Halfling Species Details
Cherished and guided by gods who value life, home, and hearth, halflings gravitate toward bucolic havens where family and community help shape their lives. That said, many halflings possess a brave and adventurous spirit that leads them on journeys of discovery, affording them the chance to explore a bigger world and make new friends along the way. Their size—similar to that of a human child—helps them pass through crowds unnoticed and slip through tight spaces.
Anyone who has spent time around halflings, particularly halfling adventurers, has likely witnessed the storied “luck of the halflings” in action. When a halfling is in mortal danger, an unseen force seems to intervene on the halfling’s behalf. Many halflings believe in the power of luck, and they attribute their unusual gift to one or more of their benevolent gods, including Yondalla, Brandobaris, and Charmalaine. The same gift might contribute to their robust life spans (about 150 years).
Halfling communities come in all varieties. For every sequestered shire tucked away in an unspoiled part of the world, there’s a crime syndicate like the Boromar Clan in the Eberron setting or a territorial mob of halflings like those in the Dark Sun setting.
Halflings who prefer to live underground are sometimes called strongheart halflings or stouts. Nomadic halflings, as well as those who live among humans and other tall folk, are sometimes called lightfoot halflings or tallfellows.
Halfling Traits
Creature Type: Humanoid
Size: Small (about 2–3 feet tall)
Speed: 30 feet
You have Advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end the Frightened condition.
Halfling Nimbleness
You can move through the space of any creature that is a size larger than you, but you can’t stop in the same space.
When you roll a 1 on the d20 of a D20 Test, you can reroll the die, and you must use the new roll.
Naturally Stealthy
You can take the Hide action even when you are obscured only by a creature that is at least one size larger than you.
Erm... Halfling doesn't give the Halfling language? Is that right?
All characters get 3 languages by default now: Common, plus 2 more that you choose (which one could be halfling)
Thanks. I guess there could be halflings who don't know their native language for some reason. But yes I used one of the language slots. Was hoping I could get it for free!
Why is the art so small?! I know halflings are small but the art doesn't have to be.
I mean... getting it for free is based on your DM. If you want it for free, they have the power to just give you the language. I swear, it's like people seem to think this game is a video game and can't have things dynamically added later or that there's not an admin (aka the DM) who they can approach with these questions.
Also, there are plenty of reasons halflings, or any race, wouldn't know their own language. No different than real life where there are plenty of Hispanics who don't know any Spanish, for example.
What's the expected weight range for a halfling? And the expected lifespan?
150 years, 70-100ish pounds
Halfling Clockwork Soul Sorcerer with both the Lucky feat and Bountiful Luck racial feat.
You're welcome :D
One of my players took advantage of this idea to create an interesting back story where she was raised by orcs and knows the orcish language instead of her native language. I personally think that this is a great story telling device
What happens to the subraces???
What happened to +X amount of stats?
thats determined by Background now
how do we choose between a Stout or Lightfoot Halfling?
halfing VERY cool 4/5
hear me out....hafling-goblin. they get extra points in stealth but are super greedy.
my mommy
my mother 2?
my mommy
An average halfling would be around 35-40 pounds, though there might be some variation if you’d want a bigger or thinner character. They can live well into their hundreds, maybe on average ~130-150.