Casting Time
1 Action
(15 ft )
V, S
DEX Save
As you hold your hands with thumbs touching and fingers spread, a thin sheet of flames shoots forth from your outstretched fingertips. Each creature in a 15-foot cone must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The fire ignites any flammable objects in the area that aren't being worn or carried.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above 1st.
This is basically level one fire ball
This spell does not show up on my list of actions for my fiend warlock even though It does show up on my list of known spells.
I like to flavor this as a kamehameha, cause my players pretty much just make anime characters.
So... 2 hands free to cast this spell? Or is that just some flavour text?
if using a wand or staff, you can creatively hold them with your thumbs against your hands without the need for your fingers. There is an image in the player's handbook of someone casting the spell that can help you brainstorm ways.
I think this matches the description fairly well, and is also made of fire
I personally like this one even though it is not as strong as other spells is good an reliable.
The warlock spell stuff isn't guaranteed spells, it's just a spell list extension.
With this one spell one of my payers got himself banned form half of a empire.
What is the angle of the cone? As wide as the player can spread his fingers with the thumbs still touching?
A cone area of effect is as wide at any point as the distance from the point of origin. So a 15' cone is 15' wide at the end.
The actual angle, for what it's worth, is 1 radian, or about 57 degrees.
Casting word:
Palmus Ignitium
I have burning hands vs hellish rebuke. The savings throw its a dex. save. "Failed dex save", the recipient has a 2nd lvl. damage of 1d6+1/lvl. points = to 4d6+1. "Saved is half damage." I would roll 4d6+1 at my lvl.÷2.
Burning Hands replaces Hellish Rebuke. And when a victim saves w/Dex., that creature recieves half damage. Unsaved, I roll 4d6+1. Saved roll = to 4d6+1÷2 points of damage. This can be done only once a day. No ki is used that I know of. I was able to choose this at 4th lvl. I found out that can be done.
this deals more damage than other 1st level spells, and it targets multiple creatures. this is overpowered for a 1st level spell
a very handy little spell. While my colleagues were engaged in melee with a half-dozen Twig Blights, my 3rd level female, Light cleric stayed in the back ready to assist as needed when we were ambushed from behind by three, dragon cultists storming out of a building. She was able to Burning Hands the cultists, as the party cleared the path (15' cone), for her to turn around and cast again to flame the blights. It cost two slots, but we would've been in serious trouble being attacked on two fronts.
That’s just cod-Latin for ‘burning palm’. The actual spell words are: “Kair tangus miopiar.” Source: Dragons of Autumn Twilight, as cast by Raistlin.
Lol what? Thunderwave does 2 less at max, is a much better damage type, is effectively the same range, and pushes on a fail. It also upcasts better, burning hands becomes practically worthless by 3rd level.