This item symbolizes unrepentant evil. A creature that is neither good nor evil in alignment takes 6d6 necrotic damage upon touching the talisman. A good creature takes 8d6 necrotic damage upon touching the talisman. Either sort of creature takes the damage again each time it ends its turn holding or carrying the talisman.
If you are an evil cleric or paladin, you can use the talisman as a holy symbol, and you gain a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls while you wear or hold it.
The talisman has 6 charges. If you are wearing or holding it, you can use an action to expend 1 charge from the talisman and choose one creature you can see on the ground within 120 feet of you. If the target is of good alignment, a flaming fissure opens under it. The target must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or fall into the fissure and be destroyed, leaving no remains. The fissure then closes, leaving no trace of its existence. When you expend the last charge, the talisman dissolves into foul-smelling slime and is destroyed.
Notes: Bonus: Spell Attacks, Creature of Evil Alignment, Control, Buff, Jewelry
Oh Lit
lit my bro
Well my 12 year old Necromancer girl will have her eye out for this... ;)
my friend is so pissed
You could kill deities with this.
My friend is an evil cleric, gotta hide this
nah gods only fail saving throws if they choose to
A cleric or paladin can put their holy symbol on their shield. Suddenly, shield bash does 6 or 8d6 necrotic to non-evil enemies. I could see a vicious bastard mounting this thing onto the face of a warhammer. Smashy smashy, plus 8d6 damage.
Some will say this idea is cheesy or not as intended. I say it is as intended because this is EVIL. It and its makers would delight in sneaky ways to maximize harm to enemies. Evil is all about taking fairness and stomping on it. If I were to introduce this to my game, it would be in the hands of a murderous archvillain who delights in smashing people with it in just that way.
Also keep in mind that this is a high-level end-game item. All these gloves need to come off to challenge lv17+ PCs. That means things like mounting an amulet like this on a war maul or something like that and using it to deal extra damage, on top of what a probably already magical weapon would do is pretty much par for the course. I'd probably use it with Matalotok, Grovelthrash, or The Bloody End. The sentient weapons would likely be able to use the amulet themselves as though they were the ones wearing it, too.
And yeah, I'd certainly let the players do the same. Creature abilities may work differently for PCs vs NPCs, but the world around them doesn't.
Why does this have 6 charges and the pure good version, exact same item except good alignment, have 7 charges?
666 and 777 babey!
Does the +2 spell check benefit also work for helping Warlocks?
Did anyone else pick up on the fact that this can outright kill a good creature with only a failed dex save? Absolutely bonkers.
Sadly no, as only clerics and paladins can have holy symbols.
wow this item reads like a bad homebrew. Barely explained instakill and Save or suck. Can destroy magic items or make them disappear. Relics have a hole paragraph about how they can only be destroyed in certain ways, but ey.
A person could have the ability to hover and choose to be on the ground, be immune to damage or be attached to a rope but well. The instakill charm says u die.
Holy crud I love this thing. Player or dm, using this thing would give anyone a feeling of ultamite POWER
I don't know why I enjoy editing random comments to sound weird.
I can see why, the edited version sounds like a caveman
This killed two of my characters