Casting Time
1 Action
90 ft
V, S, M *
Acid (...)
A shimmering green arrow streaks toward a target within range and bursts in a spray of acid. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target takes 4d4 acid damage immediately and 2d4 acid damage at the end of its next turn. On a miss, the arrow splashes the target with acid for half as much of the initial damage and no damage at the end of its next turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage (both initial and later) increases by 1d4 for each slot level above 2nd.
* - (powdered rhubarb leaf and an adder’s stomach)
What is the real book reference of this spell ? For example the spell "Sleep" indicates "Basic Rules, pg. 276" as a reference (which I would translate as PHB 276), how this spell also indicate "Basic Rules" but is nowhere to be found in the Player's Handbook.
From what I can tell, this spell is exactly the same as Melf's acid arrow, which is phb pg. 259
This version (Basic Rules) says Available for:
However Melf's Acid Arrow (PHB) says Available for:
Now, either one or both of these are correct, but this is blatantly the same spell without Melf's Accreditation, just like they did with Tenser, Tasha, & Mordenkainen, amongst others.
Legal Liabilities aside, there is a clear discrepancy in the Classes this Spell is available for, and it should be addressed.
Isn't it actually called Melf's Acid Arrow?
I have to say Eldritch knight and Arcane trickster choose their spell from the wizard spell list, so both are correct in the way that they are doing the same and available to those archetype anyway. i think it's really only a legal thing with "names".
Yes, except that the Alchemist is missing from this listing, and the Eldritch Knight & Arcane Trickster is missing from Melf's Acid Arrow. This Spell is Melf's Acid Arrow. The only difference between the two is this one is in the Basic Rules, whilst Melf's Acid Arrow is in the PHB. So an Alchemist without the PHB is incapable of getting this Spell apparently.
Basic Rules is its own book. Free digitally to all players as the “starter” book before you buy the handbook
This is such a poor spell. I have no idea why they ruined it. There is no way this spell is better to use than magic missile. MM always hits, and when cast at 2nd level, does 4d4+4 which is probably going to be better than the damage this spell does. And casting it at even high levels, continues to do more damage....with no chance of missing. This spell really needs to be redone. It used to have splash damage. That would be something to make it worth it.
Stop giving the spells different names, or make it possible to turn off. Please. I don’t want this nonexistent spell to keep popping up whenever I try to look at a list of spells.
Yeah, but swamp druid and alchemist do not get magic missile.
And they shouldn't. I just don't get the design of it. Why not have it just be a DC save? Why have an attack roll spell that still does something on a miss? I'm sure those two classes will find a better use of a second level spell than this one.
not really, druid don't have really that many level 1 or 2 blasting spells and alchemist gets a +INT to acid arrow to damage. and the reason your roll t is because you're more likely to hit than a dex saves and also you can crit, making the spell a little better.
Plenty of spells have attack rolls that dos something on a miss, see lightning arrow for example.
To put numbers to the argument, Magic Missile does (1d4+1)*4 when cast at second level (Average of 14 damage). On a hit, this spell does 6d4, average of 15.
At 3rd level Magic Missile does (1d4+1)*5, average of 17. On a hit, this spell does 8d4, average of 20.
At 4th level Magic Missile does (1d4+1)*6, average of 21. On a hit, this spell does 10d4, average of 25.
The pattern goes on. While in direct damage, magic missile does better (as it can't miss), this spell is more of a risk vs reward spell, higher average damage, but the chance to miss. Although, at second level alone it isn't worth it, and upcasting is pointless when you can instead just deal an average of 28 fire damage to every creature in a 20ft radius for the same 3rd level slot. I feel like giving it a small splash radius would be a good buff for this spell
How is it my level 5 Artificer is ending up with both Acid Arrow and Melf's Acid Arrow, both as Always Prepared? I would like to be able to swap out one of them for another spell. No point in having 2 of the same. Bug in the builder?
The only bug is that it's showing both when you're just supposed to have one of them, but you shouldn't able to swap it out.
You're probably an alchemist, as I saw the same thing. It's just giving you both forms of acid arrow as always prepared, alongside the other spell you're supposed to have always prepared. They're the same spell, and take the same spot in your "known spells", it just lists it twice.
The main part is that MM can miss, if the target has shield. So if nothing else you know that the target will at least get acid damage with this regardless if it hits through shield or misses.
A few corrections... 4d4+4 is not "probably going to do more damage" than 6d4 damage. It's probably going to do more (assuming it hits). Only one more, considering the average of a d4 is 2.5, but more is more. You also said casting magic missile at higher levels continues to do more damage... Yes... Each additional level deals and additional 1d4+1 damage... Each additional level of acid damage boosts it be 2d4 (1 initial and 1 later).
Furthermore, yes, force damage is often considered one of the best types in the game... But it also may be the one with the least synergy. There's no transmuting or elemental adept for magic missile. Alchemists can't add their Intelligence modifier to magic missile damage rolls... It also counts as an attack for all of the things that require an an attack (e.g. hex, which you can easily get with a variety of feats without needing to multiclass). Also, being an attack means you can crit with it. You cannot crit with magic missile.
Most importantly, though... Wizards aren't the only ones who get this spell... And it is entirely possible that you have a wizard who did not pick up magic missile, but found a scroll or spellbooks with acid arrow recorded... Or acid arrow fits you better narratively.
Magic missile is mostly just a concentration breaker... Acid arrow is similar... But has the potential to break a creature's concentration TWICE in a single round. Guaranteed damage on the initial cast (half of 4d4 on a miss), then an additional 2d4 AT THE END OF THEIR TURN. If they cast a concentration spell, immediate do a concentration saving throw immediately after casting.
Oh, right. You also don't need to see the target to try and hit them with an acid arrow.
Would I pick this over magic missile? Probably not... But the only class who can make that choice can add both to their list of spells without wasting a new spell learned.
Kind of bizarre that sorcerers don't get access to this spell. Its not even that strong but at least being able to twin it would make it somewhat redeemable.
Like a divine soul sorcerer can twin guiding bolt but for some reason your regular sorcerer can't use take this (at least as written).
list the name appropriately, Melf's acid arrow