Weapon (any sword that deals slashing damage), legendary (requires attunement)
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. In addition, the weapon ignores resistance to slashing damage.
When you attack a creature that has at least one head with this weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, you cut off one of the creature's heads. The creature dies if it can't survive without the lost head. A creature is immune to this effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a head, has legendary actions, or the GM decides that the creature is too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra 6d8 slashing damage from the hit.
Applicable Weapons:
Name | Type | Damage | Properties |
Greatsword | Martial Melee | 2d6 + 3 slashing | Heavy, two-handed |
Longsword | Martial Melee | 1d8 + 3 slashing | Versatile (1d10) |
Scimitar | Martial Melee | 1d6 + 3 slashing | Finesse, light |
Notes: Bonus: Magic, Damage, Combat
so this is like a god sword?
I have this sword now maybe my dm will let me decapitate the teraseque I’m unstoppable ha ha ha
It's 6d8 on top of the normal damage on the table below the description. Normally on a 20 you'd roll your typical damage twice (some people just double). With this sword you'll roll 6d8 instead of a second normal damage roll. 6d8 is much greater than all the damage specs in the table and very high for a melee weapon in general anyway, so it's a win/win.
Common sense, instant death through decapitation is already very overpowered. I feel like 12d8 extra damage on a nat 20 isn't broken considering that this sword can insta kill anything without legendary actions, essentially. (Size doesn't really matter considering at the level you would be given this you would have plenty of ways to increase your size, e.g path of the giant barbarian or rune knight fighter + enlarge reduce spell. You can literally become gargantuan by 14th level as a giant barbarian with a spell caster in your party casting enlarge reduce on you. I'd argue that a gargantuan fighter/barbarian with a gargantuan sword could easily chop of the head of a gargantuan dragon.)
Came here to say that this is the correct interpretation. You don't "Crit" the 6d8 and double that. In this instance, the bonus 6d8 damage is what you get for rolling a natural 20 against certain targets.
wowee, this item is so coolio!
I have a tattoo of the art of this! Loved this weapon since I was a kid.
Do regular critical damage, and then add 6d8. Example- Vorpal Greatsword crit: 4d6+6d8