The Bard class in Dungeons & Dragons has always been unique in that it emphasizes the power of creation as a force to manipulate reality through magic. In the past, Bards have been infused with the powers of music, elaborate swordplay, or even the manipulation of whispers. With the brand new College of Dance subclass introduced in the 2024 Player's Handbook, Bard players can now craft characters for whom their body is their instrument.
Dance as a conduit for magic is a natural fit for bardic magic. Like music, dance has been a form of expression throughout human history, with traditional dances being connective tissue between generations. The development of dance techniques shares much in common with learning new fighting styles, with the body being put through rigorous training to gain muscle memory. Let's look at some ways that the College of Dance subclass helps Bards channel their creative magic through their physical form.
- College of Dance Bard: Fluid Form Meets Fighting Function
- Changes to Bardic Inspiration
- College of Dance Bard Features
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College of Dance Bard: Fluid Form Meets Fighting Function
The College of Dance Bard is a powerful combination of physical form and creative magic. A dancing Bard can cause mouths to drop before delivering a swift and elegant kick across the face.
This Bard subclass is in rhythm with the Bard parent class features by using Bardic Inspiration to fuel a new set of abilities and buffs for your character. It allows you to feel the music the way you prefer, whether that's by using your Bard spells, using Bardic Inspiration to boost your party, or by channeling your groove into Unarmed Strikes with the new Dazzling Footwork feature for the College of Dance.
In the 2024 Player's Handbook, you'll be introduced to a bevy of subclass features that establish how your College of Dance Bard's body has been honed as a weapon, and how their fluid movements can leave allies inspired and others in awe.
Changes to Bardic Inspiration in the 2024 Player's Handbook
Bardic Inspiration has been given quite the facelift in the new Player’s Handbook. When Bardic Inspiration is bestowed on another creature, they now can wait to use it until after their roll on a D20 Test has failed, to potentially turn a failure into a success. Creatures also now have a full hour to roll their Bardic Inspiration dice. In addition, the 2024 Bard’s Font of Inspiration, you can now expend a spell slot to get another use of Bardic Inspiration.
With these changes that boost the effectiveness of Bardic Inspiration, players should feel more confident in expending this exciting resource, and subclasses like the College of Dance are built to reward you as a player for doing so.
College of Dance Bard Features

Dazzling Footwork — Level 3
Because dancing often requires unrestricted movement, the College of Dance Bard's initial features grant several benefits if they aren't wearing armor or wielding a Shield:
You've Got the Moves
With the Dance Virtuoso benefit, you gain an Advantage on any Charisma (Performance) check you make that involves you dancing. College of Dance Bards could use this feature to create distractions while their party focuses on a task, but it could also come in handy during a gala or event. Anyone who has seen an episode of Bridgerton surely has learned how high-stakes a courtly dance scene can become.
Release Your Inhibitions
College of Dance Bards gain a boost to your Unarmored Defense, giving you a base Armor Class of 10 plus your Dexterity and Charisma modifiers.
Feel the Beat, Deliver the Beatdown
You're also granted a new benefit to your Bardic Inspiration in combat with Agile Strikes, allowing you to deliver an extra Unarmed Strike whenever you spend a use of Bardic Inspiration as part of an action, Bonus Action, or Reaction. So, for example, this means when you give a party member Bardic Inspiration, not only will they get the appropriate level dice to use on a D20 Test, but you'll also be able to make an Unarmed Strike on an enemy as part of the same Bonus Action.
As a College of Dance Bard, those Unarmed Strikes of yours get a boost through the Bardic Damage feature. When you successfully deal damage on an Unarmed Strike, instead of the normal damage you'll deal Bludgeoning damage equal to a roll of your current Bardic Inspiration die plus your Dexterity modifier. So for example, at level 3, you'd get a d6 + Dex on your Unarmed Strikes, and at level 15, you'd get d12 + Dex. The best part about this is you don't expend the die for that damage.
Inspiring Movement — Level 6
Leaning into the Bard's role as a source of inspiration to uplift and engage their party members, this new feature truly lets two tango. When an enemy you can see ends its turn within 5 feet of you, you can use your Reaction to spend a use of Bardic Inspiration to move up to half your Speed, without provoking Opportunity Attacks. Once you've moved, an ally of your choice within 30 feet of you can also move up to half their Speed using their Reaction, similarly not provoking Opportunity Attacks.
What makes this feature especially cool is that since it does expend a use of your Bardic Inspiration, if you're unarmored, you can take advantage of your Agile Strikes feature from Dazzling Footwork and make an Unarmed Strike as part of your Reaction. This means when an enemy is foolish enough to end their turn within 5 feet of you, you can potentially deal damage to them, move yourself out of danger of their next attack, and help an ally move.
Tandem Footwork — Level 6
Also at level 6, you can help yourself and your allies get off on the right foot when it comes time to roll Initiative. As long as you don't have the Incapacitated condition when you roll Initiative, you can expend one Bardic Inspiration die to grant yourself and each ally within 30 feet of you who can see or hear you all gain a bonus to Initiative equal to the number rolled. Talk about letting your party get a leg up!
Leading Evasion — Level 14
As an expert dancer, a College of Dance Bard is like a leaf on the wind. All those years of shimmying and shaking have allowed you to avoid taking damage in certain situations. Starting at level 14, whenever you have to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only half damage, and you are not Incapacitated, you take no damage on a successful roll. If you fail the roll, you take only half damage.
No Left Sharks in this scenario, either! If any creatures within 5 feet of you are making the same Dexterity saving throw, you can also choose to let them share in this benefit as well. Think of it like the dance-off scene in the first Guardians of the Galaxy, because once your group has that groove, ooh, child, things are gonna get easier.
Learn the New Steps
The 2024 Player's Handbook has done some fine-tuning to the Bard class—including its subclasses, as you see here! Players who are fond of the class will find it streamlined yet familiar at the base class level, with an emphasis on moving some of the known features of higher levels to lower levels.
So if you're excited to do the twist and evade your foes, while landing powerful Unarmed Strikes down on them, two-step over to the College of Dance barre and get those limbs limber. But if utilizing spells or buffed skills is how you prefer to unleash your creative spirit, you'll find class and subclass options that march to your tune as well.
A lot has changed in the 2024 core rules revisions, and we're excited to share more of what you can expect. Stay tuned for additional class guides for the new Player's Handbook and more!
Ready to see what's next for D&D? The 2024 Player's Handbook, 2024 Dungeon Master's Guide, and 2024 Monster Manual are all available for preorder on the D&D Beyond marketplace. Plus, you can save $60 and get exclusive digital bonuses when you preorder the Digital & Physical Core Rulebook Bundle!

Riley Silverman (@rileyjsilverman) is a contributing writer to D&D Beyond, Nerdist, and SYFY Wire. She DMs the Theros-set Dice Ex Machina for the Saving Throw Show, and has been a player on the Wizards of the Coast-sponsored The Broken Pact. Riley also played as Braga in the official tabletop adaptation of the Rat Queens comic for HyperRPG, and currently plays as The Doctor on the Doctor Who RPG podcast The Game of Rassilon. She currently lives in Los Angeles.
This article was updated on August 13, 2024, to issue corrections or expand coverage for the following features:
- College of Dance Bard: Fluid Form Meets Fighting Function: Corrected reference from Bardic Damage, which is a benefit, to Dazzling Footwork, which is the feature.
- Dazzling Footwork: Changed terminology of "wearing" a shield to "wielding" a shield. Also, corrected reference to the Dance Virtuoso feature as a benefit.
- Inspiring Movement: Correct typo labeling this feature as "Inspiring Damage."
Just on that last point- these guys don't have multi attack. Even if they are using action, reaction, and bonus action bardic dice feature, they cap out at 3 per round, which isn't guaranteed, and after round 2 they have to start burning spell slots. Meanwhile, the monk caps out at around 5-6 per round with focus points, or 3-4 without any resource expenditure...
It would have been kinda interesting to see a bard monk but I think a monk bard works better; a little melee focus as a light skirmisher over a little inspiration makes more sense, to me at least.
I feel like their class features would compliment each other.
I never thought I would be thinking of replacing my favorite class the Monk with the Bard. I feel so bad for Rangers and Monks.
I have Michael Jackson Character on my mind as this subclass
This doesn't seem very good. Bards are a concentration-dependent class. Sticking them in melee range with a d8 hit dice and 15 to 17 AC at level 3 seems like a bad idea. At least Clerics have a shield.
I don't see any circumstantial damage making up for the risks this subclass needs to take to make up for their abilities. Taking the Tough feat at first level is also basically going to be a must.
Not really because Bard's don't get Bardic Inspiration back on a short rest until level 5. So playing a monk with this class isn't giving you a whole lot. Especially since this Bard also doesn't get extra attack.
A lot of people are thinking this (I did at first as well,) but Monks are already kinda MAD. Add one more Ability score they need to function well, and sadly, I just don't think it will work in practice.
I’ve loved playing Bards over the years.
I think this is the dumbest sh!t to hit D&D in recent memory.
Moonwalk for psychic damage! Heee hoo.
I really like the idea of a bard focused on dancing, but c'mon, yet another martial bard subclass? It's at what, 3 subclasses trying to compete with bladesingers for a spellcasting fighter? Can't we get at least 1 sub class focused on spellcasting? I know lore bards are ostensibly focused on it, but what do they really get to boost their spells? 2 known spells in 5e. That's a lot fewer than any artificer subclass, any cleric subclass, a number of sorcerer subclasses, a lot of druid subclasses, etc. It's like WoTC forgets bards are spell casters. It'd be really nice to have an option that leaned into the bard's magic.
I'm not saying hold your breath, but I feel like over the next year or two, there's going to be a slew of new versions for all the 'of everything' type books... XGtE, TCoE, FToD, etc. Like I say though, don't hold your breath... we haven't seen the DMG yet, let alone the new MM, which is months away, but they probably are working on subsequent releases already.
Jeremy Crawford did a bunch of interviews last week on various youtube channels. I can't remember in which interview it was in but he did say that some of the subclasses that didn't make the cut in the 2024 PHB will likely appear in future books.
I love this, so NADPOD! @Jen_Lyndelle_Comedy
What should I do if I want to use 2024 subclasses with the 2014 rules?
Officially not allowed but you could work with your DM to see if they'd allow it.
Better question why would you want to? Assuming you're referring to the Bard the new Bard seems a fair bit better than the old version. Unless your relying on a Paladin, Ranger or Warlock spell.
I'm doing a sort of "scrapbook style" for my (fictional) games, sticking with the old version, but taking certain bits and pieces from the new stuff (Mainly due to WoTCs recent practices as of late).
lol this is so cool
This is just a monk that has access to improved versions of Battle Maneuvers at lower levels. It's both broken and unoriginal.
What I find absolutely hilarious is that Griffons Saddlebag created the College of Dance first...
...just saying.