Wild Shape is undeniably the feather in the cap of the Druid class in Dungeons & Dragons, and that remains true in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. Changes to the 2024 Wild Shape rules now allow you to use it with greater ease and more often!
Being able to transform into a litany of beasts is one of the main appeals of the Druid for many players. Plus, Druid subclasses often use your Wild Shape as an expendable resource to power their features.
If you’re a fan of playing Druids or are going to have Druids at your table as a Dungeon Master, we’re here to introduce you to the Wild Shape updates found in the 2024 Player’s Handbook.
- Changes to Wild Shape in the 2024 Player’s Handbook
- A Closer Look at 2024 Wild Shape Rules
- 2024 Circle of the Moon Druid Wild Shape Changes
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Changes to Wild Shape in the 2024 Player’s Handbook

Wild Shape functions largely the same in the 2024 Player’s Handbook as it did in the 2014 version, with a few changes made to streamline and clarify usage and make it easier for 2024 Druids to access the feature. We’ll start with a broad overview of both versions for the base Druid class.
If an aspect isn’t listed, there’s no significant change. For example, in both the 2014 and 2024 Wild Shape rules, as a Druid, you gain access to Wild Shape at level 2, and you can stay in your Beast form for a number of hours equal to half your Druid level.
Number of Uses |
Replenishing Uses of Wild Shape |
Hit Points in Wild Shape |
Beast Form Limitations |
Damage in Wild Shape |
A Closer Look at 2024 Wild Shape Rules
Now that you’ve seen a side-by-side comparison of the 2014 and 2024 Wild Shape, let’s talk about some of the major benefits of the 2024 version.
Shifting Wild Shape into a Bonus Action for the 2024 Druid is a major improvement in how easy it is to access your Beast forms during combat. Now your Druid of any subclass can shift into a Brown Bear or Wolf without having to wait a turn to start swinging your claws at foes.
Staying in Wild Shape
One of my personal biggest frustrations with playing a 2014 Druid at higher levels is that during combat, sometimes I’d spend my turn to shift into a Beast form, then before my next turn came around in the Initiative order, I’d take enough damage to push me back out of it. As a result, I’d ostensibly lost a turn and expended a pretty finite resource.
Although you no longer get a separate pool of Hit Points by shape-shifting, getting knocked out of Beast form is harder as you retain your Druid's Hit Points. You also get Temporary Hit Points to act as a buffer.
The 2024 Wild Shape rules really come from a place of understanding that shape-shifting into a Beast is a major appeal of the Druid class. By making it easier to stay in Beast form and allowing you to expend spell slots to replenish a usage of Wild Shape, the 2024 Player’s Handbook is really geared toward making you eager and excited to use this ability.
A new feature for the 2024 Druid is the ability to expend a use of Wild Shape or a spell slot to cast the Find Familiar spell without any material components. This was an optional feature introduced in Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything that is now part of the base class for the 2024 Druid. This means Druids who don’t want to spend their time shape-shifting can still interact with an animal companion! The familiar also now lasts until you finish a Long Rest, rather than a duration tied to your Druid level.
Making Druids a Force to Be Reckoned With
At level 7, the 2024 Druid gets a feature called Elemental Fury. This lets players pick from two options, Primal Strike or Potent Spellcasting. Potent Spellcasting allows you to add your Wisdom modifier to your damage dealt with a Druid cantrip, and at level 15 the range of your ranged cantrips increases by 300 feet.
The Primal Strike option lets you deal an extra 1d8 of Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder damage once per turn with your attacks at level 7, and 2d8 at level 15. This feature leans heavily into the primeval forces that fuel a Druid’s magic. By giving Druids the ability to deal their choice of elemental damage in melee combat, the 2024 Player’s Handbook emphasizes that a Druid is more than just a Wizard in Birkenstocks.
Known Shapes
One thing that might stick out is the new rule on 2024 Druids having a pool of known shapes to choose from for their Wild Shape versus any Beast known to them from the 2014 Druid rules.
What might feel like just a limitation at first glance, this change means DMs and Druid players can be on the same page about whether or not a Beast is known to the Druid. It also helps Druid players have their Beast stat blocks for their Wild Shape forms ready to go when combat begins, not unlike having a prepared spell list ready.
This change also allows for a bit more roleplay inspiration. Having a set number of forms that are known to the 2024 Druid means your druid has spent time thinking about their relationships and reverence for different Beasts and which Wild Shape forms are specifically important to them.
That means you can think about why they chose these forms, what they might have done to study them, and what sort of exercises or rituals they might have done to maintain their hold on those forms during Long Rests. Or, if you choose to swap out a form when completing a Long Rest, consider what your character did to master this new form.
2024 Circle of the Moon Druid Wild Shape Changes

The Circle of the Moon Druid has always been the subclass that doubles down on Wild Shape. If you’re worried that the improvements to the base class take away from the impact of picking this iconic Druid subclass, fret not. Let’s quickly look at some of the ways the 2024 Player’s Handbook beefs up the Circle of the Moon Druid.
Circle Forms — Level 3
The 2024 Circle of the Moon Druid gets a huge boost to your Beast forms. At level 3, your first level in this subclass, your AC in Beast form becomes 13 plus your Wisdom modifier, unless your Beast form’s AC is higher. But you also gain three times your Druid level in Temporary Hit Points, meaning you’ll get 9 Temporary Hit Points at level 3, all the way up to 60 Temporary Hit Points at level 20! The 2024 Circle of the Moon Druid's maximum CR for the form equals your Druid level divided by 3.
Subclasses Now Start at Level 3
In the 2024 Player’s Handbook, subclasses have been standardized as starting at level 3, so classes like Druids, Clerics, and Warlocks that used to get subclasses earlier now get them at 3. To balance out this change, each affected base class also gets some features at earlier levels.
For example, Druids now get a level 1 feature called Primal Order. It allows you to either gain proficiency with Martial weapons and Medium armor or gain an extra cantrip and a boost to your Arcana or Nature checks.
Circle of the Moon Spells — Level 3
Like the 2014 Druid, the base class gains the ability to cast spells in Beast form at level 18, except when a spell consumes a Material component or requires a component of a specific cost. But the 2024 Circle of the Moon Druid can start casting the spells from your Circle of the Moon Spells table as early as level 3! This means you don’t have to choose between staying in your Beast form or casting Cure Wounds on an ally.
Improved Circle Forms — Level 6
At level 6, your Circle of the Moon Druid can choose to deal an attack’s normal damage type or Radiant damage, and you can add your Wisdom modifier to your Constitution saving throws. This replaces the 2014 feature of making your mundane attacks deal magical damage.
Moonlight Step — Level 10
The 2024 Circle of the Moon no longer gains the Elemental Wild Shape feature. It has been replaced by the more moon-flavored Moonlight Step, which allows you to use a Bonus Action to teleport up to 30 feet to an unoccupied space and gain Advantage on your next attack roll before the end of your turn.
Lunar Form — Level 14
The Lunar Form feature at level 14 replaces the Thousand Forms feature of the 2014 Circle of the Moon Druid. With Lunar Form, once per turn you deal an additional 2d10 Radiant damage to a target you hit with a Wild Shape form’s attack. This means at level 15, on a hit you would deal your base damage, plus 2d10 Radiant damage, plus the 2d8 damage of your choice if you picked Primal Strikes as your Elemental Fury. So, note to self: Don’t make a Circle of the Moon Druid want to hit me.
This feature also lets you take a nearby creature with you when you use Moonlight Step to teleport.
Staying Wild
The 2024 Player’s Handbook is now available on the D&D Beyond marketplace, which means it's time to set out on new adventures with fresh or familiar characters!
The 2024 Druid has a lot of versatile new features and improvements, but preserving the impact and excitement of Wild Shape was extremely important. The updated Wild Shape feature still leans into the fantasy of a Druid turning into a ferocious creature to fight on the frontline alongside their party members.
A lot of changes are underway in the 2024 core rules revisions, so stay tuned for additional class, subclass, and features guides as we roll them out. And especially, stay tuned for the 2024 Monster Manual for inspiration for your next Beast forms!
We’re delighted to share with you the changes to fifth edition D&D that appear in the 2024 Player’s Handbook. Make sure to keep an eye out on D&D Beyond for more useful guides on using the wealth of new options, rules, and mechanics found in the 2024 Player's Handbook!

Riley Silverman (@rileyjsilverman) is a contributing writer to D&D Beyond, Nerdist, and SYFY Wire. She DMs the Theros-set Dice Ex Machina for the Saving Throw Show, and has been a player on the Wizards of the Coast-sponsored The Broken Pact. Riley also played as Braga in the official tabletop adaptation of the Rat Queens comic for HyperRPG, and currently plays as The Doctor on the Doctor Who RPG podcast The Game of Rassilon. She currently lives in Los Angeles.
This article was updated on August 13, 2024, to issue corrections or expand coverage for the following features:
- Wild Companion: Expanded coverage to include the familiar now lasts until you finish a Long Rest.
- Potent Spellcasting: Revised to add that this feature increases your cantrip's range at level 15.
- Primal Strike: Clarifed that the elemental damage dealt is extra.
- Improved Circle Forms: Revised to add that this feature allows you to add your Wisdom modifier to Constitution saving throws.
- Lunar Form: Added that this feature allows you to take a nearby willing creature when you Moonlight Step.
Since IIRC the split in survey's about Stats or Templates was about 50%, it would have been nice to have both options. But in my opinion, stats are better than templates, if harder to use.
Huzzah! Moon Druid that actually feels moon-flavored!
I think they landed on a really good balance of tweaks here, between ease-of-use, power, and flexibility. Great job, designers!
"When you transform you gain THP equal to your druid level."
Does this mean a lvl 15 moon druid only gets 15 thp (or 45 thp expending all uses of wildshape)?
I get druids needed to be nerfed at lower levels but this just makes them even worse at high level play
they should have made wildshape's temp hp instead its own hp pool like wizard's abjuration ward, that way they could still use temp hp spells to bolster themselves more and have more options.
I understand wanting to change from using the beast's HP pool but this seems too limited to use in combat when you'd be more powerful just staying in your normal form casting your spells and using armor of agathys to get more temp hp than your wildshape temp hp
Moon druids get x3 temp HP per level.
Since you can always speak while in Wildshape now, does that mean you can also cast spells in wildshape from level 2?
Only moon druids get to use (a limited selection of) spells from level 3. The other circles have to wait until much later.
Where is the warlock changes page for 2024? They released the video earlier than the druid video.
I'm still curious about a couple of things:
The start of this post: "If an aspect isn’t listed, there’s no significant change".
I’m not a fan of these changes
Am I the only one that thinks it makes no sense for all classes to gain their subclass at level 3? Why would a Cleric and a Warlock not get their's at level 1 when the entire point of their power is that they get it from another being.
The start of this post: "If an aspect isn’t listed, there’s no significant change".
- deffdefying:
yes but these are clarifications on the new abilities which may be seen differently. Also the forms of the druid weren't expanded upon but we know they are changing, just looking for clarification not criticism <3
Will there be no article about warlock changes? Every class got one so far except them
Not sure if it's as bad as the pally changes but yikes
You missed the part where it says moon druids get 3x their level in temp hp. So they would get 45 thp at 15th level for just one wildshape or 135 thp with all wildshapes.
Moon druid gets 3x level in temporary hp on a use of wildshape.
I was sad to see Circle of Stars go away, but glad that some of its flavor has been incorporated into the new Circle of Moon. I really like these changes.
Temp hp equal to your level is just a nothing burger.
It's barely enough to tank a single hit at whatever level you're at.