This talisman is a mighty symbol of goodness. A creature that is neither good nor evil in alignment takes 6d6 radiant damage upon touching the talisman. An evil creature takes 8d6 radiant damage upon touching the talisman. Either sort of creature takes the damage again each time it ends its turn holding or carrying the talisman.
If you are a good cleric or paladin, you can use the talisman as a holy symbol, and you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls while you wear or hold it.
The talisman has 7 charges. If you are wearing or holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge from it and choose one creature you can see on the ground within 120 feet of you. If the target is of evil alignment, a flaming fissure opens under it. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or fall into the fissure and be destroyed, leaving no remains. The fissure then closes, leaving no trace of its existence. When you expend the last charge, the talisman disperses into motes of golden light and is destroyed.
Notes: Bonus: Spell Attacks, Creature of Good Alignment, Control, Buff, Jewelry
It’s absolutely incredible how good this is. One bad roll sank a yagnoloth that was on track to wipe out the whole party.
My wifes cleric took out Tiamat with this thing.
Could you just throw this at someone and make them take 6d6 or 8d6 damage?
Touching, is different then, comes into contact, in this context.
Could a Monk tie this on their hand???
Just a thought.
hahahaha genius
tiamat? int 26, wis 26 hung around after "failing" 5 saving throws to fail a 6th?
That party must have used a ton of great dex save spells
And stayed on the ground. The creature that has 120' of flying, just stood there & let you swing at / open fissures under her.
That's always been been biggest issue with the "And we beat Tiamat by..." stories. A genius elder dragon god with who-knows-how-many millennia of combat experience, stands still & lets the party of melee attackers surround her.
So... would this +2 to spell attacks stack with other forms of spell power bonuses, like Amulet of the Devout or Bloodwell Vial?
I've looked everywhere assuming that they can't, but everything I've found has only said that two items of the type (like two Bloodwell Vials) can't both be attuned and have stacking bonuses.
If it does stack, it seems a lot scarier than even the active effect. Even if a DM gives this to a player in the endgame levels, this can easily make a DC anywhere between 23 to 25.
(Kinda just asking if this works RAW - I legitimately wouldn't wish this on any DM, let alone try to bully them into making it work this way.)
Everyone is saying this item is good but I accidentally killed myself with it because I was right next to the guy that I used it on.
Unbelievably powerful item. Just used it to defeat what was essentially a level 20 PC which was acting as boss NPC, which thankfully meant they didnt have any legendary actions. Our group of 5 was only level 7 and had just been through 3 rounds of combat in a coliseum. Would have likely been a full TPK.
So, we get an official illustration for the Evil one but not this one ?
Besides the obviously very powerful ability, the +2 isn't very useful for those two classes. Paladin has one 5th level spell that can benefit and Cleric only four spells total, I think? To bad it's not for saves as well.
So a normal citizen with a lawful neutral alignment would essentially be smited by this thing for merely touching it?
There is a spell called Earthbind, and its unlikely Tiamat would lose to it, but...