Staff, very rare (requires attunement by a Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard)
You have resistance to fire damage while you hold this staff.
The staff has 10 charges. While holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using your spell save DC: burning hands (1 charge), fireball (3 charges), or wall of fire (4 charges).
The staff regains 1d6 + 4 expended charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a d20. On a 1, the staff blackens, crumbles into cinders, and is destroyed.
Notes: Resistance: Fire, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard, Damage, Control, Combat, Warding
This item seems to have a Bug when expanding it in the Character Builder's "Add Item" Submenu of the #/Equipment/Manage Page (reproducible if you actually need the Code Block, it happens with the Quarterstaff of Flames as well)
Really cool staff but what would the cost be
how can i get one of these
how do i find it
50,000 gp on average
By delving into a fire demon infested ancient, ruined, and abandoned temple devoted to a forgotten blind god of destruction and calamity and slaying the corrupted death knight that wields it.
Sidenote: there's a hidden quest that if you do all of that blindfolded then the forgotten god will bless it by doubling the charges.
Which spell level does the staff use?
Considering that the spells cost charges equal to their base level, does that mean that you could spend more charges to cast it at a higher level? For example you could spend 5 charges to cast a 5th level Fireball?
Is anyone noticing a bug with the staff of fire in our character sheets? I went to cast a fireball using it and it didn't show up in my spell list. So I checked to see if I had unattuned it accidently but it is attuned. Burning hands is showing up in my 1st level, and wall of fire in my 4th level but no fireball at 3rd level. On the item this is what I now see- notice no fireball as an option.
I don't know how this is very rare. It doesn't even come close to the staff of power. Sure, fire is a fairly common damage type, and it offers fire resistance. But the Staff of Power gives a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls and spell save DC, as well a +2 magic weapon bonus. In addition, the Staff of Power has more charges and has a wider variety of spells. To top it off, both staffs gain fireball. The Staff of Power grants you other powerful spells like globe of invulnerability, wall of force, and hold monster. Also, it has the ability of a staff of striking. The staff of power is a staff of striking, staff of the woodlands, and weaker staff of the magi all in one. So the Staff of Fire, staff of frost, and staff of striking should be rare magic items.
This staff gets outshined by the staff of power.
Staffs are spell focuses for spellcasters. Can the Staff of Fire be used as one? (for any spell not just fire)
At the bottom it says "Basic Rules, pg. 201" - It should actually say "Dungeon Master's Guide, pg. 201". There is no page 201 in the basic rules.
Its okay...
Only good really before you get to like level six, then pretty much useless
cool staff (3 extra fireballs)
Check out my better version here; Staff of Flames