Casting Time
1 Action
(10 ft )
V, S
1 Hour
Control (...)
A shimmering barrier extends out from you in a 10-foot radius and moves with you, remaining centered on you and hedging out creatures other than undead and constructs. The barrier lasts for the duration.
The barrier prevents an affected creature from passing or reaching through. An affected creature can cast spells or make attacks with ranged or reach weapons through the barrier.
If you move so that an affected creature is forced to pass through the barrier, the spell ends.
Can the caster make a melee attack through it? (I want to say yes as I read "hedging out" as just preventing incoming direction and not outgoing direction)
So would this scenario work:
I cast Antilife shell on myself > Dragon tries to make a Claw, Bite, and Tail Attack > All attacks are repelled by the barrier even if the Tail attack has a reach of 15ft because it's not a weapon attack but is an extension of the Dragon's living body. Thoughts?
The caster is an affected creature as well: "The barrier prevents an affected creature from passing or reaching through."
Once you try to take a step to get a distance of 10' the last line of the spell kicks in: "If you move so that an affected creature is forced to pass through the barrier, the spell ends."
Very cool. Thank you
According to RAW only Spells, Ranged Weapons, and melee weapons with Reach can get through the barrier.
Sounds like it could repel most attacks from a dragon then 💪
Yeah, but it extends from the caster and moves with them, with the caster always being the center of the bubble. You physically cannot force the "affected creature to be forced to pass" rule to apply to yourself unless you can physically stretch past 10 feet (assuming it's a perfect sphere that is centered on your center, and doesn't change its shape depending on if you are in a T pose, for instance). If your physical body doesn't have the ability to have over 10 feet of reach, it's literally impossible to cause that line to trigger for yourself. The only way is to force another creature into that range.
If, for whatever reason, you DO have that reach, all you gotta do is extend your arms to just shy of 10ft, and use your melee weapon to go through it, which shouldn't be a problem, as the barrier isn't invisible. Or just use a spear and call it a day...
Or, to make things even simpler, just have the caster be a warforged or undead, that way it doesn't matter what its physically wingspan is.
Besides, the part about the spell ending early only applies to when a creature is *forced* to pass. I'd imagine that this means you can't kill something by pinning it between a wall and your spell, but I think it also implies that it can be used to push creatures out of the way, so it won't automatically end if you are walking forward and fail to notice an ant on the ground, causing your spell slot to be wasted...
Yeah, it can probably repel most physical attacks from the dragon. Isn't going to do much against breath attacks, throwing things, lair effects like ceiling falling/blinding/storms/sinkholes, any spells the dragon might have for whatever reason, or 10ft long claws if your DM thinks claws aren't considered part of the "living" aspect and instead part of the "weapon" part of "natural weapons", and they want to be extra cruel.
So try not to rush a dragon the instant you can use this spell, if you can't handle it without the spell.
In the 1st line, spell states: the spell moves with you.
Does this spell gently push (in the time it takes to form) non-"undead/constructs" (affected) away to a 10 ft radius upon initial cast?
And if you run in a straight line into affected, does that mean the affected get pushed out of the way?
Can the affected push a movable object while they are pushed out of the way without breaking the barrier?
>Can the affected push a movable object while they are pushed out of the way without breaking the barrier?<
"If you move so that an affected creature is forced to pass through the barrier, the spell ends."
No, if you move it into another creature's space, it ends. However, if your barbarian throws a goblin at the barrier, that does not end it.
What I wanna know is how many affected creatures there can be?
And can you choose people to not be affected?
I have this spell for one of my characters, and I want to know if I can get the whole party in my magic shell then just destroy the enemies.
ten foot diameter or radius
You cannot. The barrier would extend our from you and if others of the party were inside of it they could not pass through either
It would work for the caster to attack out of the shell if they use a ranged option or your melee attack has a range greater than 10 ft as the shell is a 10ft radius from your body.
Though it does not say, I assume the caster is not hedged out.
Late reply but posting it here for other people, the spell says it's centered on you and moves with you, meaning you are at the center of a 20 ft diameter sphere that makes up Antilife Shell.
No listed number so everything is effected unless otherwise invalid.
No specific statement about the caster excluding targets, so unless they're within 10ft when cast, they're stuck outside (and those inside are stuck inside)
This needs to be re-written.
Can an outsider teleport into the area?
Teleport/dimension door/Misty step are all spells. Spells pass through the barrier.
Can a spell "tunnel" its caster past the barrier, inside the "bubble" created by the spell?
If not, what happens?