Wondrous Item, legendary
This viscous, milky-white substance can form a permanent adhesive bond between any two objects. It must be stored in a jar or flask that has been coated inside with oil of slipperiness. When found, a container contains 1d6 + 1 ounces.
One ounce of the glue can cover a 1-foot square surface. The glue takes 1 minute to set. Once it has done so, the bond it creates can be broken only by the application of universal solvent or oil of etherealness, or with a wish spell.
Notes: Utility, Consumable
This will go well with my immovable rod
And here's the backstory for my upcoming character: two goblins in a trench coat.
This is just Flex Glue
i wonder how this would fair against Dispel Magic or an Anti-magic Field....
"...can be broken only by the application of universal solvent or oil of etherealness, or with a wish spell."
Critical Role Campaign 2 Ep 108
super-super-super glue
"universal solvent or oil of etherealness, or with a wish spell."
Just putting this out there; why is there a legendary magic item dedicated to removing the effects, but also a rare item that removes the effects AND casts etherealness?
lol... You've never glued the paladin to their chair... and it shows
It is not magical and thus is not affected.
oil of etherealness did NOT used to be on this item description
Oil of Etherealness takes 10 minutes to apply, which is about 9.5 minutes more than whoever applied the glue is going to give you if they're still around when you try to remove the glue
I will create Perma-napalm.
Just need to find out about something that burns forever...
or I guess I could just mix small amounts with normal oil to create very sticky oil.
Is there a clever way to make the 1 min shorter?
Its an alchemy myth, heard it in a podcast i dont think i can post its name but the universal solvent is why this exist
There is a continual flame spell
In the hands of an evil fey, like maybe a quickling, this could be a horrific weapon. People all over town getting their eyes and mouths glued shut...*shudder*
In other words, this is not Elmer's Glue.