With schools and businesses closed and much of the world under quarantine, many members of the D&D community are at home more than ever. Playing a game with your quarantine crew or online with friends is a great way to bridge the social distance, and D&D Beyond is offering the following free resources to help you play at home while you stay at home!
Campaign Content Sharing
During these trying times we want you to be able to play more games online with your friends and family. To help, we're temporarily increasing the campaign limit on Content Sharing from 3 campaigns to 5 until the end of the year. When this period ends, you will keep content sharing for any campaigns for which you have it enabled (so you won't "lose" anything), but you won't be able to turn content sharing on for any new campaigns until you have less than three campaigns with sharing enabled.
Free Adventures
Plunge into playing with the following free adventures. This section will be updated as more content becomes available!
Further Reading and Viewing
D&D Beyond is full of articles written to help you enhance your game, and playing during quarantine has been a special focus of late. Learn everything you need to know about using DDB, a guide to how to play online, and advice on how to find a D&D group. Our YouTube channel is also full of essential viewing, including a guide to getting started playing D&D, how to play D&D online, an introduction to Avrae, D&D Beyond's Discord Bot, or even a light-hearted musical parody.