Casting Time
1 Action
30 ft
V, S, M *
1 Minute
You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
* - (a sprinkling of holy water)
Has this ever been addressed? I am not seeing any way to notate that a character is blessed.
Barbarians cant spellcast!
should be a cantrip.
Stupid rules question: Is the d4 rolled with every roll that uses bless: aka every saving throw and attack throw or is it rolled once and then added for the duration?
Does this effect hits or damage rolls?
Attack rolls (d20 to hit)
Would love if you could check "Bless" under Conditions in your character view.
In every party I play there's either a paladin or a cleric and the party get's buffed with "Bless" very often. When I'm playing with D&D Beyond and also using it for dice rolls it gets pretty annoying to every time add the d4. So there should be a condition called "Bless" that you can active and everytime you roll you automatically roll a d4 to atk rolls and saving throws.
it is rolled every time together with the d20 as long as the spell is active.
What does the white "C" in the black diamond mean?
It means "concentration" bro/sis
Does Resistance stack on top of Bless (giving 2d4 on a single Saving Throw)?
I was wondering - would it be possible to add Bless (and Bane for that matter) to the "Conditions" Pane on the character sheet? Would be awesome if I just could switch "Bless" to "active" and have the D4 roll automatically with all my attack rolls and such.
if someone did create water and then had someone cast bless would it become blessed water or holy water? if that works
Does it help with death saves or allow Imogen another save to recover her sanity?
Early on, yes, absolutely. The best spell for any Tier 1 and 2 parties out there. After that, the party should have other sources such as Potions of Heroism and the Cleric should really be concentrating on more powerful spells.
Whole minute
I'm new to DND, is there a die I need to roll to cast this? How do I make this work
No, you don't need to roll a die to cast this spell. Mostly you only need to roll a die to cast a spell if it's a spell that's attacking something. Spells like this one that are intended to affect yourself or your allies generally just happen without the need to roll anything. So, generally you would just tell the DM that you're casting this spell, choose the three creatures to cast it on, and check off a spell slot of the appropriate level.