While holding this rod, you can use an action to activate it. The rod then instantly transports you and up to 199 other willing creatures you can see to a paradise that exists in an extraplanar space. You choose the form that the paradise takes. It could be a tranquil garden, lovely glade, cheery tavern, immense palace, tropical island, fantastic carnival, or whatever else you can imagine. Regardless of its nature, the paradise contains enough water and food to sustain its visitors. Everything else that can be interacted with inside the extraplanar space can exist only there. For example, a flower picked from a garden in the paradise disappears if it is taken outside the extraplanar space.
For each hour spent in the paradise, a visitor regains hit points as if it had spent 1 Hit Die. Also, creatures don't age while in the paradise, although time passes normally. Visitors can remain in the paradise for up to 200 days divided by the number of creatures present (round down).
When the time runs out or you use an action to end it, all visitors reappear in the location they occupied when you activated the rod, or an unoccupied space nearest that location. The rod can't be used again until ten days have passed.
Notes: Healing, Teleportation, Utility
If you somehow managed to get a hold of two of these rods, spent your paradise time with the first, and then immediately thereafter activated the second one and walked through with both rods, would the time spent in the paradise of the other rods creation count toward the recharge of the first rod?
If so, doing some math, this means that with two Rods of Security you and up to 19 other people could live in paradise forever; only having to return to the material plane for a few seconds every ten days.
Omg I must tell my dm about that
Let's say you're a high-level magic-user (in my case a 16th lvl Storm Sorcerer) who has the power to take up to 199 people out of a city or environment that is about to be incinerated by some war or other event. Same character (Storm Sorcerer) also has a Staff of the Magi and can cast Plane Shift through staff as much as the staff's charges allow. Is the PC able to leave the people they saved in the Rod of Security to go back and help in an ongoing battle on the Prime Material? Would they be able to return to the same demiplane that they created using the Rod of Security?
Also, I'm not sure it matters, but the Sorcerer in question is in total alignment with D&D Adventure League rules (that's the only venue I've used the character).
Could you use this to train characters? Like give xp for them training.
Sure, if you can get a hyperbolic time chamber in there :p
does the time passes in the real world while we are in the paradise
Everytime I hear the song "Welcome to Mystery" by The Plain White T's, I always think about this magic item and how cool it would be to have this rod in real life.
Yes it does, it literally says so in the item. You do not age although time passes normally. " Also, creatures don't age while in the paradise, although time passes normally."
Yes it a 1:1 hours
Can you make the rod of security spawn like npc butlers, or maids, or catgirls? Asking for a friend.
@Zyvx yes you can, it's a paradise. But, none of the summoned npc's can go back to real life.
Can anyone tell me if it would be possible to spawn monsters that just attack characters with specific alignments or that want to do evil towards yourself?
that could give it another mechanic imo.
the fact that this doesn't require attunement is crazy.
Getting two and leaving this reality permanently.
I'm not sure if this is an oversight, but I like that the requirement for a creature to enter the paradise is that you can see them and that they are willing. This would mean that you as the holder of the rod don't actually get to choose whether an individual creature comes with you or not, so long as you can see them, they can join you. This could lead to interesting scenarios if its attempted to be used as a get out of jail free card in order to escape another creature. I'm guessing since you can shape the paradise, you could also make it harder for the unwanted creature to locate you and your party, but it could definitely add tension to an otherwise impregnable defense mechanism.
Me and my brother had a oneshot where the main prize is this rod, we did the challenges (as lvl 20 character) and I created a place like battle arena with weapons that will one shot all monters, and there was a machine that summon Tarrasques, we one shot them and got A LOT OF BOONS!
This is stupidly broken
That is so cool