Wondrous Item, legendary

Inside this golden lightweight cloth bag are 1d4 eggs. The bag weighs 1 pound plus 1/4 pound for each golden egg it contains.

If you dump the bag's contents out on the ground, or if the golden eggs take any damage the eggs break open and releases a gas in a 15 foot radius. Each creature in the area, including you, must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d4 poison damage on a save, of half as much damage on a successful one. The poison deteriorates all metal objects in the area that aren't successful taken out of the area on successful dexterity save. The poison gas will also blind any living being with eyesight for 1d4 days on a failing dexterity saving throw.

If you remove a egg from the bag, place it in water, the egg will grow depending on what it produces, and the egg will break open naturally after 1 minute from the water where it was placed. The GM can choose an effect from the following table, determine it randomly, or create an effect.

d100 Effect
01 The egg grows and splits into 3 eggs and all 3 eggs hatch immediately, and for each egg you roll a separate d100. See table for effects.
02-10 The egg explodes the instant it touches the water. The soul of each living thing within 20 feet gets ripped from their body and is placed in another random body within the 30 feet. If there is only 1 living within 30 feet of the egg, the soul of the living being is ripped from the body and destroyed in a instant.
11-20 The egg dissolves in the water and appears that nothing happen, when in actuality a invisible stalker is born from the egg and stalks the person that immersed the egg in the water, attempts to kill them.
21-30 The egg grows and explodes and a gas seeks out every character within 100 feet. The Character must make a dexterity check of dc 20 or turn to stone, then 3 minutes later, the character emerges as a Aarakocra. The Characters lose their original racial abilities, and feat, and gains the racial features of a Aarakocra.
31-40 The egg splits into 1d6 small golden edible eggs that grant the Character a random feat once eaten.
41-50 The egg splits open and reveals 1d4 feather tokens. See feather tokens for further effect
51-60 The egg cracks open and a intricate suit made of unrecognizable very light material and feathers of what seem to be Aarakocra feathers. This allows a character of medium size to fly once attuned. The user of the suit cannot attack while flying. It weighs 7 lbs. It can be folded and stored easily in a backpack.

The egg grows and then explodes into a gas and affects all nearby living beings within a 30 foot radius. Each Character affected by the gas gains random vulnerability or resistance to a element. Roll differently for each Character.

Roll a d10. 1 - Fire. 2 - Cold. 3 - Electricity. 4 - Poison. 5 - Necrotic. 6 - Psychic. 7 - Force. 8 - Bludgeoning. 9 - Piercing. 10 - Slashing.

Roll D%.
01-50- Vulnerability. 
51-00- Resistance.

71-80 The egg turns into 1d10 * 100 GP coins. (or a moderate amount of gold in your campaign setting)
81-90 A Dinosaur hatches from the egg. GM chooses one or roll randomly a d4 and a d10. The d10 determines if hostile, neutral, or friendly. On 1-3 the creature is hostile, 4-7 the creature in neutral towards the party, 8-10 the creature is friendly. The d4 determines the creature. On a 1, the egg hatches into Allosaurus, on a 2 the egg hatches into a Ankylosaurus, on a 3 the egg hatches into a Triceratops, on a 4 the egg hatches into a Tyrannosaurus Rex. If a Tyrannosaurus Rex hatches, you can discard the d10 roll because the Tyrannosaurus Rex will always be hostile. The Dinosaur dies if its hp reaches 0.

The egg grows and hatches, inside the egg is a very rare or legendary Weapon, Armor or Magical item.

The GM rolls a dRoll D%.
01-50- the item is cursed. 
51-00- the item isn't cursed.   The GM may choose item, or choose randomly.

100 The egg cracks open creating a portal. The portal pulls everything through within a 50 foot radius in an instant with no possible attempt at escape. The portal leads where the GM chooses, such as to the top of a mountain, a sunken ship underwater, or a different plane of existence.


Notes: Damage, Control, Utility, Combat

Item Tags: Damage Control Utility Combat



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