Burst. The goon balloon bursts when it drops to 0 hit points, releasing noxious gas in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on itself. Creatures in that area must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Unusual Nature. The goon balloon doesn’t require air, food, or drink.
Multiattack. The goon balloon makes two Claw attacks.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) slashing damage.
Scintillating Eye. Magical, kaleidoscopic light emanates from one of the goon balloon’s eyes as the goon balloon targets one creature it can see within 30 feet of itself. The target must make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw, taking 6 (1d12) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Float. The goon balloon moves up to 20 feet vertically in one direction without provoking opportunity attacks. If it ends this movement suspended in the air, it hovers in place. It can’t be knocked prone while airborne.
A goon balloon looks like a 5-foot-diameter beach ball with clawed feet. Unblinking eyes on the outer surface of its spherical air sac enable the creature to see in all directions at once. These eyes can produce kaleidoscopic light that tears at the minds of the goon balloon’s foes.
A goon balloon speaks by pumping air through a hidden orifice on its underside. When the goon balloon dies, the air in its sac transforms into a noxious gas that bursts from the corpse, potentially poisoning other creatures nearby.
Although they can seem playful and harmless, goon balloons are quite mean-spirited. They like to observe the suffering of other creatures and orchestrate that suffering, given half a chance.
This is straight up the alien beach ball from "Dark Star" and I love it.
This is my new favorite mob.
I like how it has no reason why it exists but it is just an evil balloon and now I can imagine a spelljammer ship that the whole crew is just a ton goon balloons
Damn, Mike Wazowski is all grown up now i guess.
one of the members of my group is going to want on of these as a pet i can already tell
I want to cross it with a tribble. One gets on a ship and just starts replicating. Sure you can killed, them, but can you survive killing them?
Another actor, lost to drugs. Poor Mike Wazowski.
Best DnD monster yet.
Bro Mike Wazowski has made the rounds in DnD:
There is no explanation as to why I felt so pumped seeing the name "Goon Balloon", and then feeling even more hyped after seeing its picture and description.
Why is this not filled with cheap wine?!
I am completely obsessed with Goon Baloons. I can't stop thinking about them. This is my new favorite DnD monster. Gnolls are now a very very distant second place.
Peg it to a hills hoist and give it a good spin.
Australia has entered the chat.
Dubious beast
So, I want to use this on the deck of a crashed Spelljammer ship... but there are oozes swarming the cavern floor below. If a goon balloon gets pushed off the edge of the deck, do they fall to the floor of the cavern, or do they float at the deck level until their turn?
God, I love this thing so much it's unreal. It's so bizarre and illogical I just want to adopt one in a campaign and protect it as a child. I'd sacrifice my entire party for one of these babies. I just want to squish one gently and give it goldfish even if it can't eat it.