Giant Personalities: An Infographic on the Giantkind of the Ordning

Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants reveals the history, cultures, and places of giantkind. And while the book introduces all-new types of giants, including the ettin ceremorph, it also delves deep into the ordning, the social caste that many giants follow. In this article, we'll talk about the origins of this ranking system, which six kinds of giants top it, and even take a peak at the influence these giants can have on the player characters who are raised or trained by them.

The Ordning: The Social Ranking System of Giantkind

Different kinds of giants bow before a storm giant in an open-air forum

Most giants follow a social caste known as the ordning. Within the ordning, the six main kinds of giants are ranked in this order, from highest to lowest: storm, cloud, fire, frost, stone, and hill. Other kinds of giants, such as fomorians, are not considered part of the ordning, and are thus ranked below all of them.

The ordning is based on the religion and myths of giants. Giants typically follow a pantheon of gods (called the Ordning) comprised of Annam, the All-Father, and his 10 children. Some giants believe that Annam established the ordning based on the birth order of his sons. Others believe the ordning is Annam's punishment for giantkind after they failed to live up to his expectations of ruling all the realms of the Material Plane.

Annam is often seen as an absent deity, a god that has lost interest in his creation. Thus, most giants do not worship Annam, choosing instead to worship his children. Different kinds of giants are inclined to worship certain gods, which is reflected in the infographic below.

The Ordning on a Smaller Scale

Within any particular kind of giant society, every giant will have a relative position among their own kind. Different giants value different things. Cloud giants rank themselves based on wealth, whereas stone giants value artistry and their ability to launch a rock. In Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants, you'll find adventure hooks based around giants seeking to hold or elevate their status within the ordning.

Rejecting the Ordning

Not all giants follow the ordning, and their reasons may vary. Consider, for instance, a cloud giant who does care to grow their personal wealth. They may reject the standards of their own kind and, instead of building wealth, choose to hone their artistry in the same way as a stone giant. Meanwhile, a hill giant may despise the fact that fire giants do not consider size in ranking, and may seek to subjugate them and force this standard upon them. Finally, a giant may turn away from Annam's children and the ordning, choosing to follow whatever standards are set by their new religion.

Infographic: The Giants of the Ordning

The following infographic details the ordning and the ranking, deities, and key traits of the six main kinds of giants. For players whose characters will have close ties to one of these kinds of giants, we include the benefits of the Strike of the Giants feat. This feat allows characters to emulate the power of giants in combat. We delve further into the influence of giants on characters below.

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An infographic explaining the ordning and showing key traits of the six types of giants that comprise it: storm, cloud, fire, frost, stone, and hill giants.

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Gold filigree and giant runes meaning "life" and "journey" surround the following text.

Giants of the ordning. The six main kinds of giants share history, religion, and culture. They belong to the ordning, a social caste that assigns rank by type: storm (highest-ranked), cloud, fire, frost, stone, and hill. Even the lowest-ranked giant of one type surpasses the highest-ranked giant of an inferior type.

The Strike of the Giants feat from Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants allows you to emulate the might of these giants. Learn more about them and the benefits their influence imparts.

Storm Giant

A stoic storm giant with a flowing gray beard wears a helmet and scaled, leathery armor. A bird flies behind him, punctuating his immense size.

  • Personality: Contemplative Prophets
  • Values: Solitude
  • Primary Deity: Stronmaus
  • Strike of the Giants Benefit: Bonus Lightning Damage, Impose Disadvantage on Attacks

Cloud Giant

A cloud giant snarls, wielding a staff. She wears gold metal armor and wraps. Her hair appears as blue clouds.

  • Personality: Haughty Tricksters
  • Values: Wealth
  • Primary Deity: Memnor
  • Strike of the Giants Benefit: Bonus Thunder Damage, Limited Invisibility

Fire Giant

A fire giant roars. The heat of fire glows from beneath her heavy metal armor like a roaring forge. Her red hair burns at the tips. She holds a staff that glows red.

  • Personality: Fearsome Conquerors
  • Values: Crafting Skill
  • Primary Deity: Surtur
  • Strike of the Giants Benefit: Bonus Fire Damage

Frost Giant

An angry frost giant in spiked armor grits his teeth. He wields an icy axe and wears a helmet seemingly made using the scales and fins of an aquatic creature.

  • Personality: Hardy Invaders
  • Values: Physical Strength
  • Primary Deity: Thrym
  • Strike of the Giants Benefit: Bonus Cold Damage, Reduce Target’s Speed

Stone Giant

A perceptive stone giant wears simple hide and furs. He holds a wooden staff aloft. Gems decorate his bald head. Stones sitting on his shoulders form an arch over his head. Stones and gems form a necklace around his neck.

  • Personality: Secluded Craftspeople
  • Values: Artistry and Rock Throwing
  • Primary Deity: Skoraeus Stonebones
  • Strike of the Giants Benefit: Bonus Force Damage, Push Target Away

Hill Giant

A balding hill giant stares blankly, his mouth agape. He does not wear upper garments.

  • Personality: Hungry Hunters
  • Values: Size and Strength
  • Primary Deity: Grolantor
  • Strike of the Giants Benefit: Bonus Weapon Damage, Knock Target Prone

The Influence Giants Have on Characters

Giants may have failed to live up to their grand destiny, but they are no less incredible creatures whose primal influence can change the adventurers you create. Characters who grow up among giants may find themselves to be larger than is typical for their kind and be imbued with a modicum of their might. This is reflected in the giant foundling background and accompanying Strikes of the Giants feat.

Other characters will discover the art of runecraft, first created by giants, and use the magic in runes to empower themselves (such as how a Rune Knight fighter does) or to cast spells (such as those with the Rune Shaper feat). Barbarians who follow the Path of the Giant may instead draw from the same primal source of power as giants in order to grow in size, hurl enemies across the battlefield, and imbue their weapons with elemental energy.

Giants are scattered throughout the Material Plane, and encounters with them can be awe-inspiring. They are as powerful as they are wise and clever. How your character has been changed by them is ultimately up to you.

Explore Locations of Giant Proportions

Pockets of giant civilizations can be found in flying citadels, undersea palaces, and yes, even in those hills over there. The world of giants presents unique challenges and opportunities for us normal-size folk. When you're ready to contend with giants, their giant-sized pets, and more, check out the 18 giant enclaves and their accompanying adventure hooks in Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants. More information on giant enclaves can be found in the video below:

The Ettin Ceremorph, Or What Happens When a Giant Undergoes Ceremorphosis
by Kyle Shire
Path of the Giant Barbarian: Hurl Your Enemies With This New Subclass!
by Damen Cook
First Look: Giant Foundling Background and Strike of the Giants Feat
by Mike Bernier

Michael Galvis (@michaelgalvis) is a tabletop content producer for D&D Beyond. He is a longtime Dungeon Master who enjoys horror films and all things fantasy and sci-fi. When he isn’t in the DM’s seat or rolling dice as his anxious halfling sorcerer, he’s playing League of Legends and Magic: The Gathering with his husband. They live together in Los Angeles with their adorable dog, Quentin.


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