Ring, very rare (requires attunement)
While wearing this ring, you can cast the telekinesis spell at will, but you can target only objects that aren't being worn or carried.
Notes: Control, Utility, Jewelry
i want this irl
Same dud
For clarification, the description means that the only things you can target with the ring are objects not being worn or carried, instead being able to target creatures as per the telekinesis spell, but for objects you can only target those not being worn or carried, correct? I feel if it read "only target" vice "target only" it would be more clear if that is indeed the case.
The item's game mechanics need to be better explained in a rules errata. The wording seems to imply that the user of the ring cannot use the ring to initiate a challenge with another creature.
Its confusing but I think you can target a creature (contested) but not any of their belongings or an object of up to 1000lbs. I would think you can target yourself to fly or levitate but was told no.
step 1 get big rock
step 2 stand on big rock (it isnt being worn or carried
step 3 float rock and never get down until you need sleep/long rest
step 4 profit?
You can only target objects, and those objects can't be worn or carried.
I’d love to incorporate this item into my game. I love it’s versatility and potential for creativity. However, I have a group of experienced players who would likely look for ways to min/max it’s damage potential, i.e. throwing big stuff at bad guys. I keep my game somewhat realistic, balanced, and challenging. I don't run a Monty Hall game where the players find magic items on every goblin they fight and walk through encounters because they’re carrying bags of holding stuffed with magic items. 29 years of D&D has taught me that fun doesn’t last.
I’ve seen people reference the DMG pg 284 (damage suggestions for spells by level), but the chart doesn’t balance well for this item because the ring has unlimited uses. Imagine handing a player a wand with unlimited fireballs. That campaign would USUALLY be over before it started (let’s not derail this thread from that comment). I’ve considered basing the damage on a scaled cantrip’s damage, but this is a very rare item and I think that would be too “weak sauce” for a very rare item.
Currently I’m considering placing the damage somewhere between the scaled cantrip and the damage suggested on DMG 284. Alternatively I’ve considered using the Projectile spell as a damage template and restrict the damaging use to x/short or long rest. In this use I’d only use the damage from Projectile and keep the other restrictions of the ring the same. In both examples I’m only considering restricting the damage potential. I love the creative possibilities and wouldn’t consider limiting those unless it became unbalanced.
I’m curious how everyone handles balancing the damage potential of this item in their game considering there is no limit on its uses/day.
If they started abusing it, i would send baddies after them where a itty bitty 1000 pound boulder leaves them mostly unaffected.
As an example: A Wizard wearing robes with Immovable Object cast on them. Otherwise you could send big things, or things that have the "Can squeeze through openings as small as 1 inch" perks, ruling they get squished to no real detriment.
step 2.5 Dont fail strength check with a assumed high dc since you are flying big rock and yourself
no reason that would require a strength check at all? its magic not muscle moveing it
and while i would argue it would take some getting used to its not that difficult so no reason for it to be high either ....
i think it makes it less OP
wait there's comments on here?
There are a few issues with this:
The fact that the telekinesis spell specifically separates creature and object, and only allows "one creature or object" makes it clear it's not intended that moving an object should allow you to also use it to move one or more creature(s) – it's supposed to be one or the other. If you want to fly with telekinesis, your DM may reasonably expect you to use the full version of the spell (not the ring) to lift yourself as a creature as it describes.
The way that I read this is that normally Telekinesis can target creatures, and any object less than 1000 lbs even if its worn or carried by a creature.
The ring allows you to target creatures and objects, but you can target only objects that aren't being worn or carried.
it is cool