Casting Time
1 Action
30 ft
V, S, M *
8 Hours
Your spell bolsters your allies with toughness and resolve. Choose up to three creatures within range. Each target's hit point maximum and current hit points increase by 5 for the duration.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, a target's hit points increase by an additional 5 for each slot level above 2nd.
* - (a tiny strip of white cloth)
Since the spell Aid doesn't add temporary hit points (it just adds 5 health) can a character benefit from multiple castings of the Aid from the same spellcaster?
No, sorry. See PHB p.205 (or here on D&D beyond):
Thanks, I was looking for that clause in the PHB!
I notice that the Higher Levels section says "a target" instead of "each target", does that mean if you cast this as a level 3, one target gets 10 and the others get 5 each (a total of 20), or 10 to each target (a total of 30)?
10 to each. When it says target it just means those who are affected.
However if you have a different spell like false life. That would stack because this raises your hit points while false life gives you temp.
Aid not using temporary hit points is super confusing for how it interacts with other abilities and what happens when it wears off.
Don't know if this is the right place to ask this but... I'm running a campaign with the GGR and one of my players is a Lv.4 Gloom Stalker Ranger with the Selesnya Initiate background.
In the GGR is stated that as part of the Guild Spells available to him he has an Aid spell (but is marked as a Lv. 1 spell) at his disposal. When he's building his character sheet in D&D Beyond we can't manage to figure out how to add this spell to his prepared/learned spells, I can only assume it is because he doesn't have spell slots of 2nd lvl. Anyone knows how to fix this? Should I have to create a spell that is the same as Aid but as a lvl 1?
Open to any comments and insight.
What did you decide in the end? Aid shows up just fine when the ranger gets L2 slots.
Oh, hi.
Forgot I had it on this thread too, I got a reply from a Mod in the Bugs & Support Thread, I'll copy the answer here:
So this came up because I'm using both the paperback and digital book, but during the character creation/leveling up we were using paperback (easier to refer to) and in the printed version it states Aid as a Lvl 1 spell for the Selesnya Initiate background, apparently this was an error, but then the same error was repeated while transcribing the digital compendium. As per the moderator reply, this issue was fixed.
Happy New Year!
If you're a warlock Multiclassed into Ranger using the variant rules, this effect can last indefinitely. Doesn't require concentration and you get the spell slot back on a short rest.
Aid is a good defense against Power Words.
Since Aid does not just add temporary hit points, what is the best way for my players to reflect those hit points on their dnd beyond character sheet? Adjust the max hp modifier? Mark it in the override max hp box? Do either of those reset when you take a long rest?
Thanks for any help.
hey the_daver - that's exactly what we do. Use the Max HP Modifier when you click on HP and add 5, 10, 15 based on the level Aid is cast. When the character takes a long rest, dndbeyond cleans it up and removes them.
Can aid be cast on yourself?
As a fun sidenote. THi spell increases max hp but it also increases current hp. meaning it can increase from 0 to 5 (or more when upcast).
So. This is basically a pseudo Mass Healing word/cure wounds. Alchemist artificers enjoy it greatly. Healing Word/mass is great for distance spread out healing. But Aid up close can be upcast to say 5 (Same as mass cure wounds) and straight up pick up 3 allies and set them to 20hp. Which is quite nice.
Doesn't work with alchemical savant, nor does it work with life cleric stuff. As you are not actually "healing" you're just increasing their current HP.