and tastes like a potion of healing or other beneficial potion. However, it is actually poison masked by illusion magic. An identify spell reveals its true nature.
If you drink it, you take 3d6 poison damage, and you must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned. At the start of each of your turns while you are poisoned in this way, you take 3d6 poison damage. At the end of each of your turns, you can repeat the saving throw. On a successful save, the poison damage you take on your subsequent turns decreases by 1d6. The poison ends when the damage decreases to 0.
Notes: Consumable, Cursed
Lost our Bard this way, but in context it made sense because we got the potion from a group of human sacrificing cultists. The fact that on the table in the open, was this item should have clued us in.
This seems really powerful against low level characters
If you cast detect magic on this potion it will determine that there is an enchantment of the Illusion school of magic on it.
Say you've done this. Is there a way to see through the illusion? Is it like normal illusions like major image where you can use your action to roll an intelligence check on the potion to be able to see through the illusion?
Or is Identify (or of course drinking it like a tool) the only way to reveal it?
I'd say a successful Intelligence (Arcana) check would recall that certain magical poisons are concealed by illusion magic and would allow them to infer that this potion is likely to be poison.
My drow recently acquired three of these that appear as a high grade wine, instead of a healing potion. And she is Very excited for them.
the ultimate weapon
I’d say if you detect magic on something you would consume and it has illusion magic on it you should probably keep it well away from your mouth, unless you like finding out the roasted hen you were eating was actually a living crow.
Best case scenario (barring not drinking it), this is 10 (3d6) unstoppable poison damage. Second-best case scenario, this is 21 (6d6) poison damage (3d6 on drinking, failing the initial save, but passing the next save to reduce to 2d6, then again to 1d6, then again to 0). However, unless you have a well above-average CON mod and/or proficiency in CON saves (or buffs against poison), this is practically a death sentence unless you have readily-accessible Protection from Poison. Brutal.
Yeah the issue is when you think of when a party would be using this. After a fight or even mid fight. maybe even to raise a downed ally. These ARE intended to kill a PC.
"At the end of each of your turns, you [b]can[/b] repeat the saving throw."
Why "can"...?
What's the consequences of this in mechanical terms?
I have read somewhere that you can safely identify a potion by taking a tiny sip of it. Will doing this reveal the contents of the potion or would the player still believe it's a potion of healing?
They would believe it's a potion of healing, because the specific language of this magic item overrides the general rule.
I have to imagine it's the difference between can and must. If the target so desires, it can decide to not attempt the save, but it's hard to imagine why they would. Maybe a character with poison immunity doesn't want to bother making a save against what they know is poison damage?
Or you drank the potion deliberately
So, *best* case, you're taking 6d6 damage from drinking this potion. Worst case... it keeps working until you are dead. On average (for an adventurer), you make the second save, and thus take 9d6 damage (31pts)! Plus you are disadvantage on everything the whole time. Wow!
Best case is: You take 3d6 damage and make the saving throw and you will not be poisened. Only if you are poisend in this way you take 3d6 at the start of your turn. It’s still good but a dc of 13 is not that high.
Yaw, you're right, I see that i misread it. The first 3d6 is automatic, but if you make the first save you aren't Poisoned - and the additional damage only occurs while you have the Poisoned condition from this effect. Thanks for the clarification!
Does it do 3d6 damage and if you save 2d6 damage and then 1d6 or does it 3d6 damage for example the roll gives 10 and then you roll a 1d6 to substract for example the roll gives 3 and then the damage is a constant 7 poison damage until the next save?
Agree. After all, there's always that one player who is a "Doer" and not a "Thinker". Scenario follows: You have a player who is a hypertank of a barbarian who acts before thinking, notices that they're low on HP, remembers that they found a potion of "Healing", decides to drink it, and is now down.