New or Updated Forum Threads

Topic Latest Post Replies Views
A new world 3 11
Hex Warrior questions 6 26
Tyranny of Dragons 60 393
Tales Trees Tell (DM Lerus) 252 1,032
The Sunless Citadel 118 884
World of Greyhawk: Against the Cult of the Reptile God 1,030 4,180
Homebrew Subclass spell list not showing up 5 1,147
The Lost City ~ Tokyo Ghoul Roleplay (1 Viewing) 253 737
Dex vs Con + enchanter and charisma question. 4 33
Guess we know what replaced the Brawler 24 247
Dark Gods Dread - Game Thread 465 1,997
Tyranny of Dragons - Hoard of the Dragon Queen 4,841 22,354
The Windward Isles - Game Thread 367 1,789
Where the Cold Winds Blow... A Lost Mines of Phandelver Story 1,501 7,276
Hunters mark and zephyrs strike - who and when to use? 10 861