What You'll Discover at the Radiant Citadel, a City on the Ethereal Plane

Coming July 19, 2022, Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel will take players to the scintillating city of the Radiant Citadel, where they can embark on adventures across the multiverse. The first chapter of this book contains all of the information you'll need to explore the Radiant Citadel, a hub of extraplanar adventure located in the Ethereal Plane.

From June 21 to June 28, 2022, D&D Beyond users were able to claim the first chapter of Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel at no cost! Although this offer has ended, if you purchase the book before its release on July 19, you'll instantly unlock the Concord Jewel Dice Set and other preorder perks!

What Is the Radiant Citadel?

The Radiant Citadel stands as a bastion of hope, culture, and knowledge against the mists of the Ethereal Plane. It was founded eons ago by great civilizations that traveled into the Ethereal Plane and discovered the Auroral Diamond, a massive gemstone that emits life-giving magic. A fossilized skeleton of a giant creature is wrapped around the Auroral Diamond. The founding civilizations carved a city into the fossil and used the Auroral Diamond's powerful magic to create links to their homes on the Material Plane.

For an unknown reason, the city was abandoned for centuries, only to be rediscovered by descendants of the founding civilizations. Since its rediscovery, the Radiant Citadel has blossomed into a gathering place for various civilizations and any travelers who come across it. The city has flourished as a place of diplomacy and trade, as well as a repository for history and knowledge.

What You'll Find in This Chapter

This chapter of Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel contains all of the information you'll need to bring the Radiant Citadel to your game, including:

  • Lore surrounding the history of the Radiant Citadel
  • Information regarding the different factions and areas contained within the city
  • Details on how to use the Radiant Citadel to travel to linked locations on the Material Plane 
  • A map of the Radiant Citadel
  • Adventure hooks that can be used with or without the rest of the book

How to Access This Chapter

If you claimed the first chapter of Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel, you'll find it in your Sourcebooks collection. To access your collection of sourcebooks, open the Sources menu and select "View All." The chapter is listed as "The Radiant Citadel."

New D&D Book Alert: Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel Releases July 19
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