Casting Time
1 Action
30 ft
V, S, M *
1 Minute
You bless up to three creatures of your choice within range. Whenever a target makes an attack roll or a saving throw before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the attack roll or saving throw.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st.
* - (a sprinkling of holy water)
Does this continualy apply for the whole minute or just for one use?
Whole minute. its a concentration spell
Can you add this to conditions or to.your character sheet of you have been blessed?
I wouldn't bother writing it down it's temporary
This has to be one of the best spells in the entire game.
My question is does "attack rolls" include spell attacks?
Since it does not differentiate I would say it does include spell attacks. Unless the spell requires the target to make a DC save.
According to Sage Advice: Yes, it is Attack Roll (Any) if it does not specify Weapon or Spell Explicitly, the same for Melee/Ranged as well.
This page is missing the Divine Soul (Law Origin) Sorcerer Archetype Tag
do the "blessed" creatures have to remain within 30ft of the caster? or just be within 30ft at the moment of casting?
Divine Soul,any alignment, get full access to Cleric list, that's why.
No, it's specifically an Archetype Spell, so it's Always Prepared by them, so it's actually missing the Tag.
Only needs to be in range during the casting, not during the concentration. The wording is specific for exactly such a reason.
Edit: nvm I figured it out!!
Does casting this spell use up the holy water, or do you just need holy water on your person to cast it?
You just need it on your person, and even that can be waved if you have your holy symbol/arcane focus on hand.
useless- unless youre a 1st level barbarian, as the more damage the better
Does this mean this applies to every attack and Save for that whole minute, or just one attack or save of your choice during that minute?
Every attack and save for the whole minute, or until concentration is broken.
pretty cool thanks for clearing it up
A Yuan-ti Pureblood multiclasser with 6 levels of paladin, and 10 levels of war magic wizard would have stupid high saves with this running......
I aways take Resilience: CON or WIS, so that would mean three STUPID high saves, and 3 which are just really high. Pally adds +5 to all saves, Yuan-ti gives advantage to spell or magical effect saves, War Wizard gives +4 t save as a reaction, and +2 at level 10 if you have a concentration spell running. Bless adds a d4. Take 1 level of divine soul sorcerer for 2d4 to a save once per short rest. Make it an ancients Pally to take half magical damage....
Crazy build. Laugh Mind Flayers off.... Start with paladin, and wear plate armour, defensive stance and shield to have 21 armour, without any other magical bonuses from magical armour. Take shield spell for +5 armour as reaction.
Almost Untouchable.