You can use an action to blow this horn. In response, warrior spirits from the Valhalla appear within 60 feet of you. They use the statistics of a berserker. They return to Valhalla after 1 hour or when they drop to 0 hit points. Once you use the horn, it can't be used again until 7 days have passed.
Four types of horn of Valhalla are known to exist, each made of a different metal. The horn's type determines how many berserkers answer its summons, as well as the requirement for its use. The GM chooses the horn's type or determines it randomly.
d100 | Horn Type | Berserkers Summoned | Requirement |
01-40 | Silver | 2d4 + 2 | None |
41-75 | Brass | 3d4 + 3 | Proficiency with all simple weapons |
76-90 | Bronze | 4d4 + 4 | Proficiency with all medium armor |
91-100 | Iron | 5d4 + 5 | Proficiency with all martial weapons |
If you blow the horn without meeting its requirement, the summoned berserkers attack you. If you meet the requirement, they are friendly to you and your companions and follow your commands.
Notes: Summoning
how have I never seen this item before? i love it
Pretty sure this is a reference to the Horn of Valere from the Wheel of Time series.
“The grave is no bar to my call”
If you're talking about something like dispel magic, counterspell, or rod of absorption, the short answer is it doesn't. These rely on spell levels, so if a DM allows them to work on something that isn't a spell, they essentially should assign it a level to codify how powerful it is. On the other hand, antimagic field affects all magic, so it would work on a property of a magic item. (Since the berserkers vanish after time or injury, you could likely consider that they're only still present due to the magical effect and thus would not be present in the area of an antimagic field.)
More likely the opposite, considering that this item has appeared in D&D since 1985, and The Eye of the World wasn't published until 1990.
Seeing as these are spirits that use the Berserker stat block, would it be possible for an enemy to either charm/command them? Or would they be able to be affected by fear or stun? Or are they more like spirits and would have some immunities to frighten and charm?
By RAW, as they use the Berserker's stat block without any notation, I don't think they have any other special protections against things like frighten or charm.
Though, now that you mentioned it, it would be an interesting dilemma for one of the warriors to be charmed by the enemy. Assuming you met the requirements they would still be friendly to you and follow your command, though they would also be friendly to the enemy at that point. I guess because the item says they follow you command the warrior would have to follow your orders regardless of charm, though it may allow wiggle room to interpret those commands in a different light {ie 'Defeat my enemy' may turn from kill to scare off and allow to escape, still fulfilling the orders of their commander and friend, but also causing the least amount of harm to the their new acquaintance which for some reason they suddenly like.)
hover over them
What are their hit points?