Wondrous Item, artifact (requires attunement by a any creature of non-evil alignment)

Item: Cloak. Legendary (requires attunement by a creature of non-evil alignment.

The Cloak is rather drab, to look at. the outside is worn dark leather, but on the underside, is a muted kaleidoscope of dark blues, and reds, and greens. 
The Shroud of the Ancients was created on an ancient archipelago city. The city was washed away, the cloak with it. It remembers very little of its time in the ancient city, and nothing of the time it spent at sea. many many years later, it washed up, and was passed father to son, friend to friend, never finding its purpose in life, never finding out why it was created in the first place. 
over its many years with people, it has learned a lot, for some reason, the things it remember best, are smithing related. as such it gives advantage on history checks, and advantage on any form of nonmagical item creation attempts.
Sentience. The cloak is sentient, can telepathically communicate with the wearer in their mother tongue, speak [atlantean/(insert 'ancient' language of choice)] and the mother tongue of the wearer. The Shroud of the Ancients has an INT15 WIS13 CHA11, and has hearing and blindsight upto 60ft

Notes: any creature of non-evil alignment



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