New or Updated Forum Threads

Topic Latest Post Replies Views
How Was Your Last Session? 1,304 35,718
New player looking for an awesome group. (1 Viewing) 0 6
The Universe Smörgåsbord 15,952 32,263
Savage Attacker 3 17
Children of the Sun, Stars, and Night 6 54
Changing Damage Type 0 1
Nightmares in the Mist- Curse of Strahd {Campaign Thread} 29 306
(2024 rules) Does Expertise in Sleight of Hand give any benefit to picking a lock? 8 69
Zeilghast: The City of Cursed souls 249 574
Druidic Focus 10 35
Equip or Unequip a weapon - once per attack or once per Attack [Action]? 114 597
Drakkenheim - What's In the Here and Now (1 Viewing) 205 1,346
The Murder Court (Bedlymn's RP Thread) 202 1,805
the dome: a battleground for the gods! 7,436 9,829
Lord's Rest Inn 67,978 106,007